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Global Cooling:

The Earth's population dropped to 15% of its previous value? Care to show us when that happened?

The Earth's population dropped to 15% of its previous value? Care to show us when that happened?

I guess you were asleep for the black plague, famine and other historic events which took lace during that time. Yes global populace was depleted.

You really need to find a new place to sleep..

Little Ice Age, Big Consequences - History in the Headlines

Beginning in the spring of 1315, cold weather and torrential rains decimated crops and livestock across Europe. Class warfare and political strife destabilized formerly prosperous countries as millions of people starved, setting the stage for the crises of the Late Middle Ages. According to reports, some desperate Europeans resorted to cannibalism during the so-called Great Famine, which persisted until the early 1320s.

Black Death
Typically considered an outbreak of the bubonic plague, which is transmitted by rats and fleas, the Black Death wreaked havoc on Europe, North Africa and Central Asia in the mid-14th century. It killed an estimated 75 million people, including 30 to 60 percent of Europe’s population. Some experts have tied the outbreak to the food shortages of the Little Ice Age, which purportedly weakened human immune systems while allowing rats to flourish.
You said the world lost 85% of its population due to cold. Don't be trying to walk back your ignorant bullshit now.
This indicates that it is the suns activity which is driving our current cyclical rise.
It's the sun

It's the sun
"Over the past few hundred years, there has been a steady increase in the numbers of sunspots, at the time when the Earth has been getting warmer. The data suggests solar activity is influencing the global climate causing the world to get warmer." (BBC)

Over the last 35 years the sun has shown a slight cooling trend. However global temperatures have been increasing. Since the sun and climate are going in opposite directions scientists conclude the sun cannot be the cause of recent global warming.

The only way to blame the sun for the current rise in temperatures is by cherry picking the data. This is done by showing only past periods when sun and climate move together and ignoring the last few decades when the two are moving in opposite directions.

Sun & climate: moving in opposite directions

Figure 1: Annual global temperature change (thin light red) with 11 year moving average of temperature (thick dark red). Temperature from NASA GISS. Annual Total Solar Irradiance (thin light blue) with 11 year moving average of TSI (thick dark blue). TSI from 1880 to 1978 from Krivova et al 2007 (data). TSI from 1979 to 2015 from PMOD (see the PMOD index page for data updates).
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Global cooling would totally decimate the world's largest granary crops. Thus causing massive starvation. Yes, the beneficial CO2 input from mankind may help a little, but let's face it, not enough to really matter significantly.

We are warm-blooded mammals. We will die if we do not warm our environment. That is kinda what it means to be a warm-blooded mammal in the fucking first place.

All of you who hate warm blooded mammals should commit suicide, otherwise you are cowardly hypocrites IMO.

WTF is stopping you pieces of shit? Why don't you quit exhaling CO2 into the atmosphere if you think it is such a bad thing ?
Dumb ass, we didn't die during the ice ages. And, during the Younger Dryas, the extinctions were not during the cold period, but during the time of very rapid change from warm to cold, and then, a 1000 years later, from cold to warm.

People like you are so damned stupid, will not do the slightest research, far to lazy for that.

There are many warm blooded mammals living in the Arctic right now, including members of Homo Sapiens. And, no, you dumb ass, what it means to be a warm blooded mammal is that we can live in far more environments than cold blooded animals. Your statement concerning this simply demonstrates your incredible ignorance.
Global cooling would totally decimate the world's largest granary crops. Thus causing massive starvation. Yes, the beneficial CO2 input from mankind may help a little, but let's face it, not enough to really matter significantly.

We are warm-blooded mammals. We will die if we do not warm our environment. That is kinda what it means to be a warm-blooded mammal in the fucking first place.

All of you who hate warm blooded mammals should commit suicide, otherwise you are cowardly hypocrites IMO.

WTF is stopping you pieces of shit? Why don't you quit exhaling CO2 into the atmosphere if you think it is such a bad thing ?
Dumb ass, we didn't die during the ice ages.
Why not?
Thinsulate and goose down. Why do so many of you think that animals breathing adds significantly to the atmospheric CO2 levels? I think the better question is how you become sufficiently amoral to suggest suicide to people you're unable to defeat in debate versus simply realizing and admitting that you're wrong about something. What fucking egos.
Just like the cooling of the 1300's hundreds, they were not ready or prepared for the cooling that came and as such mans population was reduced to just 15% of its high during the MEWP.. I suspect that we will see this same massive death rate when the food supplies dry up and cold allow pathogens to run fast through the populace.

Please show us this event on a historical diagram of Earth's population - or in a clear description by an actual authority on the topic.
Don't bother denying you and Muhammed aren't one and the same.
; - (
Oh well, mea culpa, mea culpa.

MUHAMMED, please show us that event on a historical diagram of Earth's population - or in a clear description by an actual authority on the topic.
Moderation Message:

Threads in this forum are SPECIFIC single topics. NOT about GW from any old angle that pops into your head.

Also --- threads in this forum are not about YOU or "the other guy" OR politics UNLESS relevant to the Title/OP..
This indicates that it is the suns activity which is driving our current cyclical rise.
It's the sun

It's the sun
"Over the past few hundred years, there has been a steady increase in the numbers of sunspots, at the time when the Earth has been getting warmer. The data suggests solar activity is influencing the global climate causing the world to get warmer." (BBC)

Over the last 35 years the sun has shown a slight cooling trend. However global temperatures have been increasing. Since the sun and climate are going in opposite directions scientists conclude the sun cannot be the cause of recent global warming.

The only way to blame the sun for the current rise in temperatures is by cherry picking the data. This is done by showing only past periods when sun and climate move together and ignoring the last few decades when the two are moving in opposite directions.

Sun & climate: moving in opposite directions

Figure 1: Annual global temperature change (thin light red) with 11 year moving average of temperature (thick dark red). Temperature from NASA GISS. Annual Total Solar Irradiance (thin light blue) with 11 year moving average of TSI (thick dark blue). TSI from 1880 to 1978 from Krivova et al 2007 (data). TSI from 1979 to 2015 from PMOD (see the PMOD index page for data updates).

Great chart actually.. But it demonstrates the juvenile Sesame Street "interpretations" that plague "climate science". The science itself acknowledges that the massive thermal inertia of the Earth has HUGE storage and delays on most any critical "forcing function". Even a change in CO2 conc. might take DECADES or 50 yrs to actually change the thermal equilibrium in the atmos. The OCEANS which absorb mainly direct solar insolation and store vast quantities of heat in the depths --- probably take close to a CENTURY to create a difference in the atmos equilibrium temps.

Only the activist idiots with credentials try to feed the public the bullshit perception that "if the curves don't match EXACTLY -- it cannot be a factor".. No real scientist has that childish expectation.. The run-up in Total Solar Irradiation in your chart is about 1.2W/m2. It PLATEAUED about 1960.. The effect on the atmos temp equilibrium could EASILY be delayed a couple decades. That 1.2W/m2 is about 1/3 of the calculated "global warming" in your lifetime.

And this new solar "cooling" thesis is real. It is based on observing very specific signatures of solar activity that seem to match the EXACT pattern last seen when the Sun went INTO it's last Minimum back in the 18th Century. Not a SURE bet -- but there is AMPLE evidence for this "projection"..

Now go right ahead and "funny" that. I know you will. Because you don't want to learn or think about the topic. You seem to just want to shotgun shit you've found lying around and hope for a hit..
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GLOBAL COOLING: Decade long ice age predicted as sun 'hibernates'

The Article above is not specifically about "Earth Climate" it is about Solar activity

There is no Global cooling ...specifically speaking..its recycled Right wing Shit...this is just mental masturbation to deny Global warming..yes its been SPECIFICALLY DEBUNKED
No, the sun isn't going to save us from global warming ...

Back from the dead
Recently there’s been a flood of media stories claiming that the sun may be headed towards a quiet phase (a possibility), which could send the Earth into a “deep freeze” (a virtual impossibility). These stories appear to have originated in the biased conservative media (like the Daily Mail and Telegraph) and seeped into other media outlets (like CNN). Some media outlets, like the Washington Post, did a good job researching the story and discovering its flaws before publishing.

The stories stemmed from a presentation at the Royal Astronomical Society’s National Astronomy Meeting in Wales by mathematician Valentina Zharkova. Her research (not yet published) suggests the sun could be headed for a quiet phase like the one that coincided with a period known as the “Little Ice Age,” but doesn’t say anything about how this solar minimum would impact the Earth’s climate.

Some of the fault for raising this zombie myth from the dead lies with the Royal Astronomical Society’s press release, which mentioned the previous mini ice age without making it clear that it was solar activity but not the Earth’s climate that was the subject of the study. Some of the fault lies with Zharkova, who made comments ‘skeptical’ of human-caused global warming that were not supported by her research.

debunking the ‘impending mini ice age’ myth by Dana Nuccitelli

GLOBAL COOLING: Decade long ice age predicted as sun 'hibernates'

The Article above is not specifically about "Earth Climate" it is about Solar activity

There is no Global cooling ...specifically speaking..its recycled Right wing Shit...this is just mental masturbation to deny Global warming..yes its been SPECIFICALLY DEBUNKED
No, the sun isn't going to save us from global warming ...

Back from the dead
Recently there’s been a flood of media stories claiming that the sun may be headed towards a quiet phase (a possibility), which could send the Earth into a “deep freeze” (a virtual impossibility). These stories appear to have originated in the biased conservative media (like the Daily Mail and Telegraph) and seeped into other media outlets (like CNN). Some media outlets, like the Washington Post, did a good job researching the story and discovering its flaws before publishing.

The stories stemmed from a presentation at the Royal Astronomical Society’s National Astronomy Meeting in Wales by mathematician Valentina Zharkova. Her research (not yet published) suggests the sun could be headed for a quiet phase like the one that coincided with a period known as the “Little Ice Age,” but doesn’t say anything about how this solar minimum would impact the Earth’s climate.

Some of the fault for raising this zombie myth from the dead lies with the Royal Astronomical Society’s press release, which mentioned the previous mini ice age without making it clear that it was solar activity but not the Earth’s climate that was the subject of the study. Some of the fault lies with Zharkova, who made comments ‘skeptical’ of human-caused global warming that were not supported by her research.

debunking the ‘impending mini ice age’ myth by Dana Nuccitelli

That's the price YOU PAY by only getting science from the media. NO ONE is claiming that a Solar Minimum will cause "an ice age". .That didn't happen in the 18th century at the last minimum(s)..

A "Little Ice Age" is a fictional term. And Dana Nuccitelli is a moron ACTIVIST -- not a climate scientist.
The logic and reason states that we might be seeing the specific solar activity pattern LAST SEEN just prior to the "little Ice Age" And there is no basis for nutjobs like NuttiCelli to be claiming that the RESULTS would be any different from the last time.

Time for another funny.. When a clueless leftist does it -- it's an honor.. Means they are UNABLE to respond to any hard work the poster put into attempting to inform them.. They seem to LIKE being unable to discuss technical/difficult topics in detail..

Study predicting 'mini ice age' is being second-guessed
by Brooks Hays
Washington (UPI) Jul 14, 2015
Study predicting 'mini ice age' is being second-guessed

Last week, few people -- even inside academic circles -- had heard of Valentina Zharkova, a professor of mathematics [CLUE: NOT A CLIMATE SCIENTIST] at Northumbria University in England.

This week, her name is plastered all over the Internet. That's because she's behind new research suggesting a "mini ice age" awaits Earth in the 2030s as the sun's solar activity goes into a prolonged lull.

For a variety of reasons, news of the study has quickly reverberated across the world wide web. Not surprisingly, climate-change deniers regurgitated the headline with gleeful gusto.

In fairness, Zharokova's study didn't directly predict a miniature ice age
. Her work focuses on solar activity. She suggests the irregular heartbeat governing the sun's electromagnetic activity is about to skip a few beats.

More accurately, Zharkova says the magnetic waves that cause sunspots exist as two divergent -- and competing -- frequencies. These frequencies will soon cancel each other out, she says, leading to a reduction in radiation hurled towards Earth.

Regardless, news stories tended to focus on the possibility of an upcoming ice age.

At least part of the blame lies with a National Astronomy Meeting, held last week in Llandudno, Wales. The organization sent out the press release that helped shine the spotlight on Zharokova's research -- which has not been published in a peer-reviewed journal.

But if Zharokova wanted to distance herself from dubious climatic predictions, she hasn't helped her cause. She recently went on record questioning the consensus of anthropogenic global warming. She believes the sun's fluctuating output plays a greater role in influencing temperature than does the greenhouse gas effect.

"I am not convinced with the arguments of the group promoting global warming of an anthropogenic nature," Zharkova told The Washington Post.

For this reason and others, Zharkova predicts a reduction in solar radiation to precipitate a drop in global temperatures, similar to the last mini ice age, or Maunder Minimum, that hit Earth in the mid-1700s and caused several decades of harsh winters in the Western Hemisphere.

But Zharokova is mostly isolated in her conclusions on the sun's climatic effects, then and now.

Study predicting 'mini ice age' is being second-guessed
by Brooks Hays
Washington (UPI) Jul 14, 2015
Study predicting 'mini ice age' is being second-guessed

Last week, few people -- even inside academic circles -- had heard of Valentina Zharkova, a professor of mathematics [CLUE: NOT A CLIMATE SCIENTIST] at Northumbria University in England.

This week, her name is plastered all over the Internet. That's because she's behind new research suggesting a "mini ice age" awaits Earth in the 2030s as the sun's solar activity goes into a prolonged lull.

For a variety of reasons, news of the study has quickly reverberated across the world wide web. Not surprisingly, climate-change deniers regurgitated the headline with gleeful gusto.

In fairness, Zharokova's study didn't directly predict a miniature ice age
. Her work focuses on solar activity. She suggests the irregular heartbeat governing the sun's electromagnetic activity is about to skip a few beats.

More accurately, Zharkova says the magnetic waves that cause sunspots exist as two divergent -- and competing -- frequencies. These frequencies will soon cancel each other out, she says, leading to a reduction in radiation hurled towards Earth.

Regardless, news stories tended to focus on the possibility of an upcoming ice age.

At least part of the blame lies with a National Astronomy Meeting, held last week in Llandudno, Wales. The organization sent out the press release that helped shine the spotlight on Zharokova's research -- which has not been published in a peer-reviewed journal.

But if Zharokova wanted to distance herself from dubious climatic predictions, she hasn't helped her cause. She recently went on record questioning the consensus of anthropogenic global warming. She believes the sun's fluctuating output plays a greater role in influencing temperature than does the greenhouse gas effect.

"I am not convinced with the arguments of the group promoting global warming of an anthropogenic nature," Zharkova told The Washington Post.

For this reason and others, Zharkova predicts a reduction in solar radiation to precipitate a drop in global temperatures, similar to the last mini ice age, or Maunder Minimum, that hit Earth in the mid-1700s and caused several decades of harsh winters in the Western Hemisphere.

But Zharokova is mostly isolated in her conclusions on the sun's climatic effects, then and now.

Using Skeptical Science and Dana Nuttercellie as a source... To Funny..

I find it rather interesting that the left wing talking points is all that you can muster.. Why is that? No functioning brain cells? Are cartoons from the cartoon boys at SKS all you can deal with?

You regurgitate the SKS talking points and fail to use cognitive thought or critical thinking skills. The last time we had low solar activity beginning in the 1300's 50% of Europe's populace was dead due to famine and by the time it was all over with famine, wars, the black death among other issues, over 85% of Europe's populace was decimated. Every historical account, globally, in Africa and the Middle East had drastic reductions in populations.

If your stupid enough to not recognize what is coming our way by historical precedent you are beyond help and the lives of those you dupe will be on you.
This indicates that it is the suns activity which is driving our current cyclical rise.
It's the sun

It's the sun
"Over the past few hundred years, there has been a steady increase in the numbers of sunspots, at the time when the Earth has been getting warmer. The data suggests solar activity is influencing the global climate causing the world to get warmer." (BBC)

Over the last 35 years the sun has shown a slight cooling trend. However global temperatures have been increasing. Since the sun and climate are going in opposite directions scientists conclude the sun cannot be the cause of recent global warming.

The only way to blame the sun for the current rise in temperatures is by cherry picking the data. This is done by showing only past periods when sun and climate move together and ignoring the last few decades when the two are moving in opposite directions.

Sun & climate: moving in opposite directions

Figure 1: Annual global temperature change (thin light red) with 11 year moving average of temperature (thick dark red). Temperature from NASA GISS. Annual Total Solar Irradiance (thin light blue) with 11 year moving average of TSI (thick dark blue). TSI from 1880 to 1978 from Krivova et al 2007 (data). TSI from 1979 to 2015 from PMOD (see the PMOD index page for data updates).

Great chart actually.. But it demonstrates the juvenile Sesame Street "interpretations" that plague "climate science". The science itself acknowledges that the massive thermal inertia of the Earth has HUGE storage and delays on most any critical "forcing function". Even a change in CO2 conc. might take DECADES or 50 yrs to actually change the thermal equilibrium in the atmos. The OCEANS which absorb mainly direct solar insolation and store vast quantities of heat in the depths --- probably take close to a CENTURY to create a difference in the atmos equilibrium temps.

Only the activist idiots with credentials try to feed the public the bullshit perception that "if the curves don't match EXACTLY -- it cannot be a factor".. No real scientist has that childish expectation.. The run-up in Total Solar Irradiation in your chart is about 1.2W/m2. It PLATEAUED about 1960.. The effect on the atmos temp equilibrium could EASILY be delayed a couple decades. That 1.2W/m2 is about 1/3 of the calculated "global warming" in your lifetime.

And this new solar "cooling" thesis is real. It is based on observing very specific signatures of solar activity that seem to match the EXACT pattern last seen when the Sun went INTO it's last Minimum back in the 18th Century. Not a SURE bet -- but there is AMPLE evidence for this "projection"..

Now go right ahead and "funny" that. I know you will. Because you don't want to learn or think about the topic. You seem to just want to shotgun shit you've found lying around and hope for a hit..

Thermal inertia is the big question that remains unanswered. The ADO and PDO are the big guns when it comes to earths temperature and its stability. Earths magnetism and the suns magnetism play a big roll in the circulations. As one wanes the circulations slow slightly and if both go low the potential is a wider and changed circulation.

Add to the altered circulations the reduction in inbound solar radiation. The size of the mass holding heat and the level of heat reduction will determine how fast we fall or rise in temperature.

1.2W/m^2, at the surface, is a very big deal when you consider about 150 of the 1352 units (at TOA -Top Of Atmosphere) of incoming solar radiation actually hits the earths surface.

AS the paper in the OP indicates, we have barely scratched the surface of how our environment actually works and how little changes on the sun can have massive impacts on the earth. The historical accounts and the observations of our current position are showing very close similarity. I dont know about you, but I will take the historical approach over any of the current failed modeling programs being used today.

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