Glenn Beck Airs New ACORN Video - Murder?

Ame®icano;1524370 said:
ACORN, calling the actions of some of its employees "indefensible," has suspended advising new clients as part of its service programs and is setting up an independent review to see what happened.

ACORN chief executive Bertha Lewis said in a written statement that she was "ordering a halt to any new intakes into ACORN's service programs until completion of an independent review."

ACORN says workers conduct 'indefensible' - The Washington Times

I notice the word "Indefensible" their speak they think it's isolated to a few "rogues". Interesting that these people don't seem to understand that it's Orginization wide?

Yeah, I'll belive that when Pigs take to wing.
Ame®icano;1524370 said:
ACORN, calling the actions of some of its employees "indefensible," has suspended advising new clients as part of its service programs and is setting up an independent review to see what happened.

ACORN chief executive Bertha Lewis said in a written statement that she was "ordering a halt to any new intakes into ACORN's service programs until completion of an independent review."

ACORN says workers conduct 'indefensible' - The Washington Times

I notice the word "Indefensible" their speak they think it's isolated to a few "rogues". Interesting that these people don't seem to understand that it's Orginization wide?

Yeah, I'll belive that when Pigs take to wing.

Hey man They take it to Art Form. It's almost beautiful to watch sometimes, if one could ignore the collateral damage. Where is the FBI in This? The Attorney General? Everybody hide and Shred. I'm gonna count to 5000 in sixteen languages, and then I'm coming for you. I'd better not find anything Incriminating now. If I do The Union Enforcers will take you fishing... Chum... Get it .... Good.... Now Shred and Hide. Delete those E-Mails or Your Ass is mine.
Ame®icano;1524370 said:

I notice the word "Indefensible" their speak they think it's isolated to a few "rogues". Interesting that these people don't seem to understand that it's Orginization wide?

Yeah, I'll belive that when Pigs take to wing.

Hey man They take it to Art Form. It's almost beautiful to watch sometimes, if one could ignore the collateral damage. Where is the FBI in This? The Attorney General? Everybody hide and Shred. I'm gonna count to 5000 in sixteen languages, and then I'm coming for you. I'd better not find anything Incriminating now. If I do The Union Enforcers will take you fishing... Chum... Get it .... Good.... Now Shred and Hide. Delete those E-Mails or Your Ass is mine.

Will the Congress have to act over Obama's Head to get Eric Holder to do his duty?

Inquiring minds wanna know where the CEO of this Republic IS on this issue? I mean after all? He touted this Orginization during his campaign gleefully champoning them saying he had addressed their issues...and WORKED for them?

Obama? Where are you on this? Time to be a stand up guy?

[Cynically? I say he WON'T].
Ame®icano;1524370 said:
ACORN, calling the actions of some of its employees "indefensible," has suspended advising new clients as part of its service programs and is setting up an independent review to see what happened.

ACORN chief executive Bertha Lewis said in a written statement that she was "ordering a halt to any new intakes into ACORN's service programs until completion of an independent review."

ACORN says workers conduct 'indefensible' - The Washington Times

I notice the word "Indefensible" their speak they think it's isolated to a few "rogues". Interesting that these people don't seem to understand that it's Orginization wide?

Yeah, I'll belive that when Pigs take to wing.

I noticed two words - "independent review".

Something is telling me that will be internal investigation and if it is, I don't believe it will be independent.

How about we have the Inspector General do it? Oops, he's too busy investigating torture. Where is the Congress? Where is the FBI?
Ame®icano;1524534 said:
Ame®icano;1524370 said:

I notice the word "Indefensible" their speak they think it's isolated to a few "rogues". Interesting that these people don't seem to understand that it's Orginization wide?

Yeah, I'll belive that when Pigs take to wing.

I noticed two words - "independent review".

Something is telling me that will be internal investigation and if it is, I don't believe it will be independent.

How about we have the Inspector General do it? Oops, he's too busy investigating torture. Where is the Congress? Where is the FBI?

Where's Eric Holder? Obama? Conspiculously MISSING from this.

I have the Exclusive VID uploading now...
Ame®icano;1524534 said:
I notice the word "Indefensible" their speak they think it's isolated to a few "rogues". Interesting that these people don't seem to understand that it's Orginization wide?

Yeah, I'll belive that when Pigs take to wing.

I noticed two words - "independent review".

Something is telling me that will be internal investigation and if it is, I don't believe it will be independent.

How about we have the Inspector General do it? Oops, he's too busy investigating torture. Where is the Congress? Where is the FBI?

Where's Eric Holder? Obama? Conspiculously MISSING from this.

I have the Exclusive VID uploading now...
Maybe they are content to let the law operate without their micromanaging. Or maybe they don't agree that you should be dictating their actions.

Hypocrite. You still haven't explained why you support priests abusing young boys.
Ame®icano;1524534 said:
I noticed two words - "independent review".

Something is telling me that will be internal investigation and if it is, I don't believe it will be independent.

How about we have the Inspector General do it? Oops, he's too busy investigating torture. Where is the Congress? Where is the FBI?

Where's Eric Holder? Obama? Conspiculously MISSING from this.

I have the Exclusive VID uploading now...
Maybe they are content to let the law operate without their micromanaging. Or maybe they don't agree that you should be dictating their actions.

Hypocrite. You still haven't explained why you support priests abusing young boys.
These are FEDERAL STATUES clearly being violated, hack-in-the-box.

Shit, your playing naive gets really old!
Ame®icano;1524534 said:
I noticed two words - "independent review".

Something is telling me that will be internal investigation and if it is, I don't believe it will be independent.

How about we have the Inspector General do it? Oops, he's too busy investigating torture. Where is the Congress? Where is the FBI?

Where's Eric Holder? Obama? Conspiculously MISSING from this.

I have the Exclusive VID uploading now...
Maybe they are content to let the law operate without their micromanaging. Or maybe they don't agree that you should be dictating their actions.

Hypocrite. You still haven't explained why you support priests abusing young boys.

Put up or shut up Ravi. Give me names. I'll Pass them on. Heads will roll. Put up or shut up.

You guys DO know by now that FOX was punk'd on this, right?

On September 15, Fox News' Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity both broadcast Tresa Kaelke's assertion, recorded on a hidden camera, that she had killed a former husband.

Both made a point of highlighting the statement. On the September 15 edition of his show, Beck played the clip and then said, "She never spanked her kids, but she did shoot her husband dead." Later that night, Hannity played the same clip before adding, "Specifically, now, she goes into this scenario about her husband and the killing of him."

The following morning, on September 16, Fox News' Gretchen Carlson repeated the allegation, saying, "She killed somebody? Despite this, some lawmakers want to keep funding the group." She later claimed that the husband was still alive, "according to ACORN."

However, the San Bernardino Police Department itself has now confirmed that Kaelke's claim was untrue. A department statement released on September 15 reads:

"The San Bernardino Police Department is investigating the claims made regarding the homicide. From the initial investigation conducted, the claims do not appear to be factual. Investigators have been in contact with the involved party's known former husbands, who are alive and well."

Furthermore, Kaelke has said that when she made the claim, she was seeking to deliberately mislead the undercover videographers, Hannah Giles and James O'Keefe, of whom she was suspicious.

"They were not believable," Kaelke is quoted as saying in an ACORN press release. "Somewhat entertaining, but they weren't even good actors. I didn't know what to make of them. They were clearly playing with me. I decided to shock them as much as they were shocking me."

Kaelke's remarks have thus far been largely ignored by Fox News.


You guys DO know by now that FOX was punk'd on this, right?

On September 15, Fox News' Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity both broadcast Tresa Kaelke's assertion, recorded on a hidden camera, that she had killed a former husband.

Both made a point of highlighting the statement. On the September 15 edition of his show, Beck played the clip and then said, "She never spanked her kids, but she did shoot her husband dead." Later that night, Hannity played the same clip before adding, "Specifically, now, she goes into this scenario about her husband and the killing of him."

The following morning, on September 16, Fox News' Gretchen Carlson repeated the allegation, saying, "She killed somebody? Despite this, some lawmakers want to keep funding the group." She later claimed that the husband was still alive, "according to ACORN."

However, the San Bernardino Police Department itself has now confirmed that Kaelke's claim was untrue. A department statement released on September 15 reads:

"The San Bernardino Police Department is investigating the claims made regarding the homicide. From the initial investigation conducted, the claims do not appear to be factual. Investigators have been in contact with the involved party's known former husbands, who are alive and well."

Furthermore, Kaelke has said that when she made the claim, she was seeking to deliberately mislead the undercover videographers, Hannah Giles and James O'Keefe, of whom she was suspicious.

"They were not believable," Kaelke is quoted as saying in an ACORN press release. "Somewhat entertaining, but they weren't even good actors. I didn't know what to make of them. They were clearly playing with me. I decided to shock them as much as they were shocking me."

Kaelke's remarks have thus far been largely ignored by Fox News.
Which casts doubt on all the tapes.
Where's Eric Holder? Obama? Conspiculously MISSING from this.

I have the Exclusive VID uploading now...
Maybe they are content to let the law operate without their micromanaging. Or maybe they don't agree that you should be dictating their actions.

Hypocrite. You still haven't explained why you support priests abusing young boys.
These are FEDERAL STATUES clearly being violated, hack-in-the-box.

Shit, your playing naive gets really old!
What federal statues would those be?

Fair enough, but tell me, how many people in any of these investigations have been charged and/or convicted? As for Acorn? Well we know at least 30 officials have been convicted and more will surely come.

Oh and Huffington Post is not a credible news source.

Fair enough, but tell me, how many people in any of these investigations have been charged and/or convicted? As for Acorn? Well we know at least 30 officials have been convicted and more will surely come.

Oh and Huffington Post is not a credible news source.

You asked about investigations, which mean nothing without convictions... or do you think that all those GOP folk mentioned above are guilty by reason of investigation? Local GOP and DNC do rack up convictions too, but it isn't necessarily proof of systematic abuse. I'll have to come back later with the name of the GOP'er in the Dakotas that got a conviction for a pretty sleazy scheme to tie up phone lines on election day.

My point, which stands, is that political groups get investigated all the time. Its pretty much the nature of the beast.

As for HuffPost, its at least as credible as WorldNet and some of the other right wing kook sites out there, and the facts of the story remain the facts, or do you dispute that the story is an out and out lie?

EDIT IN: I just want to add that if convictions and investigations are proof of widespread corruption, then the Bush White House was in real trouble. The spent every day that ends in "y" under investigation, and a few went to jail (actually quite a few at the sub cabinet level: Google Abramoff). System wide corruption isn't indicated by a few investigations and a few bad apples.

You've got good stuff on ACORN, but it hasn't risen to systematic yet. Until you get that, this isn't going to rise to impeachable, or even noteworthy to most voters. You'll need to work harder.
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Fox was punked? because a woman supposesdly lied on a tape?

I still cant believe you idiots are defending them. They could be on tape committing mass murder and youd still try to find some way for Fox and Republicans to be the bad guys. Listen to yourself.
Fox was punked? because a woman supposesdly lied on a tape?

I still cant believe you idiots are defending them. They could be on tape committing mass murder and youd still try to find some way for Fox and Republicans to be the bad guys. Listen to yourself.

They ran with an unverified story. Dan Rather did that didn't he? What's your opinion of him?

Fair enough, but tell me, how many people in any of these investigations have been charged and/or convicted? As for Acorn? Well we know at least 30 officials have been convicted and more will surely come.

Oh and Huffington Post is not a credible news source.

You asked about investigations, which mean nothing without convictions... or do you think that all those GOP folk mentioned above are guilty by reason of investigation? Local GOP and DNC do rack up convictions too, but it isn't necessarily proof of systematic abuse. I'll have to come back later with the name of the GOP'er in the Dakotas that got a conviction for a pretty sleazy scheme to tie up phone lines on election day.

My point, which stands, is that political groups get investigated all the time. Its pretty much the nature of the beast.

As for HuffPost, its at least as credible as WorldNet and some of the other right wing kook sites out there, and the facts of the story remain the facts, or do you dispute that the story is an out and out lie?

Yea right, we all know how honest politicians as a whole are. :cuckoo:

The fact of the matter is, everyone knows that politicians lie, that's a given and most politicians don't hide the fact that they misrepresent the truth and like fools we still vote them into office. But as I said we already know what we're paying for. As for Acorn, most think like you (wrongly) that they are an honest group with only the best intentions, but that isn't the truth and each day we find out just how deep their dishonesty goes.

Free minded thinkers (like myself) don't need to be shit on a dozen times before we start smelling the stench. Free minded thinkers (like myself) sees five videos that shows indefensable acts and know that these are not isolated incidents. Think about it, do you honestly believe these five videos (and more will come) are isolated incidents? Do you not think it possible and very likely that these people and people like them have done these things in the past? You're trying to point to politicians who have a long history of corruption as a basis to judge all groups and since politicians have a long history of corruption then it's somehow justifies Acorns corruption. And that's just plain stupid!
Fox was punked? because a woman supposesdly lied on a tape?

I still cant believe you idiots are defending them. They could be on tape committing mass murder and youd still try to find some way for Fox and Republicans to be the bad guys. Listen to yourself.

They ran with an unverified story. Dan Rather did that didn't he? What's your opinion of him?

Speaking of Dan Rather , how is his lawsuit going?

Oh and the difference between Rather and this idiot who lied about murdering someone is that the murder or alleged murder isn't the focal point of the story. It was the by-product of an investigative report into Acorn.
Fox was punked? because a woman supposesdly lied on a tape?

I still cant believe you idiots are defending them. They could be on tape committing mass murder and youd still try to find some way for Fox and Republicans to be the bad guys. Listen to yourself.

They ran with an unverified story. Dan Rather did that didn't he? What's your opinion of him?

There is a nice section on Dan Rather ("Rather Than Dan") in "Stolen Valor". That sums him up for me.
Fox was punked? because a woman supposesdly lied on a tape?

I still cant believe you idiots are defending them. They could be on tape committing mass murder and youd still try to find some way for Fox and Republicans to be the bad guys. Listen to yourself.

It's ACORN 's Ties with Big Names and Powers that help in the Obstruction of Justice.

In 1970, Congress passed the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act, Title 18, United States Code, Sections 1961-1968. At the time, Congress' goal was to eliminate the ill-affects of organized crime on the nation's economy. To put it bluntly, RICO was intended to destroy the Mafia.

Throughout the 1970's, RICO's intended purpose and its actual use ran parallel to each other. Seldom was RICO used outside of the context of the Mafia, and it is not an overstatement to say that civil claims under RICO were simply not brought.

In the 1980's, however, civil lawyers noticed section 1964(c) of the RICO Act, which allows civil claims to be brought by any person injured in their business or property by reason of a RICO violation. Any person who succeeded in establishing a civil RICO claim would automatically receive judgment in the amount of three times their actual damages and would be awarded their costs and attorneys' fees. The financial windfall available under RICO inspired the creativity of lawyers across the nation, and by the late 1980's, RICO was a (if not the most) commonly asserted claim in federal court. Everyone was trying to depict civil claims, such as common law fraud, product defect, and breach of contract as criminal wrongdoing, which would in turn enable the filing of a civil RICO action.

RICO's broad application was the result of Congress' inclusion of mail and wire fraud as two crimes upon which a RICO claim could be brought. Given the breadth of activities that had historically been criminally prosecuted under the mail and wire fraud statutes, it was not difficult for creative civil attorneys to depict practically any wrongdoing as mail or wire fraud.

During the 1990's, the federal courts, guided by the United States Supreme Court, engaged in a concerted effort to limit the scope of RICO in the civil context. As a result of this effort, civil litigants must jump many hurdles and avoid many pitfalls before they can expect the financial windfall available under RICO, and RICO has become one of the most complicated and unpredictable areas of the law.

Today, RICO is almost never applied to the Mafia. Instead, it is applied to individuals, businesses, political protest groups, and terrorist organizations. In short, a RICO claim can arise in almost any context.

The purpose of this website is to simplify this very complicated area of the law and to articulate and make more predictable the legal standards that govern such claims.

RICO ACT, Jeff Grell, Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations, RICO, Attorney at Law

High Crimes and Misdemeanors
Who the fuck cares if the meth head lied about shooting her husband?
This is all about Obama's beloved band of happy community organizers giving advice on how to import LITTLE GIRLS for prostitution. It's about them giving advice on how to obtain loans to buy properties in which to facilitate said LITTLE GIRLS being exploited. This is about them giving advice on how to skirt tax laws. This is about them not doing what 99.9% of clear thinking americans would do. And that is CALLING THE GOD DAMN AUTHORITIES when said LITTLE GIRLS are possibly being imported, sold, exploited and MOLESTED!
Christ, liberals are friggin' idiots!
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