Glenn Beck and Ron Paul - Traitors?

The republicans stated goal is to make Obama a failure. That's as anti-American as it gets.

The declared intention of candidate Obama was to "fundamentally transfer America".

That's about as anti-American as it gets.

And trying to stop it is not only NOT treasonous, but PATRIOTIC.

Ironically, that was not what he said when he was campaigning.....although most, including the media seem to recall it that way.

But if you recall...his "platform" was to "Change the way we do things in Washington"...referring to eliminating lobbyists from the WH and pushing bi partisanship.

It wasn't until his inauguration speech when he said "fundamentally change America"

To fundamentally change America, would be to stop the spiral of debt that was created with the war based economy. To stop the greed of corporate industry, and the funneling of wealth to the rich. To stop the enslavement of the American people, that have had the burden of paying the debt created by the military industrial complex.

This should be the goal of everyone that isn't one of the top 5% richest. Before Obama, three of the past four POTUS's have been republicans that have raised the national debt from less than one trillion dollars to over $12 trillion(Clinton added one trillion). That debt was accumulated with a war based economy, the lowering of taxes for corporations and the rich, which brought in less revenue to pay for all that deficit spending. And the ramped greed of Wall Street Banks deregulation caused the economic collapse, which added another $5 trillion digging us out of the mess.

The right wing ideology of destroying Social Security, health care, education, and giving America's wealth to the richest 5% is a recipe for the creation of a banana republic, and the destruction of freedom.
The declared intention of candidate Obama was to "fundamentally transfer America".

That's about as anti-American as it gets.

And trying to stop it is not only NOT treasonous, but PATRIOTIC.

Ironically, that was not what he said when he was campaigning.....although most, including the media seem to recall it that way.

But if you recall...his "platform" was to "Change the way we do things in Washington"...referring to eliminating lobbyists from the WH and pushing bi partisanship.

It wasn't until his inauguration speech when he said "fundamentally change America"

To fundamentally change America, would be to stop the spiral of debt that was created with the war based economy. To stop the greed of corporate industry, and the funneling of wealth to the rich. To stop the enslavement of the American people, that have had the burden of paying the debt created by the military industrial complex.

This should be the goal of everyone that isn't one of the top 5% richest. Before Obama, three of the past four POTUS's have been republicans that have raised the national debt from less than one trillion dollars to over $12 trillion(Clinton added one trillion). That debt was accumulated with a war based economy, the lowering of taxes for corporations and the rich, which brought in less revenue to pay for all that deficit spending. And the ramped greed of Wall Street Banks deregulation caused the economic collapse, which added another $5 trillion digging us out of the mess.

The right wing ideology of destroying Social Security, health care, education, and giving America's wealth to the richest 5% is a recipe for the creation of a banana republic, and the destruction of freedom.


Fix Social Security. Not destroy it
Fix healthcare. Not take it over and not destroy it.
Fix education by eliminating tenured teachers that suck ass....not destroy it.

As for the "giving Americas wealth to the 5%"......

Grow up.
Yes, and so is Fux News, Rush Limpballs and the GOP.

So why do we feel the need to refer to each other as traitors? Are we so paranoid of each other that we can't see each other as fellow Americans?

The republicans stated goal is to make Obama a failure. That's as anti-American as it gets.

And how is that different than the Democrat's goal when a Republican is in the White House?

Bush basically let the Democrats write the Education Bill and the Prescription Drug Bill, Obama says, "It's my way or the highway, elections have consequences".
“I think I have just read about the man for which I have waited,” tweeted conservative commentator Glenn Beck after reading the original Guardian report.

Former Republican Rep. Ron Paul, an outspoken tea partier and former presidential candidate, too, applauded Snowden, saying, “We should be thankful for individuals” like him “who speak out, despite the risk.”

"On the other hand, lawmakers across both parties — from red-meat conservative Republicans to reliably left-leaning Democrats — have assailed the deed as a possible act of treason."

House Speaker John Boehner called Snowden “a traitor” on Tuesday during an appearance on “Good Morning America.”

"I don't look at this as being a whistle-blower. I think it's an act of treason," said Senate Intelligence Committee Chairwoman Dianne Feinstein, a California Democrat.
Edward Snowden, hero or traitor? NSA leaker divides political world in sometimes-unpredictable ways - NY Daily News

Of course, that's what all the fascist politicians would say.
So why do we feel the need to refer to each other as traitors? Are we so paranoid of each other that we can't see each other as fellow Americans?

The republicans stated goal is to make Obama a failure. That's as anti-American as it gets.

And how is that different than the Democrat's goal when a Republican is in the White House?

Bush basically let the Democrats write the Education Bill and the Prescription Drug Bill, Obama says, "It's my way or the highway, elections have consequences".

It's different because the wimpy dems didn't obstruct the welfare to millionaires, they didn't obstruct the Iraq war, and they didn't obstruct the deregulation of Wall Street banks that caused the economic collapse. And that's why I'm a registered INDEPENDENT.

BTW, Shrub had a republican House and Senate for his first six years.
You might be a registereed independent, but based on your ranting and low information injections, i'd say you should also be certifiable.
We can all thank Blen Geck for talking all those rich cons into buying gold, which is now worth 33% less.
You might be a registereed independent, but based on your ranting and low information injections, i'd say you should also be certifiable.
No credibility from a rubber room resident. Here's a clue, yours is the NO info rant.


Fix Social Security. Not destroy it
Fix healthcare. Not take it over and not destroy it.
Fix education by eliminating tenured teachers that suck ass....not destroy it.

As for the "giving Americas wealth to the 5%"......

Grow up.
Learn the difference between correction and bullshit, kid.
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We can all thank Blen Geck for talking all those rich cons into buying gold, which is now worth 33% less.

Clearly you do not understand economics. Perhaps stick to low info DNC memes like "the deregulation of wall st. that caused an economic collapse". Yeah, ok, thats entirely wrong but it fits the narrative all the same.

Now you're talking about market commodities and commentators in some correlation to pricing. It's just hilarious to watch you spin around.
If disclosing classified materials is criminal or even treasonous, and you support the one who did it you may not be guilty of the same crime but you're guilty of something. I wonder though if it's more about supporting anyone and anything done against the current administration moreso than if against a different one.

Are you saying it's treasonous to expose illegal government spying on Americans? We should keep our eyes closed and our mouths shut like good little robots when we see illegal government activities? Open our arms and accept the new tyranny without a fight? I don't think so. I don't usually side with people that reveal government secrets but when those secrets are about illegal spying on every American, ALL phone calls, All e-mails, someone needs to speak up. I guess one mans traitor is another mans Patriot.
You might be a registereed independent, but based on your ranting and low information injections, i'd say you should also be certifiable.
No credibility from a rubber room resident. Here's a clue, yours is the NO info rant.

Clearly you lack an semblance of sane. You're rabid with head full of bullshit spoon fed to you by morons who have been fucking you over for years. Classic!
If disclosing classified materials is criminal or even treasonous, and you support the one who did it you may not be guilty of the same crime but you're guilty of something. I wonder though if it's more about supporting anyone and anything done against the current administration moreso than if against a different one.

this is the liberal mindset that undermines our 1st Amendment for free speech....:mad:

it's why liberals target talk radio or the Tea Party as being 'criminal'....why they sic the IRS after them, why Obama attacks FOX, why they want FCC monitors....they wish that anyone who speaks out against them is branded as 'guilty of something' and punished in some way....

Free speech includes saying anything and everything even if you don't agree with it.....with very minor exceptions like deliberately inciting a riot that harms people....Snowden may be proven a criminal in court but people agreeing/disagreeing with his actions as being civil disobedience or criminal are not 'guilty' of anything under the law...
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We can all thank Blen Geck for talking all those rich cons into buying gold, which is now worth 33% less.

Clearly you do not understand economics. Perhaps stick to low info DNC memes like "the deregulation of wall st. that caused an economic collapse". Yeah, ok, thats entirely wrong but it fits the narrative all the same.

Now you're talking about market commodities and commentators in some correlation to pricing. It's just hilarious to watch you spin around.
Because you got nothing, you just bla bla bla. How much did Bleck screw you? Must be a bunch.
You might be a registereed independent, but based on your ranting and low information injections, i'd say you should also be certifiable.
No credibility from a rubber room resident. Here's a clue, yours is the NO info rant.

Clearly you lack an semblance of sane. You're rabid with head full of bullshit spoon fed to you by morons who have been fucking you over for years. Classic!

Again you have no substance, just more childish sandbox banter. Poor you.
If disclosing classified materials is criminal or even treasonous, and you support the one who did it you may not be guilty of the same crime but you're guilty of something. I wonder though if it's more about supporting anyone and anything done against the current administration moreso than if against a different one.

You must not be familiar with Ron Paul if that's what you think. In Beck's case, I'd be surprised if that's his actual position on Snowden.
Two things first Snowden needs to come back here and defend his actions in a court room and let that determine his guilt or innocence second stating your opinion about Snowden either for or against him does not make one a traitor.

In other words, he needs to come back to the U.S., have no chance to actually defend himself, and end up in a hole like Bradley Manning. Yeah, what a great idea that would be.
If it's treason for Snowden to leak classified information to the press, then is it treason for anonymous administration officials to do the same thing? I mean, every administration allows leaks to the press that they feel make them look good, and Obama is no different. So should his administration be put under investigation for its treasonous activities?

Also, what about James Clapper lying under oath to the Congress? When athletes do it its perjury and a criminal offense, but the DNI does it and we hear nothing more about it. If Snowden should be prosecuted then Clapper obviously should as well.
Two things first Snowden needs to come back here and defend his actions in a court room and let that determine his guilt or innocence second stating your opinion about Snowden either for or against him does not make one a traitor.

In other words, he needs to come back to the U.S., have no chance to actually defend himself, and end up in a hole like Bradley Manning. Yeah, what a great idea that would be.

Our criminal justice system is not perfect - but it is as good as there is on the planet. If you firmly believe you are in the right, why run and hide? Does he lack the courage of his convictions? Or is he just pooing his pants because his 15 minutes of fame blew up in his face?

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