Global Carbon Dioxide Levels Topped 400 PPM Throughout March In Unprecedented Milestone

Most of the increase is attributed to the Hot Air being exhausted through the bloviating of AGW cult members.

We've actually burned more than enough fossil fuel to account for the increase.

Wrong on every level the human contribution to CO2 levels is less than 1%..
Your proof of which is? Another one pulling numbers out of his asshole. Really, you expect us just to accept flap yap because you said so? Dumb.
no, I want you to show the evidence you have to make your claim.
Hansen has no source code on-line..

You didn't even look you fucking hack. It took me THREE MINUTES to find it.

Again that is not the source code and thus disproves that the Hansen source code is online.

Also Hansen has claimed that the source he did make available was a part of the source code that he used before Congress, then later claimed he no longer used said source code.

So once again the AGW cult proves that NO source code exists online to prove that CO2 drives climate..

The white Sun and the magnetic field of the Earth have more to do with driving climate than CO2..

The GISS GCM code wasn't written by a single person, jackass. Its been in development for decades, the first version being decribed by Hansen 83. I have linked you the most recent version of it, Model E.

Once again the AGW cult dismisses that Hansen now claims he does not use that code and also once they prove they can not back up their claims. So there is NO Hansen source code on the internet.

One thing that these AGW cult members as well as far left drones have proven is that using Google can make people stupid! That is something they can be proud of..
Most of the increase is attributed to the Hot Air being exhausted through the bloviating of AGW cult members.

We've actually burned more than enough fossil fuel to account for the increase.

Wrong on every level the human contribution to CO2 levels is less than 1%..
Your proof of which is? Another one pulling numbers out of his asshole. Really, you expect us just to accept flap yap because you said so? Dumb.

Prove with datasets and source code that CO2 drives climate!
Most of the increase is attributed to the Hot Air being exhausted through the bloviating of AGW cult members.

We've actually burned more than enough fossil fuel to account for the increase.

Wrong on every level the human contribution to CO2 levels is less than 1%..
Your proof of which is? Another one pulling numbers out of his asshole. Really, you expect us just to accept flap yap because you said so? Dumb.

Prove with datasets and source code that CO2 drives climate!
he can't , he won't and he'll come on here daily and claim he can. funny stuff eh?
As even with the Muller analysis, temperature spikes like we're experiencing are relatively rare.

What I gather from Richard Muller's assessment of Michael Mann's temperature spike graph (the hockey stick) is that the math used to chart that graph was flawed.

What I gather from my understanding of paleoclimatology methods (interpreting tree ring and ice core data) is that they aren't 100% accurate. We know that tree ring data is unreliable because it didn't respond to 20th Century warming of northern latitudes. We know that ice core data isn't totally reliable because we get different data from Antarctica than we do from Greenland. Also, we have no ice core data from most of the planet's surface. That's a lot of missing data. We can't say definitively that there wasn't a 30 year stretch of warming during the Eemian period (the last interglacial period) comparable or even more extreme than the years 1979 to 2009. To do so would be an argument over less than a degree Celsius and there's too many blind spots to go back 120,000 years and attempt to do that.
Most of the increase is attributed to the Hot Air being exhausted through the bloviating of AGW cult members.

We've actually burned more than enough fossil fuel to account for the increase.

Wrong on every level the human contribution to CO2 levels is less than 1%..
Your proof of which is? Another one pulling numbers out of his asshole. Really, you expect us just to accept flap yap because you said so? Dumb.

Prove with datasets and source code that CO2 drives climate!
he can't , he won't and he'll come on here daily and claim he can. funny stuff eh?

Well he makes links that never support that claim.

No AGW cult member/"scientist" has been able to provide the smoking gun link to CO2 driving the climate on Earth. Not that they haven't been trying for 40+ years. However there is still ZERO real scientific evidence to support any such claim..

Coloration does not equal causation..

If that were the case we could prove that these AGW cult members using Google actually make people more stupid.
We've actually burned more than enough fossil fuel to account for the increase.

Wrong on every level the human contribution to CO2 levels is less than 1%..
Your proof of which is? Another one pulling numbers out of his asshole. Really, you expect us just to accept flap yap because you said so? Dumb.

Prove with datasets and source code that CO2 drives climate!
he can't , he won't and he'll come on here daily and claim he can. funny stuff eh?

Well he makes links that never support that claim.

No AGW cult member/"scientist" has been able to provide the smoking gun link to CO2 driving the climate on Earth. Not that they haven't been trying for 40+ years. However there is still ZERO real scientific evidence to support any such claim..

Coloration does not equal causation..

If that were the case we could prove that these AGW cult members using Google actually make people more stupid.
well now it's that there are no proofs in science. It's flippin hilarious the extent these jack asses go to to validate their dreams.
Wrong on every level the human contribution to CO2 levels is less than 1%..
Your proof of which is? Another one pulling numbers out of his asshole. Really, you expect us just to accept flap yap because you said so? Dumb.

Prove with datasets and source code that CO2 drives climate!
he can't , he won't and he'll come on here daily and claim he can. funny stuff eh?

Well he makes links that never support that claim.

No AGW cult member/"scientist" has been able to provide the smoking gun link to CO2 driving the climate on Earth. Not that they haven't been trying for 40+ years. However there is still ZERO real scientific evidence to support any such claim..

Coloration does not equal causation..

If that were the case we could prove that these AGW cult members using Google actually make people more stupid.
well now it's that there are no proofs in science. It's flippin hilarious the extent these jack asses go to to validate their dreams.

Next we will be told that the Sun is yellow..
hey frank, ever notice how each and everyone of them have very similar vocabulary? Seem like the same person all the time. Their resources are always the same, even their shitty comebacks are the same. Now that's a cult!!!!!!
We know about how much fossil fuel has be burned over the past 200 years or so. Its very basic math and chemistry to show that the amount of Co2 released from burning that fuel is in excess of the extra CO2 in the atmosphere over the same period. Sorry, but have you not already done this exercise yourself? You must have just started studying climate science 5 minutes ago.
I have as much proof that climate change is bullshit as the Libtards have that Hillary would make a good President.

I think you're saying the exact opposite of what you think you are saying. Fucking idiot.
I thought you would. That's why I worded it that way. GFY.

LOL! No, you're just an idiot!
And you're a ****** from lose.
I'd rather live here in sackcloth and ash than own the state of Ohio. BTW, I'm white you racist fucking hick.
hey frank, ever notice how each and everyone of them have very similar vocabulary? Seem like the same person all the time. Their resources are always the same, even their shitty comebacks are the same. Now that's a cult!!!!!!

The thoughts get poured into the collective and they repeat what they've been fed
Wrong on every level the human contribution to CO2 levels is less than 1%..
Your proof of which is? Another one pulling numbers out of his asshole. Really, you expect us just to accept flap yap because you said so? Dumb.

Prove with datasets and source code that CO2 drives climate!
he can't , he won't and he'll come on here daily and claim he can. funny stuff eh?

Well he makes links that never support that claim.

No AGW cult member/"scientist" has been able to provide the smoking gun link to CO2 driving the climate on Earth. Not that they haven't been trying for 40+ years. However there is still ZERO real scientific evidence to support any such claim..

Coloration does not equal causation..

If that were the case we could prove that these AGW cult members using Google actually make people more stupid.
well now it's that there are no proofs in science. It's flippin hilarious the extent these jack asses go to to validate their dreams.

You stop doing science as soon as you claim consensus
I have as much proof that climate change is bullshit as the Libtards have that Hillary would make a good President.

I think you're saying the exact opposite of what you think you are saying. Fucking idiot.
I thought you would. That's why I worded it that way. GFY.

LOL! No, you're just an idiot!
And you're a ****** from lose.
I'd rather live here in sackcloth and ash than own the state of Ohio. BTW, I'm white you racist fucking hick.

You are far left drone which makes you an automatic racist, so we knew that you were one before you even admitted to it..
I have as much proof that climate change is bullshit as the Libtards have that Hillary would make a good President.

I think you're saying the exact opposite of what you think you are saying. Fucking idiot.
I thought you would. That's why I worded it that way. GFY.

LOL! No, you're just an idiot!
And you're a ****** from lose.
I'd rather live here in sackcloth and ash than own the state of Ohio. BTW, I'm white you racist fucking hick.
Then you have no excuse for being so stupid...and what does Ohio have to do with anything?
As even with the Muller analysis, temperature spikes like we're experiencing are relatively rare.

What I gather from Richard Muller's assessment of Michael Mann's temperature spike graph (the hockey stick) is that the math used to chart that graph was flawed.

What I gather from my understanding of paleoclimatology methods (interpreting tree ring and ice core data) is that they aren't 100% accurate. We know that tree ring data is unreliable because it didn't respond to 20th Century warming of northern latitudes. We know that ice core data isn't totally reliable because we get different data from Antarctica than we do from Greenland. Also, we have no ice core data from most of the planet's surface. That's a lot of missing data. We can't say definitively that there wasn't a 30 year stretch of warming during the Eemian period (the last interglacial period) comparable or even more extreme than the years 1979 to 2009. To do so would be an argument over less than a degree Celsius and there's too many blind spots to go back 120,000 years and attempt to do that.

All dat true. Many problems with with these sweeping proxy studies purporting to compare climate history to our last 50 years of empirical experience. But the largest prob is the resulting time resolurion that you get after selecting combining and averaging all these variuous weak proxies from different parts of the globe. Not anywhere NEAR good enough to see 40 or 50 year spikes. Especially on stupid extensions to get a GLOBAL average. You can however usena particular single type of proxy from a single area of the globe to get a pretty good snapshot of local histories.
So has anyone told H-Nut that weve been flirting with 400 ppm for a couple years now..? We havent even reached the first doubling of CO2 since the 1800s.. ive got a snooze alarm set for 560ppm. At that point, I highly suspect the true global increase to be right around 1degC. Just like the physics and chemistry says --- without all the added drama and fabrications.
Unprecedented. Except for all the previous times in Earth's history when it was 400 PPM or much, much higher.

You need to actually read the article, not just the headline:

Specifically, the passage 'the first time that has happened for an entire month since record keeping first began'.

Manaloa has been doing it for what, about 55 years... (1968 I believe).. So your record, not long enough to see normal variation, is now something to behold?

Seriously? you think that this actually has even a lick of meaningful length?
Unprecedented. Except for all the previous times in Earth's history when it was 400 PPM or much, much higher.

You need to actually read the article, not just the headline:

Specifically, the passage 'the first time that has happened for an entire month since record keeping first began'.

yeah..... thats almost as important as the 1st month the Dow stays above 18000 on every daily close. Like watching a turtle race..... The variance on CO2 level each year is equal to SEVERAL years of increase. But warmers are real easy to amuse.

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