Glenn Beck wanys to moderate the debate NBC was fired from, and will provide tv coverage

browsing deer

Silver Member
Jul 11, 2015
in the forrest
I am all for it. I think it is a great idea

I had trouble getting the image to show...sorry. It is still a very good idea

Oh, for fuck's sake. Beck is a shrill, blabbering idiot. That he's a conservative is embarrassing. How about a debate moderated by George Will?
The Conservative Hour. What a sham!

In 2008 Conservatives bitched and whined about Bill Ayres, Jeremiah Wright, birth certificates and car actuaries of the Obamas as terrorists. One of their complaints had the veneer of legitimacy and that was a failure of the press to thoroughly vet Barack Obama as a national candidate.

Come 2015 and the sissies who have an (R) behind their names complain about the debate formats and questions. They fail to address the issues, rather deflect their lack of political and intellectual depth by complaining about Megan Kelly, CNBC and direct questions.

Now Glenn Beck wants to conduct what would amount to a Conservative news conference among the candidates who have pulled the synthetic wool over the eyes of the rabid zealots passing as Conservatives. What idiocy! What gall! And what a complete sellout masquerading as journalistic vetting!
The Conservative Hour. What a sham!

In 2008 Conservatives bitched and whined about Bill Ayres, Jeremiah Wright, birth certificates and car actuaries of the Obamas as terrorists. One of their complaints had the veneer of legitimacy and that was a failure of the press to thoroughly vet Barack Obama as a national candidate.

Come 2015 and the sissies who have an (R) behind their names complain about the debate formats and questions. They fail to address the issues, rather deflect their lack of political and intellectual depth by complaining about Megan Kelly, CNBC and direct questions.

Now Glenn Beck wants to conduct what would amount to a Conservative news conference among the candidates who have pulled the synthetic wool over the eyes of the rabid zealots passing as Conservatives. What idiocy! What gall! And what a complete sellout masquerading as journalistic vetting!
In an age where everyone is connected it's pretty simple to learn a candidate's policy stance and tax plan.
But I do need to see them articulate it to me. I want them to have a presence.
That's hard for anyone to do with a dog humping their leg the whole time.

Let someone that may be voting for them ask the questions that are important to them.

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