Global Capitalism Will Never Lift Workers Out of Poverty, with firms like Apple maximizing labor exploitation while keeping workers chained to poverty

I think the claim is that everyone can eventually have a good paying job if they apply themselves. For many a good paying job has to start with a poor paying job (been there, done that). McD's, Amazon, or Walmart would be good places for someone with little education to start.

Many do move up during their working career but that wasn't the claim.
Many do move up during their working career but that wasn't the claim.
There was a 'qualifier' to the claim, I think.

Independentthinker said,

"My argument is most people could get a good paying job if they really wanted to. But, you have to pay the price to do it instead of just having it handed to you for doing nothing."

The "price" is starting at the bottom and working up, as you pointed out. That said there are many who already have experience and skills but who have disqualified themselves for some reason (crime, drugs, etc.) They cannot be included in the above mentioned "most people".
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