Glenn Beck Airs New ACORN Video - Murder?

Investigate, find out what the truth is, and punish the perpetrators. That's it.

When it comes to Obama's connection to ACORN, which according to some somehow discredits him and his overall intentions and quality as the US president: as long as Obama was not aware of actions of the few individuals involved in these scandals, there is nothing one can accuse him of.

Stop the bullshit parade and start proper and thorough investigation.

Thank you very much.
That was Herman Goering's defense at Nuremberg, that he had no idea what the entity he helped create and run were doing.
That's idiotic. I see you've given up your pretense of being objective.
I just want a thorough, and INDEPENDENT investigation, and let the cards fall where they may.
I do however feel those that voted to continue supporting Acorn with taxpayer funds explain their vote. Hopefully their constituents hold them accountable for such a vote, if they can't, or won't.
I await your next pearl of wisdom on how clueless you believe Obama is.

And we are now left with one of two conclusions:

Either Obama is a serious idiot and the left was completely wrong about his intelligence.


Obama is in this as deep as everyone else.

For the right, there is always only two sides, black or white, right or wrong, good or bad. Nothing in between. Ever. It's why they are the radicals.
The Term is called Impartial Justice, or Equal Justice Asshole. Messing with Voter Roles or Elections is not okay. What the Hell is Wrong with You.

"There are no known instances of fictitious people actually voting,"

So how was the election "messed with"????

LOL! Get a life, that won't rate on news sites, much less blogs and messageboards. You're either delusional or the most ignorant poster here.

I believe the latter is correct.
I await your next pearl of wisdom on how clueless you believe Obama is.

And we are now left with one of two conclusions:

Either Obama is a serious idiot and the left was completely wrong about his intelligence.


Obama is in this as deep as everyone else.

For the right, there is always only two sides, black or white, right or wrong, good or bad. Nothing in between. Ever. It's why they are the radicals.

So are any of you libs going to comment on ACORN at all?

Or are you so utterly incabable of denouncing anything to do with the left or Obama?

How pathetic. WHat hacks.
I know how everyone loves Glenn Beck! :D

On Glenn Beck’s radio program this morning, Beck played new audio clips from a fourth incident that had also been taped under-cover. This tape comes from San Bernadino, Calfornia. Once again James and Hannah pose as a prostitute “Eden” and a pimp and are speaking with an employee named Theresa.

Beck also hints that there is a confession of murder from an ACORN employee that will revealed at 5pm on his TV show.

Glenn Beck Airs New ACORN Video | THE D.C. WRITEUP

wow she admits to murder...shit talk or true? she needs to be investigated at the very least
I await your next pearl of wisdom on how clueless you believe Obama is.

And we are now left with one of two conclusions:

Either Obama is a serious idiot and the left was completely wrong about his intelligence.


Obama is in this as deep as everyone else.

For the right, there is always only two sides, black or white, right or wrong, good or bad. Nothing in between. Ever. It's why they are the radicals.

And that's why liberals are idiots! Fact is what Acorn is doing is either right or wrong, there is no in between. And you (being the idiot that you are) don't seem to see anything wrong with our tax dollars funding a clearly corrupt organization.
And that's why liberals are idiots! Fact is what Acorn is doing is either right or wrong, there is no in between. And you (being the idiot that you are) don't seem to see anything wrong with our tax dollars funding a clearly corrupt organization.

Problem is how do you convince people somethings wrong when they believe that good and evil doesnt exist?
And that's why liberals are idiots! Fact is what Acorn is doing is either right or wrong, there is no in between. And you (being the idiot that you are) don't seem to see anything wrong with our tax dollars funding a clearly corrupt organization.

Actually, the fact is that folks working for ACORN are doing right or wrong. You can't judge a whole organization by some of its members. If you believe that, then the Catholic Church is in serious trouble, as are most of the denominations in America.

ACORN has received some deserved bad press recently, but you're still in the "a few bad apples" range. Show serious corruption or malfeasence at the top level and you all have a case.
You guys are drinking the kook-aid. You're going after poor people who are trying to make a buck. Look at this guy, he paid. How many at Halliburton paid? Tens of thousands of people lost their life savings and Republicans go after someone who is scrambling to make 8 bucks an hour? He paid for what he did. But it's really sad. Republicans, wasting their time on something like this when Rome burns. Pathetic.

Ex-ACORN worker: 'I paid the price' for voter registration fraud -

But University of Washington law professor Eric Schnapper says the idea of fake cards turning into real votes is a myth.

"There are no known instances of fictitious people actually voting," Schnapper said. "You look at some of the names: Mickey Mouse. Dr. Seuss. Mickey Mouse only votes in Disneyland. He's not going to show up at a critical precinct in West Virginia or North Carolina."

Schnapper said that if anyone should be upset, it's ACORN.

"The victims of this are the people who paid these workers $8 an hour to go out and find legitimate voters, and ... they didn't get their $8 worth; they put down phony names," Schnapper said.
Painting ACORN the poor victim here for under paying and exploiting workers that need to support their families. As usual your posts are not worth reading. ACORN should be charged by the labor department for exploiting these workers. Do you know that ACORN gave these workers no compensation whatsoever for the expenses that they incurred to to this little eight dollar an hour job? Nothing, nada, they did not even cover the gas bills these workers paid to put in their cars to roam around to the different locations that they were suppose to get these voter registrations filled out. When you abuse folks who need to support their their families you push them to do extreme things. ACORN has boasted about actually caring for these people when really all they did was exploit them and use them.

You say that as if Republicans care what happens to poor people. Better they earn 8 bucks than nothing at all. If Republicans have their way, those people won't even have that. Notice how Republicans offer no alternatives, ever?

Republicans are politicians. Conservatives will tell you that you can only advance by hard work, improving yourself (education, socially, spiritually), and 'paying the dues'. It is the only way to have a productive society. Individuals are responsible for finding a job. Once they have the job, the same individual is responsible for keeping the job (paying the dues). At that point it is up to the individual to stay where they are with that job or to try to get a better job. If they do NOTHING to improve themselves, the individual can stay where they are and cling to their job, complaining that the boss isn't doing anything for them or they can loose their job.

My understanding of liberals: some 'groups' (discrimminitory) are incapable of doing the above on their own and the 'gov' must therefore take 'care' of them. To do this, the gov must take wealth from the taxpayers (many of which come from those same 'groups', that are taking care of themselves and their families without help from the 'almighty' gov). If it is pointed out that you believe these 'groups' can take care of themselves, the libs call you: racist, sexist, uncaring, bigoted...etc, etc, etc. When you point out that the libs are limiting civil rights by increasing the size of gov (taking more away from taxpayers), you are called worse names.

The libs have some great ideas. It would be refreshing to see one work, before they subjected the entire country to paying for another program that will add to the deficit, add to the corruption, and not do one thing to improve the lives of citizens.
And your point is?
Should be obvious.

Maybe you live on some lone island in the middle of some lone lake in the middle of nowhere, but in the rest of the civilized world and especially when it comes to law, if one can't prove it or substantiate her/his claim - it might as well not have happened.

Any further horse-shit you'd like to shovel tonight?

I didn't think so.
Then again, maybe it isn't.

So tell us, you really think people who work and support something for years have no idea what it does?


I await your next pearl of wisdom on how clueless you believe Obama is.

It has obviously not been common knowledge as the shit has JUST been discovered; therefore, I'd sooner believe Obama did not know. These are not concentration camps stinking of rotting corpses, this is an organization of many employees of which a few are fucked up degenerates that belong in prison (so far). IF Obama did know and IF it is proven beyond reasonable doubt, then proper action must of course be taken - whatever it is.

This is some basic stuff that you should have no problem understanding.

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Ame®icano;1521601 said:
Probaly about as well as you claiming Obama had no clue how the organiaztion he helped build and ran operated.

Was he community organizer? :eusa_whistle:

That was his list of qualifications to be president, remember.

He couldn't claim he was a senator, because as president, he has stated he didn't know what was going on when Bush was president ('how bad it really was'). That was probably because he rarely showed up at his place of employment: the senate (he was campaigning instead of doing his job) and it shows.
And that's why liberals are idiots! Fact is what Acorn is doing is either right or wrong, there is no in between. And you (being the idiot that you are) don't seem to see anything wrong with our tax dollars funding a clearly corrupt organization.

Problem is how do you convince people somethings wrong when they believe that good and evil doesnt exist?

The people that claim that good and evil don't exist are delusional idiots.
And that's why liberals are idiots! Fact is what Acorn is doing is either right or wrong, there is no in between. And you (being the idiot that you are) don't seem to see anything wrong with our tax dollars funding a clearly corrupt organization.

Actually, the fact is that folks working for ACORN are doing right or wrong. You can't judge a whole organization by some of its members. If you believe that, then the Catholic Church is in serious trouble, as are most of the denominations in America.

ACORN has received some deserved bad press recently, but you're still in the "a few bad apples" range. Show serious corruption or malfeasence at the top level and you all have a case.

How much of the tax payers money is the Catholic church receiving? You see you have a choice as to whether or not to support the catholic church, but no choice in your tax dollars funding the corrupt Acorn.

Few bad apples? More than 30 ACORN officials have been convicted of fraud and new allegations of fraud are surfacing by the day. There are investigations currently going on in 14 states and now you have at least four videos (with more coming) that shows more corruption. Top level corruption? How about ACORN founder Wade Rathke and his embezzling brother Dale who embezzled nearly one million dollars?

You can point to other wrongs, but it doesn't make what Acorn is doing right. But hey, I understand it's part of the liberal game play. Bottom line is you failed on all points.
How much of the tax payers money is the Catholic church receiving? You see you have a choice as to whether or not to support the catholic church, but no choice in your tax dollars funding the corrupt Acorn.

We extend to churchs tax exempt status. True, it is not money in the collection plate, but it is agreeing to forgo revenue that the community could collect.

Few bad apples? More than 30 ACORN officials have been convicted of fraud and new allegations of fraud are surfacing by the day. There are investigations currently going on in 14 states and now you have at least four videos (with more coming) that shows more corruption. Top level corruption? How about ACORN founder Wade Rathke and his embezzling brother Dale who embezzled nearly one million dollars?

How many ACORN officials have not been convicted of fraud?

Again, you're confusing the actions of employees and volunteers with the actions of the group as a whole. Without actual PROOF of a systematic problem, you have nothing.

Come back when those investigations provide proof against the operations of the group as a whole.

You can point to other wrongs, but it doesn't make what Acorn is doing right. But hey, I understand it's part of the liberal game play. Bottom line is you failed on all points.

I'm not excusing ACORN. I'm saying that at this point you only have dirt on employees and volunteers, not the group as a whole.
And that's why liberals are idiots! Fact is what Acorn is doing is either right or wrong, there is no in between. And you (being the idiot that you are) don't seem to see anything wrong with our tax dollars funding a clearly corrupt organization.

Actually, the fact is that folks working for ACORN are doing right or wrong. You can't judge a whole organization by some of its members. If you believe that, then the Catholic Church is in serious trouble, as are most of the denominations in America.

ACORN has received some deserved bad press recently, but you're still in the "a few bad apples" range. Show serious corruption or malfeasence at the top level and you all have a case.

The Catholic Church is in Serious Trouble, and It is Trying to Correct.
Painting ACORN the poor victim here for under paying and exploiting workers that need to support their families. As usual your posts are not worth reading. ACORN should be charged by the labor department for exploiting these workers. Do you know that ACORN gave these workers no compensation whatsoever for the expenses that they incurred to to this little eight dollar an hour job? Nothing, nada, they did not even cover the gas bills these workers paid to put in their cars to roam around to the different locations that they were suppose to get these voter registrations filled out. When you abuse folks who need to support their their families you push them to do extreme things. ACORN has boasted about actually caring for these people when really all they did was exploit them and use them.

You say that as if Republicans care what happens to poor people. Better they earn 8 bucks than nothing at all. If Republicans have their way, those people won't even have that. Notice how Republicans offer no alternatives, ever?

Republicans are politicians. Conservatives will tell you that you can only advance by hard work, improving yourself (education, socially, spiritually), and 'paying the dues'. It is the only way to have a productive society. Individuals are responsible for finding a job. Once they have the job, the same individual is responsible for keeping the job (paying the dues). At that point it is up to the individual to stay where they are with that job or to try to get a better job. If they do NOTHING to improve themselves, the individual can stay where they are and cling to their job, complaining that the boss isn't doing anything for them or they can loose their job.

My understanding of liberals: some 'groups' (discrimminitory) are incapable of doing the above on their own and the 'gov' must therefore take 'care' of them. To do this, the gov must take wealth from the taxpayers (many of which come from those same 'groups', that are taking care of themselves and their families without help from the 'almighty' gov). If it is pointed out that you believe these 'groups' can take care of themselves, the libs call you: racist, sexist, uncaring, bigoted...etc, etc, etc. When you point out that the libs are limiting civil rights by increasing the size of gov (taking more away from taxpayers), you are called worse names.

The libs have some great ideas. It would be refreshing to see one work, before they subjected the entire country to paying for another program that will add to the deficit, add to the corruption, and not do one thing to improve the lives of citizens.

The Libs are ignoring one of the basic Principles of Federalism, which is to start small and work out the kinks. National Scale by mandate is not Federalism.
How much of the tax payers money is the Catholic church receiving? You see you have a choice as to whether or not to support the catholic church, but no choice in your tax dollars funding the corrupt Acorn.

We extend to churchs tax exempt status. True, it is not money in the collection plate, but it is agreeing to forgo revenue that the community could collect.

Few bad apples? More than 30 ACORN officials have been convicted of fraud and new allegations of fraud are surfacing by the day. There are investigations currently going on in 14 states and now you have at least four videos (with more coming) that shows more corruption. Top level corruption? How about ACORN founder Wade Rathke and his embezzling brother Dale who embezzled nearly one million dollars?

How many ACORN officials have not been convicted of fraud?

Again, you're confusing the actions of employees and volunteers with the actions of the group as a whole. Without actual PROOF of a systematic problem, you have nothing.

Come back when those investigations provide proof against the operations of the group as a whole.

You can point to other wrongs, but it doesn't make what Acorn is doing right. But hey, I understand it's part of the liberal game play. Bottom line is you failed on all points.

I'm not excusing ACORN. I'm saying that at this point you only have dirt on employees and volunteers, not the group as a whole.

Tax Exempt Status for the Church, is a Right, not a Privilege.

The failure to uncover ACORN Felonies to this point resemble more Complicity, and Obstructionism than anything else. The Tide is turning on ACORN, the Rats are scurrying.

US Census, HUD are starting to show Evidence of Higher Thought. Maybe some will run off on you.
Catholic charities get taxpayer money from the federal government via faith based initiatives. Since the righwingers have never objected to this, have never asked their representatives to stop funding Catholic charities I can only conclude that the rightwingers condone priests having sex with young boys.

Amazing hypocrisy in action.

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