Global Capitalism Will Never Lift Workers Out of Poverty, with firms like Apple maximizing labor exploitation while keeping workers chained to poverty

$250Trillion total world wealth

Taking the opportunity to use your figure and completely on a sidebar comment ...
That does still have an impact on the way we view our own economic status.

When you cut the bullshit and the magical $32-33 trillion we as a Nation are in debt ...
Go to the actual $173 trillion the US has in Unfunded Liabilities ... Half the entire wealth of the world couldn't cover our debt and liabilities ... :thup:

I think we as a Nation have a spending problem ...
And it isn't Capitalism.

The living wage back in 1938 was .25 cents per hour and back in those days just about every family was a one wage earner.

That was the 1938 minimum wage.
The median family wage in 1939 was $1226
That's a myth. They lived like paupers in 1938. My mother's house didn't even have plumbing or electricity.
Your argument was that everyone could get a good paying job. No they can not.
No. My argument is most people could get a good paying job if they really wanted to. But, you have to pay the price to do it instead of just having it handed to you for doing nothing. That's what you guys want. You want the poor to just be handed good paying jobs and not have to do anything to earn the higher paying jobs. My argument is also that there are lower paying jobs for those who don't want to do whatever it takes to get a higher paying job while there are higher paying jobs for those who are willing to work for it. I'm jealous of the brain surgeons who earn far more than I do but I didn't do a damned thing to earn a brain surgeon's pay. That's on me. I chose a lower paying line of work because I didn't want to go to college for 15 years.
I assume that is a yearly figure. So, the median family wage in 1939 was 1226 per year for a one wage earner. This translates into a little over 26k per year in today's dollars. Today, two wage earners working full time at a $7.25 per hour job would earn a little over 30K per year, an improvement of family earnings over 1939.

I assume that is a yearly figure.


So, the median family wage in 1939 was 1226 per year for a one wage earner.

The data didn't say one wage earner, but that's probably the case.

No. My argument is most people could get a good paying job if they really wanted to. But, you have to pay the price to do it instead of just having it handed to you for doing nothing. That's what you guys want. You want the poor to just be handed good paying jobs and not have to do anything to earn the higher paying jobs. My argument is also that there are lower paying jobs for those who don't want to do whatever it takes to get a higher paying job while there are higher paying jobs for those who are willing to work for it. I'm jealous of the brain surgeons who earn far more than I do but I didn't do a damned thing to earn a brain surgeon's pay. That's on me. I chose a lower paying line of work because I didn't want to go to college for 15 years.

An individual can. Millions can not and they need to be able to get by also.

No. My argument is most people could get a good paying job if they really wanted to. But, you have to pay the price to do it instead of just having it handed to you for doing nothing. That's what you guys want. You want the poor to just be handed good paying jobs and not have to do anything to earn the higher paying jobs. My argument is also that there are lower paying jobs for those who don't want to do whatever it takes to get a higher paying job while there are higher paying jobs for those who are willing to work for it. I'm jealous of the brain surgeons who earn far more than I do but I didn't do a damned thing to earn a brain surgeon's pay. That's on me. I chose a lower paying line of work because I didn't want to go to college for 15 years.
You can have a good life on a lower paying job. Depends on what your priorities are.
You can have a good life on a lower paying job. Depends on what your priorities are.
Exactly. I have seen many poor turn down opportunities to financially improve their lives but their priorities outweighed doing what was necessary to get ahead. A huge part of the population are used to living paycheck to paycheck and whenever they get some unexpected money come in, they burn it up and go back to living the only financial lifestyle they know, paycheck to paycheck. Yes, you can live a very satisfying life without making the salary of a brain surgeon. The point is, everyone makes their choices. You can choose to pay the price necessary to become a brain surgeon or you can live a happy life working in restaurant or retail or whatever. But, if you choose a low paying job then that is what you choose. Lefties want all businesses to pay a so called living wage, which actually removes the incentive to even want to go to college. Why go to college at all when you can make a living wage working at McDonalds? Going to college would be stupid.
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What are these jobs that millions and millions can all get?

Do a search for job openings in your area. I think you'll be surprised at how many there are and how much they pay.

Do a search for job openings in your area. I think you'll be surprised at how many there are and how much they pay.

So no direct answer?
China practices a different brand of capitalism that isn't recognizable to Americans.

It's capitalism that's kept under control by government, because they don't ignore the needs of all their country's people.

That flies directly in the face of the American way.

Good for the OP introducing the topic!
It's been a long time coming.
China doesn’t ignore the needs of all the country’s people? Are you a moron or something. The Chinese work for whatever salary the government decides to pay them. That’s why Apple, Nike and other countries have relocated production to China where workers are forced to work for a tiny percentage of what western workers are paid.
It's NOT about me. It's about the claim that everyone could get a good paying job if they wanted it.

I'm retired.
I think the claim is that everyone can eventually have a good paying job if they apply themselves. For many a good paying job has to start with a poor paying job (been there, done that). McD's, Amazon, or Walmart would be good places for someone with little interest in or money for college or technical education to start. Live cheap and save up for college or trade school. The sky's the limit in America.
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