Glenn Beck Urges Listeners to Leave Churches That Preach Social Justice

I still can't believe that anyone in this thread can claim Jesus wasn't political. To me, that's utterly indefensible.

He was crucified because he was a political threat. He upset the power balance of the local and world well as the political status of the dominant religion of the day. His followers numbered in the thousands and his dictates (the habits and character practices he advocated followed without question) had a political effect. Furthermore, his rivals at the time (you didn't think Jesus was the only person vying for ruling the tea party movement of the day (anti-establishment cause)?) could be counted on 2 hands. One of them even winning several battles against Rome (Simon).

Yeah, he was political alright.

Just because his death was politically motivated does not make HIM political, any more than innocents murdered by terrorists are "political".

He wasn't anti-establishment, his one request was that people love one another. He did not propose any changes in government, he didn't speak of government, period. In fact, he pointed out that government is a separate thing from faith.
I think both sides bring up good points.

Jesus wasn't out for profit...but he was for free will and giving because you wanted to.

How about neither side try to lay claim to Jesus and we be done with it?

Im not going to stop laying claim to Jesus. He is my Savior.

You see He, unlike the government, can deliver what I need.
Come on give the government a chance.
If you dont like it , they can kill you.God like enough?
I think both sides bring up good points.

Jesus wasn't out for profit...but he was for free will and giving because you wanted to.

How about neither side try to lay claim to Jesus and we be done with it?

Im not going to stop laying claim to Jesus. He is my Savior.

You see He, unlike the government, can deliver what I need.
Come on give the government a chance.
If you dont like it , they can kill you.God like enough?

Wow. Uhm you can lay claim to Jesus as your Savior...but dont try to twist Him into your political puppet. Everyone thinks their God backs up their beliefs...but it's only the really arrogant that argue others down with their personal savior.
I still can't believe that anyone in this thread can claim Jesus wasn't political. To me, that's utterly indefensible.

He was crucified because he was a political threat. He upset the power balance of the local and world well as the political status of the dominant religion of the day. His followers numbered in the thousands and his dictates (the habits and character practices he advocated followed without question) had a political effect. Furthermore, his rivals at the time (you didn't think Jesus was the only person vying for ruling the tea party movement of the day (anti-establishment cause)?) could be counted on 2 hands. One of them even winning several battles against Rome (Simon).

Yeah, he was political alright.

Just because his death was politically motivated does not make HIM political, any more than innocents murdered by terrorists are "political".

He wasn't anti-establishment, his one request was that people love one another. He did not propose any changes in government, he didn't speak of government, period. In fact, he pointed out that government is a separate thing from faith.

Of course he talked about the government. "Render unto Caesar what is Casear's." And I could go on with even more quotes. The Sermon on the Mount has considerable political ramifications. It's not incorrect that he rejected being made a king...but to say that you can extricate religion from politics is still indefensible.

Evangelist Billy Graham once described the early Christians in this way: "Christianity grew because its adherents were not silent. They said, 'We cannot but speak the things we have seen and heard.' Nor did they stop with expressing the great faith they had found. They stormed against the evils of their day until the very foundations of decadent Rome began to crumble."

Furthermore, Jesus argued in the Sermon on the Mount that His followers were to be "salt" and "light" (Matthew 5:13, 14). "Salt" in Jesus' day was used as a preservative for food stuffs. "Light" dispels the darkness. John R.W. Stott, rector emeritus of All Souls Church in London says of this text: "The function of salt is largely negative: it prevents decay. The function of light is positive: it illumines the darkness. So Jesus calls his disciples to exert a double influence on the secular community, a negative influence by arresting its decay and a positive influence by bringing light into darkness. For it is one thing to stop the spread of evil; it is another to promote the spread of truth, beauty and goodness. Putting the two metaphors together, it seems legitimate to discern in them the proper relationship between evangelism and social action in the total mission of Christ in the world."

Yeah...the message was religious...but He knew there were political ramifications and actions resulting.
Really? Im looking at those specific passages and it says nothing about equal portions. Quite the Opposite actually. He broke the bread and they all ate until they were full.

Now I dont know about you, but I dont have the same apetite as say a supermodel. I need alittle more sustanence. So what fills her wouldnt fill me. I would guess this is the same for most men.

It wasnt a miracle that He fed five thousand or four thousand people. The miracle was that He fed them and they were full afterwards. So He gave to everyone according to their needs. He did not give the same amount to everyone.

Have you ever read the Parable of the talents?

I wasn't referring to equal portions necessarily, I was referring to helping the poor, which is a version of social justice.

And the Parable of the talents does indeed support investing wisely, which is certainly a form of capitalism. Good find, I had forgotten about that one.

Though it is strangely immediately preceded by this passage:

8 And Zacchaeus stood, and said unto the Lord: Behold, Lord, the half of my goods I give to the poor; and if I have taken any thing from any man by false accusation, I restore him fourfold.

9 And Jesus said unto him, This day is salvation come to this house, forsomuch as he also is a son of Abraham.

10 For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.
Im not going to stop laying claim to Jesus. He is my Savior.

You see He, unlike the government, can deliver what I need.
Come on give the government a chance.
If you dont like it , they can kill you.God like enough?

Wow. Uhm you can lay claim to Jesus as your Savior...but dont try to twist Him into your political puppet. Everyone thinks their God backs up their beliefs...but it's only the really arrogant that argue others down with their personal savior.
Nice straw man , you have already taken yourself out of the game.
There is nothing you add to the conversation , the only reason you aren't on ignore is you are vulgar
This may have been addressed, but this is a loooooooooong ass thread.

Yeah, heaven forbid Church be focused on Christ.

Christ spent more time talking about helping the poor than he did about Heaven, sinning, his dad, or any other single subject. The three most fundamental messages Jesus Christ preached were love God, love your neighbor, and do your part to help them in the ways we currently classify as "social justice."

Taking the social justice out of Christianity is really no different than taking the God and Devil out of it.

I guess you think that as an opinion commentator he shouldn't have opinions you dont like? Not that I agree with Beck on this but i'm just saying, its his right as an American to hold an opinion and share it freely.

I guess you think that as a member of a discussion board Vanquish shouldn't discuss opinions you don't like? See what I did there? Exactly what you did.

One of the most transparent and stupid fallacies utilized in so-called debate is the idea that criticizing someone's ideas or opinions is an attack on free speech.

Stating your own opinions and their opposition to someone else's stated opinion is exactly the exercise of free speech, and in no way different than whatever the speaker of the opinion you're criticizing did. Saying someone else is a fool does not remove their ability to say foolish things, it's simply stating your own opinion...duh!

The illogical loop some people trap themselves in on this issue is ridiculous.

"Everyone's infringing on my speech by disagreeing with me! Waaaaah!"

Free speech goes both ways, with a right to speak comes a right to be criticized or praised by others for what you say. It's all gravy.
The mormons dont even want Beck

He is a loon and a perfect fox employee.
Come on give the government a chance.
If you dont like it , they can kill you.God like enough?

Wow. Uhm you can lay claim to Jesus as your Savior...but dont try to twist Him into your political puppet. Everyone thinks their God backs up their beliefs...but it's only the really arrogant that argue others down with their personal savior.
Nice straw man , you have already taken yourself out of the game.
There is nothing you add to the conversation , the only reason you aren't on ignore is you are vulgar

Huh? You make no sense. Feel free to ignore me.
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One more coming
[ame=]YouTube - social justice 5x.wmv[/ame]
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Buzz off you crashing bore.
Sorry the simple typo stumped you.

You're still not making any sense. And nobody's going to watch your Beck vids. Posting those is a waste of time. There's no truth contained in them. They're not even humorous & entertaining.

Think for yourself...don't parrot back a radio shock-jock.
LOL. I ask you to think for yourself and you parrot more drivel. You're almost hopeless.
Actually Beck's 2-minute fact checks are amazing. He did one about how he wasn't a fear-monger. Then Time did a piece on him showing exactly how much of a fear-monger he really is proving everything he'd claimed to be wrong. Don't believe me...go order the back issue of Time with Beck on the cover.

Your slavish devotion to throwing up those videos doesn't make me think you fact-check makes me think you swallow his ridiculous opinions hook, line, and sinker.

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