Glenn Beck: He's Back


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012

Beck Takes His Conservative Internet Shows to the Dish Network

Published: September 12, 2012

Glenn Beck is bringing his brand of conservative commentary back to the television set.

One year after embracing an Internet-only distribution model, Mr. Beck is repositioning his streaming network, TheBlaze TV, as an offering for cable and satellite operators — in other words, TV the old-fashioned way.

On Wednesday, he will announce an agreement with the Dish Network, the first of what his company hopes will be many such deals.

TheBlaze TV, an Internet television network, will remain available via the Web for its 300,000 paying subscribers, including those not subscribing to Dish. But the distribution deal with Dish gives Mr. Beck, formerly a host on Fox News, a new way to reach viewers that may be adopted by other Internet entrepreneurs seeking a way into traditional television.

“Our success over the past year has given us the ability to go on traditional television while maintaining complete creative control and freedom and remaining at the center of the Internet revolution,” Mr. Beck said.

Another beck commercial just like the last one about a week or so ago?

Glad I have Direct.
Stephanie is gonna be unstoppable with her certificate of completion from Beck University.
I here he's got a Power Point presentation that proves the 47% are card-carrying members of Al Qaeda/CPUSA/Illuminati and the g-d MSM won't report on it. :eek:
Has NBC News completely sold out?


“If you think you can trust anything from the Today Show, the NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams or, of course, anything on MSNBC, you’re a fool,” Glenn noted. “I’ve never seen anything like it. How many, how many tapes have they doctored now? Four? Five? How many tapes?”

They’ve done this with the 911 tape in the Trayvon Martin case and multiple tapes of Mitt Romney.

Pat noted NBC did with the tape of Mitt Romney at the Wawa, making it look as if he had never been to a convenience store in his life.

“All he was doing was saying, look at the difference between the private sector and the public sector,” Pat said.

“And they wouldn’t play Andrea Mitchell wouldn’t play [on NBC News] an actual recording of the president talking about redistribution of wealth, because she couldn’t independently verify,” Glenn added.

Never mind that the White House would verify the tape.

And now, just last week, Joe Scarborough and MSNBC attempted to mock and expose Mitt Romney as an “egomaniac,” with an edited video where Romney supposedly looks like he is trying to get a crowd to shout his name when they were shouting Ryan’s — completely disregarding the fact that Mitt Romney was the one leading the chant-change to include Ryan.

MSNBC’s Clip:


Has NBC News completely sold out? – Glenn Beck

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LOL...this got me thinking about all the lefties in here having orgasms a while back over the impending demise of Rush because his sponsors were all going to abandon him. And yeah, two or three did, they were replaced, by a competitor in one instance, and Rush is still there every day tormenting the hell out of them.
LOL...this got me thinking about all the lefties in here having orgasms a while back over the impending demise of Rush because his sponsors were all going to abandon him. And yeah, two or three did, they were replaced, by a competitor in one instance, and Rush is still there every day tormenting the hell out of them.

Is he still there? Why isn't he being quoted by the Romney campaign? Embarrassed? :cool:
LOL...this got me thinking about all the lefties in here having orgasms a while back over the impending demise of Rush because his sponsors were all going to abandon him. And yeah, two or three did, they were replaced, by a competitor in one instance, and Rush is still there every day tormenting the hell out of them.

Is he still there? Why isn't he being quoted by the Romney campaign? Embarrassed? :cool:

Well, he's still got sponsors so I think even you might be able to noodle out the correct answer.
LOL...this got me thinking about all the lefties in here having orgasms a while back over the impending demise of Rush because his sponsors were all going to abandon him. And yeah, two or three did, they were replaced, by a competitor in one instance, and Rush is still there every day tormenting the hell out of them.

Is he still there? Why isn't he being quoted by the Romney campaign? Embarrassed? :cool:

Well, he's still got sponsors so I think even you might be able to noodle out the correct answer.

Purdue Pharma should sponsor him.
Unbelievable excuses made for Candy Crowley in CNN internal memo


The time disparity between President Obama and Governor Romney in the last debate has been widely discussed amongst honest media outlets. The president got about 10% more time to speak. reported that President Obama received roughly 44:04 minutes compared to Romney’s 40:50.

Today, top CNN executive Mark Whitaker issued an internal memo to all CNN employees defending Tuesday night’s debate moderator Candy Crowley amid “conservative criticism.

“I’ve never seen anything like this,” Glenn said this morning after seeing the memo. “This is incredible.”

The memo makes the claim that President Obama got more speaking time because “he talks more slowly,” asserting that they would be conducting a word could comparison between the two to see who actually spoke more.

“They’re actually now, they’re going to spend corporate dollars to justify internally the word count,” Glenn joked.

Here’s the full memo, via the Hollywood Reporter:

Unbelievable excuses made for Candy Crowley in CNN internal memo – Glenn Beck

The WORST Obama comment of ALL TIME


For the past several weeks The Glenn Beck Program has been counting down the worst Obama comments to date – from I don’t want them punished with a baby’ to ‘bitterly clinging to guns & religion’ and everything in between. Which comment do the fans think is the worst of all time?

It all came down to Obama telling Russia’s Dmitry Medvedev “This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility”, and his speech to La Raza where he said ““Some people want me to bypass Congress and change the laws on my own — and believe me, right now, dealing with Congress…believe me, the idea of doing things on my own is very tempting.”

And the winner with 74% of the vote was “Last Election”!

WATCH the winner “Last Election”

The WORST Obama comment of ALL TIME – Glenn Beck
Media missed the point of “Obama in Pee Pee”


Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

For the past three days, Glenn has been trying to make a point about the Constitution, but the media seems to be missing it. Not surprisingly, the media and the left flew into outrage mode over Glenn’s placing of a fake Obama into a fake jar of urine. They have said that he’s trying to make money and get his name in the paper again. That he’s trying to rile up the left by taking the President and desecrating his image. But the truth is, Glenn has always been about trying to educate through entertainment, but the media once again wants to focus on the presentation and not on the message.

Unlike most cable news commentators, Glenn has never been one to just sit behind a desk and read off a teleprompter. It works great for a lot of successful TV personalities, but not Glenn. Instead, he’ll often use props, chalkboards, live animals, and other tools to make his point. His ability to entertain the audience while talking about complex and often depressing economic and political issues is a big reason why he became such a popular personality on television and radio.

So on Tuesday night when Glenn wanted to talk about the Constitutionally protected right for an artist to paint Barack Obama as Jesus Christ on the cross, of course he would use a lot of crazy props to make his point.


Media missed the point of

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