Global Climate Status Report Released: New Ice Age

John L. Casey is a fraud, and note that he lists absolutely nobody other than himself. Never have even heard the name in the geological community, and here, where volcanoes are an issue, if he had any real bona fides, he would be a household name.
And Old Fraud shows himself a fool...

Attack the person without a shred of evidence and ignore the science that has been done. DENIER!!!!
Gee, what if all the Global Warming nuts solutions i.e. the Wind and Solar power, are based on not needing heat? I bet they did not calculate a worst case scenario, like we will need heat if they are WRONG.

Wind and Solar, failing the nation during all our severe emergencies.

Yep!!!!...IN a warming world where the cold is not a problem is the only world that solar could help... in a cooling world it can not keep up..
You know the fix is in with these people when evidence/research is presented on the sun, undersea volcano's, undersea methane cracks etc........and not one single LINE of it is accepted........ever...........not one single line.

Meanwhile, these climate crusaders have not a shred of proof of any link between CO2 and the climate.

Theory presented as science is ghey.:spinner:
Walleyes, you have been predicting a cooling for longer than the last five years. And what do you predicate your predictions on? The idea that increased CO2 and the fact that the TSI has had a slight decline. Now tell me that is not a model.

Oh yes, and for longer than the last five years you have been 180 degrees wrong. 2014, probably the warmest year on record. And the very warm years getting closer and closer together. This one on a low TSI and a neutral ENSO. Your model has failed, Walleyes. Perhaps you should try studying some kind of science sometime.
Westwall has his uses. When in an hurry, you can simply look at whatever Westwall says, and conclude the exact opposite is true.

For instance, Westwall says the models are all wrong, but here are the models compared with historical temps.

Models Open Mind

Westwall has his uses. When in an hurry, you can simply look at whatever Westwall says, and conclude the exact opposite is true.

For instance, Westwall says the models are all wrong, but here are the models compared with historical temps.

Models Open Mind

right? someone put a picture of the model up while the other guy fudged the raw data to match it. it isn't logical!!!! It just isn't logical. Sorry, doesn't pass the smell test. And the smell I get is horrible.
Walleyes, you have been predicting a cooling for longer than the last five years. And what do you predicate your predictions on? The idea that increased CO2 and the fact that the TSI has had a slight decline. Now tell me that is not a model.

Oh yes, and for longer than the last five years you have been 180 degrees wrong. 2014, probably the warmest year on record. And the very warm years getting closer and closer together. This one on a low TSI and a neutral ENSO. Your model has failed, Walleyes. Perhaps you should try studying some kind of science sometime.
first off, CO2 does nothing to temperatures. So you fail. Second it's cooler, and you fail. And you fail because you cheat and lie.
I see. Then, by your reasoning, we have a pattern of cooling in the Eastern US, and a pattern of warming in the rest of the nation. Including Alaska. So, an overall warming pattern. But then, again, going to interesting to see what the temperatures are this summer in the East.
ps s0ns........temps in the east today and tomorrow will be the coldest since.................

the 1800's!!!!:spinner::spinner::spinner::spinner::spinner::spinner:

Doesn't fit too well with the AGW narrative now does it??

No link necessary.........just step outside your front door!!!:up:
The ornamental cherries are blooming here in Portland, as well as the daffodils. Many trees are already leafing out. That's outside my front door.

Intellicast - High Temperatures Today in United States

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The High Temperatures Today image shows the forecast high temperatures for the current day, color contoured every 10 degrees F.
National News

Mid-February, and almost all of Montana above 40 degrees. In fact, 3/4 of Montana above 50 degrees.

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