Glaring evidence Obama is transforming America into a larger version of North Korea

If there is one country in the world that you would not want to live in, it would be North Korea. Unfortunately, the United States of America is becoming more like North Korea with each passing day. North Korea is a totalitarian police state hellhole where the state rules supreme, the “leader” is lavishly worshipped, no dissent is tolerated, and the government micromanages everything. America is supposed to be the opposite of that, but now Barack Obama is implementing his version of “change” and he has promised to engage in the “remaking” of this nation and to transform it “brick by brick“. A tremendous “cult of personality” has been built up around Obama, and under his leadership the U.S. government has become larger and more repressive than ever before. But do we really want to “change” America so that it more closely resembles totalitarian regimes such as North Korea, communist China, the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany? After all, all of those regimes have a nightmarish history of brutality and death. Even today, there are starving North Koreans that are eating their own children. Is that really where we want to end up as a nation?

The truth is that we desperately need to take America in the opposite direction of where Barack Obama is trying to take us. We need a much smaller federal government, a much greater emphasis on freedom and liberty, a return to true free market capitalism, and politicians that are willing to take a low profile and that are actually there to serve the American people.

But what we need and what we are getting are two very different things.
The following are 22 signs that Barack Obama is transforming America into a larger version of North Korea…

» 22 Signs That Barack Obama Is Transforming America Into A Larger Version Of North Korea Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

This thread is glaring evidence of OP’s paranoid, partisan idiocy.
No one is commenting on the facts. It's quite easy to compare Obama's agenda, point for point, to other socialist/communist countries. What you see is a blueprint for changing this country into something it was never meant to be. If people would actually read on what Obama's plans are and get away from the talking points, they might be enlightened.

What Obama says and what actually happens are two different things, much like with his promise of no new taxes and the bogus promises to sell Obamacare. You have to be ignorant to keep believing what he says after he has failed to keep promises and has outright lied time and time again.
Yep, just like North Korea!


The radical right has become the ridiculous right.
A key Obama ally in the U.S House of Representatives, Congressman José Serrano of New York, has introduced a measure that would repeal the 22nd Amendment of the U.S. Constitution so that Barack Obama can continue to run for additional terms as president after his second term ends.

House Resolution Introduced to Remove Presidential Term Limits :
You mean they didn't do that while George W. Bush was President? Comes across as one-way manipulative behavior driving legislation. :rolleyes:
If there is one country in the world that you would not want to live in, it would be North Korea. Unfortunately, the United States of America is becoming more like North Korea with each passing day. North Korea is a totalitarian police state hellhole where the state rules supreme, the “leader” is lavishly worshipped, no dissent is tolerated, and the government micromanages everything. America is supposed to be the opposite of that, but now Barack Obama is implementing his version of “change” and he has promised to engage in the “remaking” of this nation and to transform it “brick by brick“. A tremendous “cult of personality” has been built up around Obama, and under his leadership the U.S. government has become larger and more repressive than ever before. But do we really want to “change” America so that it more closely resembles totalitarian regimes such as North Korea, communist China, the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany? After all, all of those regimes have a nightmarish history of brutality and death. Even today, there are starving North Koreans that are eating their own children. Is that really where we want to end up as a nation?

The truth is that we desperately need to take America in the opposite direction of where Barack Obama is trying to take us. We need a much smaller federal government, a much greater emphasis on freedom and liberty, a return to true free market capitalism, and politicians that are willing to take a low profile and that are actually there to serve the American people.

But what we need and what we are getting are two very different things.
The following are 22 signs that Barack Obama is transforming America into a larger version of North Korea…

» 22 Signs That Barack Obama Is Transforming America Into A Larger Version Of North Korea Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

LMAO :lmao:
This is hilarious. You are so paranoid and delusional. Sad, really.
If there is one country in the world that you would not want to live in, it would be North Korea. Unfortunately, the United States of America is becoming more like North Korea with each passing day. North Korea is a totalitarian police state hellhole where the state rules supreme, the “leader” is lavishly worshipped, no dissent is tolerated, and the government micromanages everything. America is supposed to be the opposite of that, but now Barack Obama is implementing his version of “change” and he has promised to engage in the “remaking” of this nation and to transform it “brick by brick“. A tremendous “cult of personality” has been built up around Obama, and under his leadership the U.S. government has become larger and more repressive than ever before. But do we really want to “change” America so that it more closely resembles totalitarian regimes such as North Korea, communist China, the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany? After all, all of those regimes have a nightmarish history of brutality and death. Even today, there are starving North Koreans that are eating their own children. Is that really where we want to end up as a nation?

The truth is that we desperately need to take America in the opposite direction of where Barack Obama is trying to take us. We need a much smaller federal government, a much greater emphasis on freedom and liberty, a return to true free market capitalism, and politicians that are willing to take a low profile and that are actually there to serve the American people.

LMAO. Woofwoof woofwoofwoof. And woof. Fuking rottys. dumbest dogs I ever met.

But what we need and what we are getting are two very different things.
The following are 22 signs that Barack Obama is transforming America into a larger version of North Korea…

» 22 Signs That Barack Obama Is Transforming America Into A Larger Version Of North Korea Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

woofwoof. This is true to. Woofwoof. N. Koreans and people of California eat their children.
This is true. Koreans prefer theirs with soysauce, people in Cali. with a nice glass of chardonay.

I saw it on fox and friends and it was repeated by a dumb dog, so it must be true.
Good Job Rott. Keep up the good work. We need a super majority in the Senate and control of the House in 2014.

N. Korea? Hahahahahahahahahaha.
Good Job Rott. Keep up the good work. We need a super majority in the Senate and control of the House in 2014.

N. Korea? Hahahahahahahahahaha.

As I always say, break out the Thank You cards.

You guys don't even need to fund-raise.


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