Glenn Beck

Again, you see only what you want to see.

In the first quote the lying hypocrite complains that meaning is lost when people interpret other peoples words, and then he goes and interprets other peoples words, using the ONE quote you saw as his rationalization.

Carrying signs with Nazi symbols was the teabaggers calling people who support health care reform Nazis. That is why LimpTard cahnged "carrying" to "wearing."



That's noted right-wing shill Michelle Malkin posing with who we've dubbed "Swastika Guy," owing to the sign he carried right onto the stage with State Senator Josh Penry, Congressman Mike Coffman, Colorado GOP Chairman Dick Wadhams, State Senator Dave Schultheis, former Congressman Tom Tancredo, and Independence Institute president Jon Caldara, among others. None of whom did anything about it, and in fact one person defended the guy to one of our people saying that the swastika is not a Nazi symbol, but an honored Native American symbol.

Pretty clear Nancy was trying to portray the teaparties as being Nazis rather than what was really happening They where painting Obama with the Nazi brush.
She was wrong Time will tell if the tea partiers are wrong or merely premature.
That rationalization is typical of America-hating CON$ervoFascist scum. The CON$ervaTards smear health care supporters as Nazis and then the CON$ pretend THEY were the sweet innocent VICTIMS of Nazi smears. :cuckoo:

Im pretty sure they are trying to make a Obama Nazi connection.
Nancy was painting them as Nazis. Clearly she was deliberately misrepresenting what was going on.
Maggie, what evidence do you have that it is Tea Partiers who bring "Nazi" or worse signs to Tea Parties? What evidence do you have that the photos are the real deal and not photoshopped?

As I have said before, there were NO such signs at the Albuquerque Tea Party. The very few mildly offensive signs brought were put away at the request of the organizers. In conversations with organizers in other places, those sporting such signs were not familiar to ANYBODY in their groups, and they did believe all or most were plants. We all concede that in a movement representing many tens of thousands of people, there will always be a fruitloop or two among the Cheerios but such are neither typical nor endorsed by the Tea Party movement in at least the vast majority of places.

The overwhelming evidence is that signs that show up at Tea Parties are far more like those shown in these photographs:

Scenes from the New American Tea Party The Washington Independent

Do you see these signs as offensive?

While defending her First Amendment rights, as Congressman Frank did, given a chance I would have counseled the woman to not use the Nazi sign or comparison to make her point. It isn't that she didn't have a point, but as soon as she does that, she diverts the focus from the point she intended to make to the Nazi sign. Which of course is what happened in the exchange between her and Barney Frank. That is also obvious, at least to some of us, here on USMB. As soon as the most offensive language is used to make a point, that will often become the focus and diminishes the messenger as well as obscures the message.

Of course the clip referenced was a Town Hall meeting called by Congressman Frank and not a Tea Party event which some here may also have problems distinguishing as different.

In truth, many on the Right have resented and resent the hate signs and indefensible language and references directed at President Bush and others. So, if we employ intellectual honesty, there is no way to criticize those on the Left for resenting such tactics used by those on the Right.

I think the lesson to be learned, however, is that whomever uses indefensible metaphors, imagery, and language to make a point will blunt the message which is often lost when the focus is directed at the offensive metaphors, imagery, and language.
Well, in the name of "intellectual honesty" what proof do you have that photos of people with hate signs attacking Bush were not photoshopped and the people not GOP false flag operatives???? After all, we have the evidence of GOP spokesman LimpTard giving his DittoTards instructions on how to pass themselves off as Libs during Op Chaos. So we know CON$ actually do what you were accusing others of doing. See the first quote in my sig.

April 3, 2008
RUSH: Now, those of you members of Operation Chaos in Indiana who have registered -- you're a Republican, and you have registered to vote in the Democrat primary on May 6 -- you probably knew it before I announced it today that the Democrat Party is going to be on the prowl looking for you, intimidating you into not showing up and not pulling off your attempted crossover. Now, this is very simple to combat. It's all you have to do on Election Day, as an Operation Chaos operative. When you vote that day, don't bathe! Don't take a shower the night before, and don't take a shower the day of the election. Don't shave.

In other words: no grooming. Go out and get a pair of beat-up jeans, maybe some Birkenstock sandals or whatever. Tell 'em you don't really know what Obama thinks about immigration but you love it when he talks. You just love it. You love "the future." You love "change," and you are sick of Bush. Get some anti-Bush bumper stickers and put 'em on your car. Get a "Bush Lied, People Died" button. Get a "Bush lied, people died" bumper sticker. Some wacko lib website is sure to have this type of merchandise available. If you have an SUV, that's okay. Show up in it. Make sure to get a bumper sticker that says "W is Still the President," and you're mad about that and you've had it with the Republicans any number of ways. Don't wear a wedding ring. There are any number of things that you can do, ladies and gentlemen. All you have to do is fool their template. You know, they're going to be trying to find you. You know who the Democrats and the liberals are; they judge people by the way they look. So if you show up and look like a liberal. You're not even going to arouse suspicion.

But if you show up looking clean-cut, buttoned-down conservative type, that's going to attract attention. Don't smile! You are not happy, unless you start talking about Obama. Other than that, you're not happy. You walk in there with a frown, your head's kind of hung over. Especially because you're a Hillary voter. You don't think she's got a prayer, but you believe in the electoral process and the Democrat process. We will have further advice and tips for those of you in Indiana as Operation Chaos continues and as the date of your primary, May 6th, approaches.

April 3, 2008
RUSH: Just to repeat, don't bathe, don't shave. Wear a tie-dyed T-shirt or some raggedy button-down shirt, blue jeans, sandals, get a button out there, says "Bush Lied, People Died," put that on the shirt and so forth, be unhappy, sulk, don't wash your hair, any of that, gotta look the part here because Democrats judge people the way they look, they do, and then they categorize based on the way they look.

Ed, I am not going down that road with you again because you persist in taking quotations out of context and refuse to put them into context.

I suspect you do the same with signs and other imagery.

I have never denied that such signs appear at Tea Parties and other meetings of people voicing their opinions. I only know for sure that there were none at our local Tea Parties, and I have no reason to doubt others who have said there were none at theirs. I also have no reason to doubt those who say that they could not identify ANY people carrying the few signs that are offensive or those who refused to put such signs away when asked or that such people do their damndest to make sure they are in full view of the TV cameras. THEY suspected such were plants to discredit the Tea Party event and, as I have previously stated, I suspect that in some or maybe many cases THEY are right about their suspicions.

If they are wrong - if I am wrong - so be it.

I have yet to see any signs purported to be at any Tea Party, however, that were more offensive than your characterizations of people of whom you disapprove.
You're not going down that road because you know I NEVER take quotes "out of context." How exactly can the context of the 2 quotes above be anything other than LimpTard instructing his Op Chaos false flag operatives on how to pass themselves off as Libs?????????

So I ask, if you are so obviously dishonest about your portrayal of context of my quotes, why should anyone believe your portrayal of the tea parties???????????

And as far as my "offensive" language, I am using nothing CON$ervaTards have not already used and approved as acceptable in describing others.
The Golden Rule is a bitch, isn't it? :lol:
Well, in the name of "intellectual honesty" what proof do you have that photos of people with hate signs attacking Bush were not photoshopped and the people not GOP false flag operatives???? After all, we have the evidence of GOP spokesman LimpTard giving his DittoTards instructions on how to pass themselves off as Libs during Op Chaos. So we know CON$ actually do what you were accusing others of doing. See the first quote in my sig.

April 3, 2008
RUSH: Now, those of you members of Operation Chaos in Indiana who have registered -- you're a Republican, and you have registered to vote in the Democrat primary on May 6 -- you probably knew it before I announced it today that the Democrat Party is going to be on the prowl looking for you, intimidating you into not showing up and not pulling off your attempted crossover. Now, this is very simple to combat. It's all you have to do on Election Day, as an Operation Chaos operative. When you vote that day, don't bathe! Don't take a shower the night before, and don't take a shower the day of the election. Don't shave.

In other words: no grooming. Go out and get a pair of beat-up jeans, maybe some Birkenstock sandals or whatever. Tell 'em you don't really know what Obama thinks about immigration but you love it when he talks. You just love it. You love "the future." You love "change," and you are sick of Bush. Get some anti-Bush bumper stickers and put 'em on your car. Get a "Bush Lied, People Died" button. Get a "Bush lied, people died" bumper sticker. Some wacko lib website is sure to have this type of merchandise available. If you have an SUV, that's okay. Show up in it. Make sure to get a bumper sticker that says "W is Still the President," and you're mad about that and you've had it with the Republicans any number of ways. Don't wear a wedding ring. There are any number of things that you can do, ladies and gentlemen. All you have to do is fool their template. You know, they're going to be trying to find you. You know who the Democrats and the liberals are; they judge people by the way they look. So if you show up and look like a liberal. You're not even going to arouse suspicion.

But if you show up looking clean-cut, buttoned-down conservative type, that's going to attract attention. Don't smile! You are not happy, unless you start talking about Obama. Other than that, you're not happy. You walk in there with a frown, your head's kind of hung over. Especially because you're a Hillary voter. You don't think she's got a prayer, but you believe in the electoral process and the Democrat process. We will have further advice and tips for those of you in Indiana as Operation Chaos continues and as the date of your primary, May 6th, approaches.

April 3, 2008
RUSH: Just to repeat, don't bathe, don't shave. Wear a tie-dyed T-shirt or some raggedy button-down shirt, blue jeans, sandals, get a button out there, says "Bush Lied, People Died," put that on the shirt and so forth, be unhappy, sulk, don't wash your hair, any of that, gotta look the part here because Democrats judge people the way they look, they do, and then they categorize based on the way they look.

Ed, I am not going down that road with you again because you persist in taking quotations out of context and refuse to put them into context.

I suspect you do the same with signs and other imagery.

I have never denied that such signs appear at Tea Parties and other meetings of people voicing their opinions. I only know for sure that there were none at our local Tea Parties, and I have no reason to doubt others who have said there were none at theirs. I also have no reason to doubt those who say that they could not identify ANY people carrying the few signs that are offensive or those who refused to put such signs away when asked or that such people do their damndest to make sure they are in full view of the TV cameras. THEY suspected such were plants to discredit the Tea Party event and, as I have previously stated, I suspect that in some or maybe many cases THEY are right about their suspicions.

If they are wrong - if I am wrong - so be it.

I have yet to see any signs purported to be at any Tea Party, however, that were more offensive than your characterizations of people of whom you disapprove.
You're not going down that road because you know I NEVER take quotes "out of context." How exactly can the context of the 2 quotes above be anything other than LimpTard instructing his Op Chaos false flag operatives on how to pass themselves off as Libs?????????

So I ask, if you are so obviously dishonest about your portrayal of context of my quotes, why should anyone believe your portrayal of the tea parties???????????

And as far as my "offensive" language, I am using nothing CON$ervaTards have not already used and approved as acceptable in describing others.
The Golden Rule is a bitch, isn't it? :lol:

Whatever. Have a great day.
You liberal idiots sure do need to lay off th ekool-aid. Here you show a 2009 video with one sign showing "SS" and from that you think they're a bunch of Nazi's. Damn you people are ate up with the dumbass!
You gotta love CON$ervoFascist "logic."

Lying scum CON$ervaTards claim there were no Nazi symbols until AFTER Pelosi spoke, they are shown proof there were Nazi symbols BEFORE she spoke and to them that makes the people who are telling the truth "idiots" and the worthless lying America-hating CON$ervoFascist scum geniuses.

Any fool can tell the truth, but it requires a man of some sense to know how to lie well.
Samuel Butler

What are you 10? "CON$ervoFascist" something an adolescent would come up with.

One person with one sign and you feel that proves Pelosi's allegation that "they're carrying swastikas and symbols like that to a town meeting on healthcare.".

You're a fucking joke. Now grow the fuck up!
I only use language used by the PC CON$!!!
CON$ervoFascist is a variation of the already approved and frequently used "IslamoFascist."

There was only one in the video, but there were stills of Nazi signs also. Of course, you CON$ claim the stills were photoshopped so I used a video made by tea party supporters so you CON$ can't claim foul.
Pretty clear Nancy was trying to portray the teaparties as being Nazis rather than what was really happening They where painting Obama with the Nazi brush.
She was wrong Time will tell if the tea partiers are wrong or merely premature.
That rationalization is typical of America-hating CON$ervoFascist scum. The CON$ervaTards smear health care supporters as Nazis and then the CON$ pretend THEY were the sweet innocent VICTIMS of Nazi smears. :cuckoo:

Im pretty sure they are trying to make a Obama Nazi connection.
Nancy was painting them as Nazis. Clearly she was deliberately misrepresenting what was going on.
Clearly Pelosi was accurately REPORTING what she saw. You are clearly trying to spin what she saw into victimization of you dear sweet innocent CON$. :cuckoo:
That rationalization is typical of America-hating CON$ervoFascist scum. The CON$ervaTards smear health care supporters as Nazis and then the CON$ pretend THEY were the sweet innocent VICTIMS of Nazi smears. :cuckoo:

Im pretty sure they are trying to make a Obama Nazi connection.
Nancy was painting them as Nazis. Clearly she was deliberately misrepresenting what was going on.
Clearly Pelosi was accurately REPORTING what she saw. You are clearly trying to spin what she saw into victimization of you dear sweet innocent CON$. :cuckoo:
She didnt see this


This is not the same thing

You cant see the difference can you?
Im pretty sure they are trying to make a Obama Nazi connection.
Nancy was painting them as Nazis. Clearly she was deliberately misrepresenting what was going on.
Clearly Pelosi was accurately REPORTING what she saw. You are clearly trying to spin what she saw into victimization of you dear sweet innocent CON$. :cuckoo:
She didnt see this


This is not the same thing

You cant see the difference can you?
I see CON$ervoFascists calling people who support health care reform "Nazis."

I can't see how exactly that makes the CON$ervaTards holding the sign with Nazi symbolism the VICTIMS of Nazi slurs!!!!!!!!! :cuckoo:
Clearly Pelosi was accurately REPORTING what she saw. You are clearly trying to spin what she saw into victimization of you dear sweet innocent CON$. :cuckoo:
She didnt see this


This is not the same thing

You cant see the difference can you?
I see CON$ervoFascists calling people who support health care reform "Nazis."

I can't see how exactly that makes the CON$ervaTards holding the sign with Nazi symbolism the VICTIMS of Nazi slurs!!!!!!!!! :cuckoo:

Thats what Nancy was trying to accomplish with her "holding nazi signs " statement she knows people will imagine the first and second example and not the third .
She didnt see this


This is not the same thing

You cant see the difference can you?
I see CON$ervoFascists calling people who support health care reform "Nazis."

I can't see how exactly that makes the CON$ervaTards holding the sign with Nazi symbolism the VICTIMS of Nazi slurs!!!!!!!!! :cuckoo:

Thats what Nancy was trying to accomplish with her "holding nazi signs " statement she knows people will imagine the first and second example and not the third .
Now you're a mind-reader!!! And clearly they WERE "holding Nazi Signs" so again, in reality she was merely REPORTING what she saw.

You perpetual victims are clearly trying to spin it into the dear sweet innocent people holding the Nazi signs were being smeared as Nazis. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
I see CON$ervoFascists calling people who support health care reform "Nazis."

I can't see how exactly that makes the CON$ervaTards holding the sign with Nazi symbolism the VICTIMS of Nazi slurs!!!!!!!!! :cuckoo:

Thats what Nancy was trying to accomplish with her "holding nazi signs " statement she knows people will imagine the first and second example and not the third .
Now you're a mind-reader!!! And clearly they WERE "holding Nazi Signs" so again, in reality she was merely REPORTING what she saw.

You perpetual victims are clearly trying to spin it into the dear sweet innocent people holding the Nazi signs were being smeared as Nazis. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
You dont need to be a mind reader

Why would she not take the high road and state that the tea partiers where trying smear obama as being Nazis?
Because she thought she would get more play out of suggesting they were Nazis and
make a rather dubious claim .
The facts come to light it is
clear she distorts the what the signs where, anti Obama sings .Not pro nazi signs .

We are done here.
Maggie, what evidence do you have that it is Tea Partiers who bring "Nazi" or worse signs to Tea Parties? What evidence do you have that the photos are the real deal and not photoshopped?
Huh? They all were either photoshopped or crudely drawn implying that Obama is just another Hitler. I don't know what you mean by the "real deal." There was only one of those.
As I have said before, there were NO such signs at the Albuquerque Tea Party. The very few mildly offensive signs brought were put away at the request of the organizers. In conversations with organizers in other places, those sporting such signs were not familiar to ANYBODY in their groups, and they did believe all or most were plants. We all concede that in a movement representing many tens of thousands of people, there will always be a fruitloop or two among the Cheerios but such are neither typical nor endorsed by the Tea Party movement in at least the vast majority of places.

The overwhelming evidence is that signs that show up at Tea Parties are far more like those shown in these photographs:

Do you see these signs as offensive?

Look, I've already said that I don't have a problem with the tea party movement. I have a problem with the extremists who have glommed onto it and made it a joke. And you should also see that as a problem if you want to be taken seriously.
No I think they were calling Obama a nazi and they have every right to thier opinion. Unless of you have something against freedom you shouldn't have a problem with it either. Fact is

Interviewer: Do you think there's legitimate grassroot opposition going on here?

Pelosi: "I think they're Astroturf... You be the judge. "They're carrying swastikas and symbols like that to a town meeting on healthcare."

Pelosi's Swastika Claim Is A Crock

Recapping The Pelosi Swastika Reports

"Ashamed Republican" Is An Embarrassed Democrat

As James Taranto at The Wall Street Journal notes:

So was Nancy Pelosi right? Not a chance.

Let's review her words again: "I think they're AstroTurf. You be the judge. They're carrying swastikas and symbols like that to a town meeting on health care." Who carries swastikas? Nazis. Pelosi did not complain that the protesters were comparing ObamaCare to Nazism; she insinuated that they are Nazis.

Again there's plenty of examples of swastikas from previous tea party protests, and after the Pelosi video hit the front page on Drudge it doesn't take a genius to figure out that swastikas would magially start being found all over the place.

I'm comfortable with the fact that at the moment I hit publish (hours after the video hit) there was no evidence of people "carrying swastikas and symbols like that to a town meeting on health care," in the media or at any of the large liberal online communities.
No matter how many times you worthless lying CON$ervaTards have your lies debunked you just repeat the same lies on another thread.

Here you are below posting on an earlier thread after I proved the Nazi symbols were displayed BEFORE the Pelosi video, so you knew that you and your sources were lying BEFORE you made this last post above!!!!!!

Premeditated lies like yours are why no honest person has any respect for lying CON$ervaTard scum!!!

BTW, you cut and ran from that August 2009 post of mine just like you probably will again today!!!
I would call the NAZI SS symbol a "symbol like that," what would a "genius" like you call it?

August 3, 2009
PELOSI: I think they are Astroturf -- you be the judge -- of carrying swastikas and symbols like that to a town hall meeting on health care.

You liberal idiots sure do need to lay off th ekool-aid. Here you show a 2009 video with one sign showing "SS" and from that you think they're a bunch of Nazi's. Damn you people are ate up with the dumbass!

If you need more proof, just peruse through the plethora of videos capturing more than "one." Many, MANY more.

YouTube - Videos of tea party protesters carrying Nazi signs
Maggie, what evidence do you have that it is Tea Partiers who bring "Nazi" or worse signs to Tea Parties? What evidence do you have that the photos are the real deal and not photoshopped?
Huh? They all were either photoshopped or crudely drawn implying that Obama is just another Hitler. I don't know what you mean by the "real deal." There was only one of those.
As I have said before, there were NO such signs at the Albuquerque Tea Party. The very few mildly offensive signs brought were put away at the request of the organizers. In conversations with organizers in other places, those sporting such signs were not familiar to ANYBODY in their groups, and they did believe all or most were plants. We all concede that in a movement representing many tens of thousands of people, there will always be a fruitloop or two among the Cheerios but such are neither typical nor endorsed by the Tea Party movement in at least the vast majority of places.

The overwhelming evidence is that signs that show up at Tea Parties are far more like those shown in these photographs:

Scenes from the New American Tea Party The Washington Independent

Do you see these signs as offensive?

Look, I've already said that I don't have a problem with the tea party movement. I have a problem with the extremists who have glommed onto it and made it a joke. And you should also see that as a problem if you want to be taken seriously.

But where are - who are - these extremists who have taken over the Tea Party movement? They aren't here. In conversations with others in the movements in Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Arizona, and Arkansas, they aren't there.

What do you define as an extremist?

The only platform the Tea Partiers have is more limited government and less of a federal government that is too big, too intrusive, and too committed to take power from the states. The cornerstones of that are fiscal restraint, no unnecessary taxes, and opposition to further stimulus and pork barrel spending.

So where is the extremism?
No I think they were calling Obama a nazi and they have every right to thier opinion. Unless of you have something against freedom you shouldn't have a problem with it either. Fact is

Interviewer: Do you think there's legitimate grassroot opposition going on here?

Pelosi: "I think they're Astroturf... You be the judge. "They're carrying swastikas and symbols like that to a town meeting on healthcare."

Pelosi's Swastika Claim Is A Crock

Recapping The Pelosi Swastika Reports

"Ashamed Republican" Is An Embarrassed Democrat

As James Taranto at The Wall Street Journal notes:

So was Nancy Pelosi right? Not a chance.

Let's review her words again: "I think they're AstroTurf. You be the judge. They're carrying swastikas and symbols like that to a town meeting on health care." Who carries swastikas? Nazis. Pelosi did not complain that the protesters were comparing ObamaCare to Nazism; she insinuated that they are Nazis.

Again there's plenty of examples of swastikas from previous tea party protests, and after the Pelosi video hit the front page on Drudge it doesn't take a genius to figure out that swastikas would magially start being found all over the place.

I'm comfortable with the fact that at the moment I hit publish (hours after the video hit) there was no evidence of people "carrying swastikas and symbols like that to a town meeting on health care," in the media or at any of the large liberal online communities.

What "time" was he talking about? Before or after this, where the woman was indeed carrying a photograph of Obama as Hitler?

[ame=]YouTube - Barney Frank Confronts Woman At Townhall Comparing Obama To Hitler[/ame]

I'll answer your question with a question, how long have you been living on this planet?

:confused::confused: And that comment has to do with....what?
I'll answer your question with a question, how long have you been living on this planet?

While defending her First Amendment rights, as Congressman Frank did, given a chance I would have counseled the woman to not use the Nazi sign or comparison to make her point. It isn't that she didn't have a point, but as soon as she does that, she diverts the focus from the point she intended to make to the Nazi sign. Which of course is what happened in the exchange between her and Barney Frank. That is also obvious, at least to some of us, here on USMB. As soon as the most offensive language is used to make a point, that will often become the focus and diminishes the messenger as well as obscures the message.

Of course the clip referenced was a Town Hall meeting called by Congressman Frank and not a Tea Party event which some here may also have problems distinguishing as different.

In truth, many on the Right have resented and resent the hate signs and indefensible language and references directed at President Bush and others. So, if we employ intellectual honesty, there is no way to criticize those on the Left for resenting such tactics used by those on the Right.

I think the lesson to be learned, however, is that whomever uses indefensible metaphors, imagery, and language to make a point will blunt the message which is often lost when the focus is directed at the offensive metaphors, imagery, and language.

Clearly Pelosi was accurately REPORTING what she saw. You are clearly trying to spin what she saw into victimization of you dear sweet innocent CON$. :cuckoo:
She didnt see this


This is not the same thing

You cant see the difference can you?
I see CON$ervoFascists calling people who support health care reform "Nazis."

I can't see how exactly that makes the CON$ervaTards holding the sign with Nazi symbolism the VICTIMS of Nazi slurs!!!!!!!!! :cuckoo:

I didn't get Fitnah's point either. Looked to me like he's making your case! :lol:
She didnt see this


This is not the same thing

You cant see the difference can you?
I see CON$ervoFascists calling people who support health care reform "Nazis."

I can't see how exactly that makes the CON$ervaTards holding the sign with Nazi symbolism the VICTIMS of Nazi slurs!!!!!!!!! :cuckoo:

Thats what Nancy was trying to accomplish with her "holding nazi signs " statement she knows people will imagine the first and second example and not the third .

WTF? Now I'm completely confused. There was some OTHER message in any of those signs?
Thats what Nancy was trying to accomplish with her "holding nazi signs " statement she knows people will imagine the first and second example and not the third .
Now you're a mind-reader!!! And clearly they WERE "holding Nazi Signs" so again, in reality she was merely REPORTING what she saw.

You perpetual victims are clearly trying to spin it into the dear sweet innocent people holding the Nazi signs were being smeared as Nazis. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
You dont need to be a mind reader

Why would she not take the high road and state that the tea partiers where trying smear obama as being Nazis?
Because she thought she would get more play out of suggesting they were Nazis and
make a rather dubious claim .
The facts come to light it is
clear she distorts the what the signs where, anti Obama sings .Not pro nazi signs .

We are done here.

Whew. That's some spin. Probably all she was suggesting is that the protesters were acting like Nazis themselves.
Why does Neal Boortz get so little love here?
Maybe because he can't quit talking about the stupid not-a-snowball's-chance-in-hell fair tax?

I tuned him in this morning to see if anything had changed, and he brought it up yet again.

Yeah, but at least Boortz actually puts some real thought into something and advocates for it. The rest of the talking heads just throw red meat, talking point, bumper sticker platitudes out there. A for instance, illegal immigration. A lot of talkers wanted to round 'em up and bus them back....but couldn't give you a real plan of how to accomplish it. Boortz has actually thought this thru and knows what the hell he is talking about. I get tired of hearing him talk about it, but I do applaud him actually knowing what he is talking about and putting real thought into it.
Thats what Nancy was trying to accomplish with her "holding nazi signs " statement she knows people will imagine the first and second example and not the third .
Now you're a mind-reader!!! And clearly they WERE "holding Nazi Signs" so again, in reality she was merely REPORTING what she saw.

You perpetual victims are clearly trying to spin it into the dear sweet innocent people holding the Nazi signs were being smeared as Nazis. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
You dont need to be a mind reader

Why would she not take the high road and state that the tea partiers where trying smear obama as being Nazis?
Because she thought she would get more play out of suggesting they were Nazis and
make a rather dubious claim .
The facts come to light it is
clear she distorts the what the signs where, anti Obama sings .Not pro nazi signs .

We are done here.
It is clear YOU are distorting what Pelosi said. She did not say they were "pro Nazi" signs, she said the signs had Nazi symbols, which they undeniably DID!!!

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