O'Keefe and Breitbart ACORN Videos 'Severely Edited'

So if someone isn't a "legitimate journalist" then their opinions are null and void? Where does that leave Michael Moore?
Score another clueless idiotic post from Dogshit, least original poster on the board.


So if someone isn't a "legitimate journalist" then their opinions are null and void? Where does that leave Michael Moore?
Score another clueless idiotic post from Dogshit, least original poster on the board.

Your "Golden Child" is a liar
I heard them on there today

I just turned over there and heard them talking about the 162,000 new jobs and how GREAT that is....

what they didn't say is that a large number of those jobs were temporary government jobs...including temporary census workers.

Funny how that works.
how cute

dogbert leaves out the negative findings of ACORN by brown...

that the editing was creative to the point of dishonesty.

i want a direct link to brown saying exactly this....the comments i have seen from him do not say this...
I don't really care much about this dishonest chap...but what I find funny is how for a period of time, he was placed up on a pedestal by conservatives.

They were duped!
I don't really care much about this dishonest chap...but what I find funny is how for a period of time, he was placed up on a pedestal by conservatives.

They were duped!

Not true. But I DID find Hannah to be kinda cute:



On a more substantive note, let's analyze your contention.

Let's start by stipulating that O'Keefe did (but should not have) improperly edit the tapes. Let's further stipulate that the effect of his editing was to distort the "story." O'Keefe is not a professional journalist and what he did was on the hack side. Even so, does that somehow "clear" the ACORN workers exposed by his efforts?

Absolutely not.

For DESPITE the defects in the efforts by O'Keefe, the ACORN workers were STILL shown to have been offering advice to peole representing themselves as a ho and a pimp. They gave the advice on how to CLAIM (falsely) certain things on their applications in order to DECEIVE the lenders. The ACORN workers were thus perfectly willing to advise a pimp and a ho in "how to" commit several crimes.

Anybody who doesn't "see" that, now, is the one being conned -- or wants to be willingly mislead.

And besides, Hannah is still cute.
Good to know that videos that are edited, whether by a journalist or not, are null and void of information, according to the left. :thup:
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wait, we are supposed to trust Jerry Brown's word on this?
yeah, he isnt partisan at all, is he
I don't really care much about this dishonest chap...but what I find funny is how for a period of time, he was placed up on a pedestal by conservatives.

They were duped!

Not true. But I DID find Hannah to be kinda cute:

On a more substantive note, let's analyze your contention.

Let's start by stipulating that O'Keefe did (but should not have) improperly edit the tapes. Let's further stipulate that the effect of his editing was to distort the "story." O'Keefe is not a professional journalist and what he did was on the hack side. Even so, does that somehow "clear" the ACORN workers exposed by his efforts?

Absolutely not.

For DESPITE the defects in the efforts by O'Keefe, the ACORN workers were STILL shown to have been offering advice to peole representing themselves as a ho and a pimp. They gave the advice on how to CLAIM (falsely) certain things on their applications in order to DECEIVE the lenders. The ACORN workers were thus perfectly willing to advise a pimp and a ho in "how to" commit several crimes.

Anybody who doesn't "see" that, now, is the one being conned -- or wants to be willingly mislead.

And besides, Hannah is still cute.

not a single person on the left has address this yet, they run from it...and that brown said they did commit voter registration fraud in san diego and their acts were wrong, just in his opinion, not chargeable offenses....how shocking, he is far left liberal

also, i don't believe brown said it was dishonest, that is what the article characterized he said....i am still waiting for a direct quote
You idiots do not care about the truth. After all the noise broadcast about vote fraud IMHO The fact is I personally work as an election judge & have never found one republican voting illegally, neither have the democrat counterpart judges I work with. Other judges, attorneys, & I have however witnessed Democrat voter fraud & election judges facilitating this action. I saw 11 vote frauds happen before my eyes in one polling place in a 4 hour period before I was able to put a stop to it. I calculated that 33 votes would likely be stolen at each voting place by fellow judges failing to follow procedure. There had to have been some sort of organizing behind having voters voting multiple times or posing as someone else at a polling place where judges omitted procedure. I even believe one of the "Republican" judges was a Democrat in disguise. I have also heard a message left on an election judges answering machine where they were conspiring to keep the polls open until midnight in the 95% Democrat areas. You will never convince me that ACORN was not behind this.
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Que surprise!

Republican propaganda masters lie like rugs

Who knew?

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