Glenn Beck Airs New ACORN Video - Murder?

Catholic charities get taxpayer money from the federal government via faith based initiatives. Since the righwingers have never objected to this, have never asked their representatives to stop funding Catholic charities I can only conclude that the rightwingers condone priests having sex with young boys.

Amazing hypocrisy in action.
Not that I approve of what certain Catholics have done or do believe in any manner but you are reaching a bit to far here. Trying to compare the Catholic Church to ACORN is like trying to say a bolt and an engine or one in the same. It puts you in that category with redean as an idiot type poster.
Good point. The Catholics have abused the taxpayers to a much greater extent than ACORN could ever hope to do.

You sound more like you are defending coconspirators. Come clean.
An honest group? Explain to me what makes them honest. Was it the fact that many of them are currently being investigated for voter fraud (in 14 states) and over 30 have already been convicted or is it the videos showing Acorn giving out tax advice on operating a prostitution business, including advice on the sex trafficking of underage children being brought in from Central America for child prostitution that makes them honest?

Does an investigation make you automatically guilty? Does a small number of employees make your whole organization dishonest?

For you to cal them an "honest " group is not being honest.

Its giving them the benefit of the doubt due to the lack of evidence otherwise. You have small unrelated incidents from an organization running in double digit states.

Show me any RNC or other DNC group (besides Acorn and SEIU) that's involved in corruption that's currently going on and not being reported.

Stuff like this happens all the time. At any given moment half of the RNC and DNC State Parties are under audit, investigation, or worse. Political organizations come under investigation literally all the time and *gasp* sometimes they find screw ups that break the rules.

You don't have proof of something systematic yet. Keep investigating. If you do find proof of something systematic I'll join you in calling for the disbanding of ACORN. Until then, they get the same benefit of doubt that any other organization should get.
Your definition of overwhelming evidence is different from mine. I suspect that your political views have lowered the bar, while I'd acknowledge that my own bias has probably raised it a bit.

What's going on with ACORN certainly doesn't look good, and some of the ACORN employees are clearly breaking the law. However, there's a difference between the organization and the employees, and a difference between investigation and criminal convictions.

More than 30 Acorn officials have been convicted, this is the third time I referenced this. But yet you seem to dismiss it. The employees make up the organization, if not for the employees there would be NO organization. Sheesh!!! You cannot be this stupid!!! Can you?

Social unit of people, systematically arranged and managed to meet a need or to pursue collective goals on a continuing basis. All organizations have a management structure that determines relationships between functions and positions, and subdivides and delegates roles, responsibilities, and authority to carry out defined tasks. Organizations are open systems in that they affect and are affected by the environment beyond their boundaries

"ACORN has been in legal trouble in several states with raid after raid on their offices by officials looking into voter fraud. More than 30 ACORN officials have been convicted of fraud and new allegations of fraud are surfacing by the day," Johanns said in a statement released Monday. "It's wrong to give tax dollars to a group with multiple convictions of undermining our democratic process and our laws. So, I'm introducing measures to stop the federal funding of ACORN."
Republican Lawmakers Turn Up the Heat on ACORN - Political News -
Not officials, employees. And I don't think "more than thirty" is even correct. Another liar heard from.

Oversight obviously nonexistent, that would imply Competence.
An honest group? Explain to me what makes them honest. Was it the fact that many of them are currently being investigated for voter fraud (in 14 states) and over 30 have already been convicted or is it the videos showing Acorn giving out tax advice on operating a prostitution business, including advice on the sex trafficking of underage children being brought in from Central America for child prostitution that makes them honest?

Does an investigation make you automatically guilty? Does a small number of employees make your whole organization dishonest?

For you to cal them an "honest " group is not being honest.

Its giving them the benefit of the doubt due to the lack of evidence otherwise. You have small unrelated incidents from an organization running in double digit states.

Show me any RNC or other DNC group (besides Acorn and SEIU) that's involved in corruption that's currently going on and not being reported.

Stuff like this happens all the time. At any given moment half of the RNC and DNC State Parties are under audit, investigation, or worse. Political organizations come under investigation literally all the time and *gasp* sometimes they find screw ups that break the rules.

You don't have proof of something systematic yet. Keep investigating. If you do find proof of something systematic I'll join you in calling for the disbanding of ACORN. Until then, they get the same benefit of doubt that any other organization should get.

We'll save You a front row seat.
Please investigate. Either you're right, and you've done the community a service, or you're wrong, and a honest group gets its day in court to clear its name.

Just be willing to take this the rest of the way. Apply the same litmus test to RNC and DNC affiliated organizations, or you're just indulging in witch hunts.

An honest group? Explain to me what makes them honest. Was it the fact that many of them are currently being investigated for voter fraud (in 14 states) and over 30 have already been convicted or is it the videos showing Acorn giving out tax advice on operating a prostitution business, including advice on the sex trafficking of underage children being brought in from Central America for child prostitution that makes them honest?

For you to cal them an "honest " group is not being honest.

Show me any RNC or other DNC group (besides Acorn and SEIU) that's involved in corruption that's currently going on and not being reported.
Please list the 30 officials that have been convicted or admit you are lying.


When you start proving your claims, I'll give you the same respect. Until then, find their names yourself.

You can start here, Press Releases - News Room - U.S. Senator Mike Johanns for the State of Nebraska
An honest group? Explain to me what makes them honest. Was it the fact that many of them are currently being investigated for voter fraud (in 14 states) and over 30 have already been convicted or is it the videos showing Acorn giving out tax advice on operating a prostitution business, including advice on the sex trafficking of underage children being brought in from Central America for child prostitution that makes them honest?

Does an investigation make you automatically guilty? Does a small number of employees make your whole organization dishonest?

For you to cal them an "honest " group is not being honest.

Its giving them the benefit of the doubt due to the lack of evidence otherwise. You have small unrelated incidents from an organization running in double digit states.

Show me any RNC or other DNC group (besides Acorn and SEIU) that's involved in corruption that's currently going on and not being reported.

Stuff like this happens all the time. At any given moment half of the RNC and DNC State Parties are under audit, investigation, or worse. Political organizations come under investigation literally all the time and *gasp* sometimes they find screw ups that break the rules.

You don't have proof of something systematic yet. Keep investigating. If you do find proof of something systematic I'll join you in calling for the disbanding of ACORN. Until then, they get the same benefit of doubt that any other organization should get.

Lets see, 30 officials, 14 states, five videos from five different cites (with lots more videos to come) I would say it's plenty systematic.

But as I said earlier. you just sit there and wait while the rest of us gets to the bottom of it. But don't worry, we're gonna make sure your tax dollars are not being spent to fund an alleged corrupt organization while your sitting and waiting. And you didn't give any specifics on what RNC/DNC group are currently being investigated. So in that aspect, you fail. I will give you one, that's currently being investigated by the ethics committee and that's Charles Rangel who just happens to be a democrat.
We'll save You a front row seat.

I'll look forward to it. I absolutely hate graft and corruption. If you can prove that's happening here on an organizational level, and not on a person by person basis, I'll join the fight against ACORN. I'll be waiting.
And the police confirmed no one was killed.

Go Glen Beck. 1.7 million at the march determined by a head count by a university whose name he couldn't remember.

If they are guilty punish them.

If they are innocent, the right will move on forget that and continue the nutty ness.
We'll save You a front row seat.

I'll look forward to it. I absolutely hate graft and corruption. If you can prove that's happening here on an organizational level, and not on a person by person basis, I'll join the fight against ACORN. I'll be waiting.

Lets start taking them all down. We'll start a third Party, and Run Bill Cosby and Morgan Freeman. Make a rule in Congress that All Bills have to be under 100 Pages, and include the IRS in that. We will Run on Oversight, Transparency, and Accountability. Unions will be Neutered and we can go back to the Old Way of Equal Justice under The Law without Partiality. No more Favors. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: No more Federal Workers in Unions.
Lets start taking them all down. We'll start a third Party, and Run Bill Cosby and Morgan Freeman. Make a rule in Congress that All Bills have to be under 100 Pages, and include the IRS in that. We will Run on Oversight, Transparency, and Accountability. Unions will be Neutered and we can go back to the Old Way of Equal Justice under The Law without Partiality. No more Favors. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: No more Federal Workers in Unions.

Cosby would be a leg up on the current crop available on both sides. As for the tax code, you sold me.
Federal and state authorities in Miami are still searching for five of the 11 people suspected of falsifying information on hundreds of voter registration cards -- including registering the name of the late actor Paul Newman -- the Florida Department of Law Enforcement told Thursday.

Six people were taken into custody Wednesday as arrest warrants were issued for 11 workers hired by the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now -- or ACORN -- on charges of voter registration fraud.

Florida state attorney Katherine Fernandez-Rundle said the 11 workers hired to register voters by ACORN in Homestead, Fla., submitted 888 fraudulent names -- which included names of people who were already registered voters, fictitious names, and the name of the late actor Paul Newman, who died in Sept. 2008.

Fernandez-Rundle said ACORN alerted her office after it reviewed hundreds of voter registration cards it suspected were fraudulent. She said that none of the names in question actually voted.

"While they were attempting to steal from ACORN, they were stealing from our electoral process and we just will not tolerate that," she said.

Fernandez-Rundle said the workers, who were being paid 10 dollars an hour to register voters, face anywhere from 2 to 37 counts of "false swearing in connection with voting or elections" and "submission of false voter registration information."

"They were attempting to justify their hourly wages," she said.

In a statement sent to on Wednesday, Florida ACORN board member Leroy Bell said, "We want to commend the state attorney for taking decisive action. Today's action demonstrates the seriousness we brought to the task of not only expanding the electorate, but also of protecting the integrity of the voting process. "

"Over the last five years thousands of dedicated people have worked or volunteered with Florida ACORN and succeeded in helping hundreds of thousands of Florida citizens -- especially African-Americans, Latinos, low-income and young people -- to apply to become registered voters. Fortunately, our quality control managers and the systems we developed ensured their ability to spot the isolated wrongdoing by these 11 workers who tried to pass off phony forms instead of doing their work," he said.

Bell added that the government should do more to modernize the voter registration system, saying ACORN would "prefer that Florida and the United States adopt a more modern voter registration system where getting everyone on the rolls is the government's job and mission."

ACORN's activities were frequently questioned during the 2008 presidential election. The group, which claims to be a non-partisan grassroots community organization of low- and moderate-income people, came under fire in 2007 when Washington State filed felony charges against several paid ACORN employees and supervisors for more than 1,700 fraudulent voter registrations. In March 2008, an ACORN worker in Pennsylvania was sentenced for making 29 phony voter registration forms.

ACORN Workers Face Charges of Alleged Voter Registration Fraud in Florida - Political News -


Speaking of ACORN VIDEO? Hannity has an exclusive NEW ONE to expose out of San Diego tonight that hasn't been seen yet. According to Hannity? It's supposed to be a 'barn-burner".

Thanks for the Reminder. :)
Speaking of ACORN VIDEO? Hannity has an exclusive NEW ONE to expose out of San Diego tonight that hasn't been seen yet. According to Hannity? It's supposed to be a 'barn-burner".

Thanks for the Reminder. :)

I'll be watching and capturing it. Hopefully? I can post it here shortly after the fact. And you notice ACORN has pretty much been brought to a screeching halt?

I think more should be done, and an AUDIT for every dollar shouls be hels to account. I think they've come to realize that this just isn't isolated...It's a Cancer on the TAXPAYERS.

And I wonder how many more 'FRONT GROUPS' are out there that are the same or WORSE?

ETA: You're welcome my friend.
Speaking of ACORN VIDEO? Hannity has an exclusive NEW ONE to expose out of San Diego tonight that hasn't been seen yet. According to Hannity? It's supposed to be a 'barn-burner".

Thanks for the Reminder. :)

I'll be watching and capturing it. Hopefully? I can post it here shortly after the fact. And you notice ACORN has pretty much been brought to a screeching halt?

I think more should be done, and an AUDIT for every dollar shouls be hels to account. I think they've come to realize that this just isn't isolated...It's a Cancer on the TAXPAYERS.

And I wonder how many more 'FRONT GROUPS' are out there that are the same or WORSE?

ETA: You're welcome my friend.

I've sent 3 E-Mails to HUD Alert, to complain. No response yet.
ACORN, calling the actions of some of its employees "indefensible," has suspended advising new clients as part of its service programs and is setting up an independent review to see what happened.

ACORN chief executive Bertha Lewis said in a written statement that she was "ordering a halt to any new intakes into ACORN's service programs until completion of an independent review."

ACORN says workers conduct 'indefensible' - The Washington Times
Thanks for the Reminder. :)

I'll be watching and capturing it. Hopefully? I can post it here shortly after the fact. And you notice ACORN has pretty much been brought to a screeching halt?

I think more should be done, and an AUDIT for every dollar shouls be hels to account. I think they've come to realize that this just isn't isolated...It's a Cancer on the TAXPAYERS.

And I wonder how many more 'FRONT GROUPS' are out there that are the same or WORSE?

ETA: You're welcome my friend.

I've sent 3 E-Mails to HUD Alert, to complain. No response yet.

I'd be curious to know IF you get a response.

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