Glenn Beck Airs New ACORN Video - Murder?

So I ask for a link to this "Acorn" story and a bunch of people say it's all people have been talking about and it's all over the news while others say, "media blackout". Some even accused me of being "anti child" and suggesting worse.

So I think, "Wow, what have I missed?" I go looking. I find it at:

Big Government

AND find out that FOX "news" is the only network that will report it. FOX News?

Wait a second. Is that the "news" station that alter photos of people they don't like?

Fox News airs altered photos of NY Times reporters | Media Matters for America

So I wonder, "Is this similar to when Republicans tried to say Obama was getting bj's and crack from a pathetic, overweight, middle aged homeless man".

So I go and check it out and it's worse.

First, the videos are so heavily edited that sometimes it seems whoever is asking those questions and who is answering are talking to different people. If you "really" want to know "what is being said", you have to read the "transcripts".

Look at the one woman who said she killed her husband in "self defense". Obviously, she boasting more than a Republican congressman (spankie, spankie). And take a look at her. She's damaged. Actually, they ALL look damaged. You get the feeling, not so much an expose, but more Borat.

Wanna bet this "film crew" went to a hundred different places before settling for ex hookers and people that look like they might be high or drunk.

This wasn't to "clean up the community". This wasn't to make sure people were following the law. This was strictly an attempt to tie Obama to a bunch of sad and pathetic people.

Hmmm. Sad and pathetic people. Fox news and the Republicans?

Def of Synonym: a word having the same or nearly the same meaning as another in the language,
a word or expression accepted as another name for something,

In the meantime, Cigna keeps corporate jets on standby for tens of millions of dollars and has gold plated silverware.

Sick for Profit - Insurance CEOs

And Republicans love it.

I expected no less from you RD. Even the Senate voted 83-7 to cut the funding to ACORN after the scandals. But go ahead say what you may....but drink some Kool-Aid....gotta keep the stupidity fresh.

You guys are drinking the kook-aid. You're going after poor people who are trying to make a buck. Look at this guy, he paid. How many at Halliburton paid? Tens of thousands of people lost their life savings and Republicans go after someone who is scrambling to make 8 bucks an hour? He paid for what he did. But it's really sad. Republicans, wasting their time on something like this when Rome burns. Pathetic.

Ex-ACORN worker: 'I paid the price' for voter registration fraud -

But University of Washington law professor Eric Schnapper says the idea of fake cards turning into real votes is a myth.

"There are no known instances of fictitious people actually voting," Schnapper said. "You look at some of the names: Mickey Mouse. Dr. Seuss. Mickey Mouse only votes in Disneyland. He's not going to show up at a critical precinct in West Virginia or North Carolina."

Schnapper said that if anyone should be upset, it's ACORN.

"The victims of this are the people who paid these workers $8 an hour to go out and find legitimate voters, and ... they didn't get their $8 worth; they put down phony names," Schnapper said.
So I ask for a link to this "Acorn" story and a bunch of people say it's all people have been talking about and it's all over the news while others say, "media blackout". Some even accused me of being "anti child" and suggesting worse.

So I think, "Wow, what have I missed?" I go looking. I find it at:

Big Government

AND find out that FOX "news" is the only network that will report it. FOX News?

Wait a second. Is that the "news" station that alter photos of people they don't like?

Fox News airs altered photos of NY Times reporters | Media Matters for America

So I wonder, "Is this similar to when Republicans tried to say Obama was getting bj's and crack from a pathetic, overweight, middle aged homeless man".

So I go and check it out and it's worse.

First, the videos are so heavily edited that sometimes it seems whoever is asking those questions and who is answering are talking to different people. If you "really" want to know "what is being said", you have to read the "transcripts".

Look at the one woman who said she killed her husband in "self defense". Obviously, she boasting more than a Republican congressman (spankie, spankie). And take a look at her. She's damaged. Actually, they ALL look damaged. You get the feeling, not so much an expose, but more Borat.

Wanna bet this "film crew" went to a hundred different places before settling for ex hookers and people that look like they might be high or drunk.

This wasn't to "clean up the community". This wasn't to make sure people were following the law. This was strictly an attempt to tie Obama to a bunch of sad and pathetic people.

Hmmm. Sad and pathetic people. Fox news and the Republicans?

Def of Synonym: a word having the same or nearly the same meaning as another in the language,
a word or expression accepted as another name for something,

In the meantime, Cigna keeps corporate jets on standby for tens of millions of dollars and has gold plated silverware.

Sick for Profit - Insurance CEOs

And Republicans love it.

I expected no less from you RD. Even the Senate voted 83-7 to cut the funding to ACORN after the scandals. But go ahead say what you may....but drink some Kool-Aid....gotta keep the stupidity fresh.

You guys are drinking the kook-aid. You're going after poor people who are trying to make a buck. Look at this guy, he paid. How many at Halliburton paid? Tens of thousands of people lost their life savings and Republicans go after someone who is scrambling to make 8 bucks an hour? He paid for what he did. But it's really sad. Republicans, wasting their time on something like this when Rome burns. Pathetic.

Ex-ACORN worker: 'I paid the price' for voter registration fraud -

But University of Washington law professor Eric Schnapper says the idea of fake cards turning into real votes is a myth.

"There are no known instances of fictitious people actually voting," Schnapper said. "You look at some of the names: Mickey Mouse. Dr. Seuss. Mickey Mouse only votes in Disneyland. He's not going to show up at a critical precinct in West Virginia or North Carolina."

Schnapper said that if anyone should be upset, it's ACORN.

"The victims of this are the people who paid these workers $8 an hour to go out and find legitimate voters, and ... they didn't get their $8 worth; they put down phony names," Schnapper said.

The Term is called Impartial Justice, or Equal Justice Asshole. Messing with Voter Roles or Elections is not okay. What the Hell is Wrong with You.
So I ask for a link to this "Acorn" story and a bunch of people say it's all people have been talking about and it's all over the news while others say, "media blackout". Some even accused me of being "anti child" and suggesting worse.

So I think, "Wow, what have I missed?" I go looking. I find it at:

Big Government

AND find out that FOX "news" is the only network that will report it. FOX News?

Wait a second. Is that the "news" station that alter photos of people they don't like?

Fox News airs altered photos of NY Times reporters | Media Matters for America

So I wonder, "Is this similar to when Republicans tried to say Obama was getting bj's and crack from a pathetic, overweight, middle aged homeless man".

So I go and check it out and it's worse.

First, the videos are so heavily edited that sometimes it seems whoever is asking those questions and who is answering are talking to different people. If you "really" want to know "what is being said", you have to read the "transcripts".

Look at the one woman who said she killed her husband in "self defense". Obviously, she boasting more than a Republican congressman (spankie, spankie). And take a look at her. She's damaged. Actually, they ALL look damaged. You get the feeling, not so much an expose, but more Borat.

Wanna bet this "film crew" went to a hundred different places before settling for ex hookers and people that look like they might be high or drunk.

This wasn't to "clean up the community". This wasn't to make sure people were following the law. This was strictly an attempt to tie Obama to a bunch of sad and pathetic people.

Hmmm. Sad and pathetic people. Fox news and the Republicans?

Def of Synonym: a word having the same or nearly the same meaning as another in the language,
a word or expression accepted as another name for something,

In the meantime, Cigna keeps corporate jets on standby for tens of millions of dollars and has gold plated silverware.

Sick for Profit - Insurance CEOs

And Republicans love it.

I expected no less from you RD. Even the Senate voted 83-7 to cut the funding to ACORN after the scandals. But go ahead say what you may....but drink some Kool-Aid....gotta keep the stupidity fresh.

You guys are drinking the kook-aid. You're going after poor people who are trying to make a buck. Look at this guy, he paid. How many at Halliburton paid? Tens of thousands of people lost their life savings and Republicans go after someone who is scrambling to make 8 bucks an hour? He paid for what he did. But it's really sad. Republicans, wasting their time on something like this when Rome burns. Pathetic.

Ex-ACORN worker: 'I paid the price' for voter registration fraud -

But University of Washington law professor Eric Schnapper says the idea of fake cards turning into real votes is a myth.

"There are no known instances of fictitious people actually voting," Schnapper said. "You look at some of the names: Mickey Mouse. Dr. Seuss. Mickey Mouse only votes in Disneyland. He's not going to show up at a critical precinct in West Virginia or North Carolina."

Schnapper said that if anyone should be upset, it's ACORN.

"The victims of this are the people who paid these workers $8 an hour to go out and find legitimate voters, and ... they didn't get their $8 worth; they put down phony names," Schnapper said.

83-7 RD....nuff said
So I ask for a link to this "Acorn" story and a bunch of people say it's all people have been talking about and it's all over the news while others say, "media blackout". Some even accused me of being "anti child" and suggesting worse.

So I think, "Wow, what have I missed?" I go looking. I find it at:

Big Government

AND find out that FOX "news" is the only network that will report it. FOX News?

Actually, I read about it on CNN's website:

ACORN workers caught on tape allegedly advising on prostitution -

and then there is this on an NBC website:

Pimp & Prostitute Expose Brooklyn ACORN Offices | NBC New York

Nice try though....
So I ask for a link to this "Acorn" story and a bunch of people say it's all people have been talking about and it's all over the news while others say, "media blackout". Some even accused me of being "anti child" and suggesting worse.

So I think, "Wow, what have I missed?" I go looking. I find it at:

Big Government

AND find out that FOX "news" is the only network that will report it. FOX News?

Actually, I read about it on CNN's website:

ACORN workers caught on tape allegedly advising on prostitution -

and then there is this on an NBC website:

Pimp & Prostitute Expose Brooklyn ACORN Offices | NBC New York

Nice try though....

The actual Videos run much better than the Two articles which gloss over.
ACORN — the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now — bills itself as the nation's largest grassroots community organization of low- and moderate-income people, with more than 400,000 member families organized within 1,200 neighborhood chapters in 110 cities across the U.S.

Among other priorities, the organization strives for improved housing and wages for the poor, increased community development investment from institutions and banks, increased voter registration and affordable health care.

Originally named the Arkansas Community Organizations for Reform Now, ACORN was founded as a nonprofit, nonpartisan entity in 1970 by Wade Rathke, a follower of George Wiley, founder of the National Welfare Rights Organization. Rathke stepped down from his post as chief organizer in 2008 after it was revealed that his brother Dale had embezzled nearly $1 million of ACORN funds eight years earlier.

In 1972, ACORN made it first foray into electoral politics when it held a "Save the City Rally" in Little Rock, Ark., and subsequently backed two candidates for the Little Rock School Board through its Political Action Committee. National conventions and actions during the following years led to an entry into national politics during the presidential campaign of 1980, when ACORN applied pressure to candidates during the nomination process when those candidates were in most need of grassroots support, a "specialty" of the group, according to its Web site.

Six years later, in 1986, the organization created the ACORN Housing Corporation to "build and preserve housing assets." Since its inception, according to its Web site, the corporation has assisted more than 45,000 families to become first-time homeowners and has rehabbed more than 850 vacant or abandoned housing units.

ACORN's self-described "allied organizations" include a quarterly magazine called Social Policy, which covers community and labor organizing, two radio stations, its housing wing and a law office. It also maintains a political action committee and relationships with a plethora of trade-union officials.

Despite ACORN's successes in a wide array of areas — including the targeting of predatory lending practices, advocacy that led to local living wage laws in 15 major U.S. cities and fundraising drives for victims of Hurricane Katrina and many others — the organization has been marred by controversies including the embezzlement case against Dale Rathke, voter registration fraud by some of its workers and, most recently, hidden-camera operations that depicted employee misconduct in several cities, including Washington, D.C., Baltimore and New York.

Those undercover operations by an independent filmmaker purporting to be a pimp led to swift criticism at the organization, including the firing of at least four employees, the severing of its ties to the U.S. Census Bureau for work related to the 2010 count and an 83-7 Senate vote to cut off the group from Housing and Urban Development grants. Law enforcement officials in Brooklyn, N.Y., also announced they had launched an investigation into ACORN's Brooklyn office following the release of the third videotape.

Dating back to as early as 2004, and as recently as last week, ACORN workers in at least nine states — including Colorado, Pennsylvania and Ohio — have been charged with various crimes related to voter fraud. At least 50 people have been arrested in connection to ACORN-related voter fraud in those states, with four arrest warrants currently outstanding in Florida. At least 30 of these cases reportedly culminated with guilty pleas.

During the 2008 presidential election alone, ACORN reportedly gathered more than 1.3 million voter registration forms in 21 states, many of which were later flagged for official review. Ultimately, roughly 400,000 of those registrations were rejected as incomplete, duplicated or fraudulent. A total of 450,000 registrations were for first-time voters, while the remaining forms were for change of addresses.

According to its Web site, ACORN "does not apply for nor does it receive any federal grants," but the organization has had contracts with other nonprofit groups to perform work on projects that have received federal grant support. For instance, ACORN has procured contracts to increase registration for food stamps, to counsel homeowners facing foreclosure and to provide lead paint remediation services.

In July, Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., issued a report by the minority staff of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform that found that since 1994, ACORN had received more than $53 million in federal funds.

Furthermore, an analysis of federal records by Rep. John Boehner, R-Ohio, found that ACORN affiliates in 11 states receive more than $31 million in federal funds from 1998 to 2008. ACORN Housing Corporation, meanwhile, received nearly $10.7 million in federal grants in 2008 alone.

ACORN: A Brief History - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News -
So I ask for a link to this "Acorn" story and a bunch of people say it's all people have been talking about and it's all over the news while others say, "media blackout". Some even accused me of being "anti child" and suggesting worse.

So I think, "Wow, what have I missed?" I go looking. I find it at:

Big Government

AND find out that FOX "news" is the only network that will report it. FOX News?

Wait a second. Is that the "news" station that alter photos of people they don't like?

Fox News airs altered photos of NY Times reporters | Media Matters for America

So I wonder, "Is this similar to when Republicans tried to say Obama was getting bj's and crack from a pathetic, overweight, middle aged homeless man".

So I go and check it out and it's worse.

First, the videos are so heavily edited that sometimes it seems whoever is asking those questions and who is answering are talking to different people. If you "really" want to know "what is being said", you have to read the "transcripts".

Look at the one woman who said she killed her husband in "self defense". Obviously, she boasting more than a Republican congressman (spankie, spankie). And take a look at her. She's damaged. Actually, they ALL look damaged. You get the feeling, not so much an expose, but more Borat.

Wanna bet this "film crew" went to a hundred different places before settling for ex hookers and people that look like they might be high or drunk.

This wasn't to "clean up the community". This wasn't to make sure people were following the law. This was strictly an attempt to tie Obama to a bunch of sad and pathetic people.

Hmmm. Sad and pathetic people. Fox news and the Republicans?

Def of Synonym: a word having the same or nearly the same meaning as another in the language,
a word or expression accepted as another name for something,

In the meantime, Cigna keeps corporate jets on standby for tens of millions of dollars and has gold plated silverware.

Sick for Profit - Insurance CEOs

And Republicans love it.

I expected no less from you RD. Even the Senate voted 83-7 to cut the funding to ACORN after the scandals. But go ahead say what you may....but drink some Kool-Aid....gotta keep the stupidity fresh.

You guys are drinking the kook-aid. You're going after poor people who are trying to make a buck. Look at this guy, he paid. How many at Halliburton paid? Tens of thousands of people lost their life savings and Republicans go after someone who is scrambling to make 8 bucks an hour? He paid for what he did. But it's really sad. Republicans, wasting their time on something like this when Rome burns. Pathetic.

Ex-ACORN worker: 'I paid the price' for voter registration fraud -

But University of Washington law professor Eric Schnapper says the idea of fake cards turning into real votes is a myth.

"There are no known instances of fictitious people actually voting," Schnapper said. "You look at some of the names: Mickey Mouse. Dr. Seuss. Mickey Mouse only votes in Disneyland. He's not going to show up at a critical precinct in West Virginia or North Carolina."

Schnapper said that if anyone should be upset, it's ACORN.

"The victims of this are the people who paid these workers $8 an hour to go out and find legitimate voters, and ... they didn't get their $8 worth; they put down phony names," Schnapper said.
Painting ACORN the poor victim here for under paying and exploiting workers that need to support their families. As usual your posts are not worth reading. ACORN should be charged by the labor department for exploiting these workers. Do you know that ACORN gave these workers no compensation whatsoever for the expenses that they incurred to to this little eight dollar an hour job? Nothing, nada, they did not even cover the gas bills these workers paid to put in their cars to roam around to the different locations that they were suppose to get these voter registrations filled out. When you abuse folks who need to support their their families you push them to do extreme things. ACORN has boasted about actually caring for these people when really all they did was exploit them and use them.
"If you take what I say as gospel, you're an idiot."
-- Glen Beck, scolding his sheep, Link


Rely on Beck's word ? I know you just fell off a turnip truck and all, but there is VIDEO EVIDENCE of acorn in action ........... :cuckoo:
Well, another example hits the airways tomorrow. This time it's down near the border, and involves some serious criminal activity, most likely having to do with the drug cartels. We'll just have to tune in and see.

ACORN, the gift that keeps on giving!
Last edited:
I expected no less from you RD. Even the Senate voted 83-7 to cut the funding to ACORN after the scandals. But go ahead say what you may....but drink some Kool-Aid....gotta keep the stupidity fresh.

You guys are drinking the kook-aid. You're going after poor people who are trying to make a buck. Look at this guy, he paid. How many at Halliburton paid? Tens of thousands of people lost their life savings and Republicans go after someone who is scrambling to make 8 bucks an hour? He paid for what he did. But it's really sad. Republicans, wasting their time on something like this when Rome burns. Pathetic.

Ex-ACORN worker: 'I paid the price' for voter registration fraud -

But University of Washington law professor Eric Schnapper says the idea of fake cards turning into real votes is a myth.

"There are no known instances of fictitious people actually voting," Schnapper said. "You look at some of the names: Mickey Mouse. Dr. Seuss. Mickey Mouse only votes in Disneyland. He's not going to show up at a critical precinct in West Virginia or North Carolina."

Schnapper said that if anyone should be upset, it's ACORN.

"The victims of this are the people who paid these workers $8 an hour to go out and find legitimate voters, and ... they didn't get their $8 worth; they put down phony names," Schnapper said.
Painting ACORN the poor victim here for under paying and exploiting workers that need to support their families. As usual your posts are not worth reading. ACORN should be charged by the labor department for exploiting these workers. Do you know that ACORN gave these workers no compensation whatsoever for the expenses that they incurred to to this little eight dollar an hour job? Nothing, nada, they did not even cover the gas bills these workers paid to put in their cars to roam around to the different locations that they were suppose to get these voter registrations filled out. When you abuse folks who need to support their their families you push them to do extreme things. ACORN has boasted about actually caring for these people when really all they did was exploit them and use them.

You say that as if Republicans care what happens to poor people. Better they earn 8 bucks than nothing at all. If Republicans have their way, those people won't even have that. Notice how Republicans offer no alternatives, ever?
I expected no less from you RD. Even the Senate voted 83-7 to cut the funding to ACORN after the scandals. But go ahead say what you may....but drink some Kool-Aid....gotta keep the stupidity fresh.

You guys are drinking the kook-aid. You're going after poor people who are trying to make a buck. Look at this guy, he paid. How many at Halliburton paid? Tens of thousands of people lost their life savings and Republicans go after someone who is scrambling to make 8 bucks an hour? He paid for what he did. But it's really sad. Republicans, wasting their time on something like this when Rome burns. Pathetic.

Ex-ACORN worker: 'I paid the price' for voter registration fraud -

But University of Washington law professor Eric Schnapper says the idea of fake cards turning into real votes is a myth.

"There are no known instances of fictitious people actually voting," Schnapper said. "You look at some of the names: Mickey Mouse. Dr. Seuss. Mickey Mouse only votes in Disneyland. He's not going to show up at a critical precinct in West Virginia or North Carolina."

Schnapper said that if anyone should be upset, it's ACORN.

"The victims of this are the people who paid these workers $8 an hour to go out and find legitimate voters, and ... they didn't get their $8 worth; they put down phony names," Schnapper said.

The Term is called Impartial Justice, or Equal Justice Asshole. Messing with Voter Roles or Elections is not okay. What the Hell is Wrong with You.

"There are no known instances of fictitious people actually voting,"

So how was the election "messed with"????
You guys are drinking the kook-aid. You're going after poor people who are trying to make a buck. Look at this guy, he paid. How many at Halliburton paid? Tens of thousands of people lost their life savings and Republicans go after someone who is scrambling to make 8 bucks an hour? He paid for what he did. But it's really sad. Republicans, wasting their time on something like this when Rome burns. Pathetic.

Ex-ACORN worker: 'I paid the price' for voter registration fraud -

But University of Washington law professor Eric Schnapper says the idea of fake cards turning into real votes is a myth.

"There are no known instances of fictitious people actually voting," Schnapper said. "You look at some of the names: Mickey Mouse. Dr. Seuss. Mickey Mouse only votes in Disneyland. He's not going to show up at a critical precinct in West Virginia or North Carolina."

Schnapper said that if anyone should be upset, it's ACORN.

"The victims of this are the people who paid these workers $8 an hour to go out and find legitimate voters, and ... they didn't get their $8 worth; they put down phony names," Schnapper said.

The Term is called Impartial Justice, or Equal Justice Asshole. Messing with Voter Roles or Elections is not okay. What the Hell is Wrong with You.

"There are no known instances of fictitious people actually voting,"

So how was the election "messed with"????

LOL! Get a life, that won't rate on news sites, much less blogs and messageboards. You're either delusional or the most ignorant poster here.
The videotape is clearly racist! Made by white people, probably you know how many blacks there are in Japan?

I rest my case!
You guys are drinking the kook-aid. You're going after poor people who are trying to make a buck. Look at this guy, he paid. How many at Halliburton paid? Tens of thousands of people lost their life savings and Republicans go after someone who is scrambling to make 8 bucks an hour? He paid for what he did. But it's really sad. Republicans, wasting their time on something like this when Rome burns. Pathetic.

Ex-ACORN worker: 'I paid the price' for voter registration fraud -

But University of Washington law professor Eric Schnapper says the idea of fake cards turning into real votes is a myth.

"There are no known instances of fictitious people actually voting," Schnapper said. "You look at some of the names: Mickey Mouse. Dr. Seuss. Mickey Mouse only votes in Disneyland. He's not going to show up at a critical precinct in West Virginia or North Carolina."

Schnapper said that if anyone should be upset, it's ACORN.

"The victims of this are the people who paid these workers $8 an hour to go out and find legitimate voters, and ... they didn't get their $8 worth; they put down phony names," Schnapper said.

The Term is called Impartial Justice, or Equal Justice Asshole. Messing with Voter Roles or Elections is not okay. What the Hell is Wrong with You.

"There are no known instances of fictitious people actually voting,"

So how was the election "messed with"????

[ame=]YouTube - Vote for Obama a Couple Times[/ame]
Investigate, find out what the truth is, and punish the perpetrators. That's it.

When it comes to Obama's connection to ACORN, which according to some somehow discredits him and his overall intentions and quality as the US president: as long as Obama was not aware of actions of the few individuals involved in these scandals, there is nothing one can accuse him of.

Stop the bullshit parade and start proper and thorough investigation.

Thank you very much.
That was Herman Goering's defense at Nuremberg, that he had no idea what the entity he helped create and run were doing.

And your point is?

Maybe you live on some lone island in the middle of some lone lake in the middle of nowhere, but in the rest of the civilized world and especially when it comes to law, if one can't prove it or substantiate her/his claim - it might as well not have happened.

Any further horse-shit you'd like to shovel tonight?

I didn't think so.
You say that as if Republicans care what happens to poor people. Better they earn 8 bucks than nothing at all. If Republicans have their way, those people won't even have that. Notice how Republicans offer no alternatives, ever?

Funny thing is, you dont give a damn about the poor. All you care about is telling people how evil the Republicans are. If you cared about the poor, youd realize that there are bad people who dont give a damn about the poor on both sides of the aisle and good people that care about the poor on both sides of the aisle.

Exploiting the poor isnt good. Especially just to achieve political ends. Enslaving them to government isnt good. Creating government bueacracy and regulation to keep them poor isnt helping them. Giving them hand outs isnt helping them.

You see, the dirty little secret is that the government cant solve the problem of poverty. You just blindly accept that it can as an excuse to have power.

In fact, I think there is an argument to be made on whether poverty is even a problem. It exists. but does being poor somehow make you less human? Is it impossible to live a good life in poverty? Whats more important, what you do in life and the family you leave for the following generation or making money?

As for Republican alternatives, you are correct, our alternatives simply dont involve the federal government acting in ways in which it has no authority to act. We believe in empowering individuals. Remove regulation, teach people skills and how to support themselves. individual service, child mentoring, etc. You see we dont believe government is above all. We believe that the people are. The Government will ensure people remain in poverty because if they didnt, the politicians lose their power. The people will lift up their neighbors and provide service, money, food, shelter, clothing etc.

See, i dont want anyone to be dependent upon the government. I wouldnt have the arrogance to rob them of their dignity and self worth by lying to them like that and taking their ability to accomplish on their own.

Its easy to be generous with other peoples time and money. True charity and love takes sacrifice of our own money and time.

Thats the difference between me and you.
And your point is?
Should be obvious.

Maybe you live on some lone island in the middle of some lone lake in the middle of nowhere, but in the rest of the civilized world and especially when it comes to law, if one can't prove it or substantiate her/his claim - it might as well not have happened.

Any further horse-shit you'd like to shovel tonight?

I didn't think so.
Then again, maybe it isn't.

So tell us, you really think people who work and support something for years have no idea what it does?


I await your next pearl of wisdom on how clueless you believe Obama is.

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