Global sea ice at historic HIGHS!!!!

is global sea ice a better proxy for global temps or ocean currents?

here we have a proxy that we can examine closely as it unfolds and it still isnt that good. and we are being asked elsewhere to believe in mudbugs and tree rings as proxies to be trusted to tenths of a degree Celsius globally for the last coupla thousand years.
Khabibullo Abdusamatov, astrophysicist at Pulkovo Observatory of theRussian Academy of Sciences[60]
Sallie Baliunas, astrophysicist, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics[62][63][64]
Timothy Ball, professor emeritus of geography at the University of Winnipeg[65][66]
Robert M. Carter, former head of the school of earth sciences at James Cook University[67][68], hydrogeologist, professor, Department of Earth Sciences,University of Ottawa[69][70]
Chris de Freitas, associate professor, School of Geography, Geology and Environmental Science, University of Auckland[71][72]
David Douglass, solid-state physicist, professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Rochester[73][74]
Don Easterbrook, emeritus professor of geology, Western Washington University[75][76], professor emeritus and head of the Tropical Meteorology Project, Department of Atmospheric Science, Colorado State University[77][78]
William Happer, physicist specializing in optics and spectroscopy, Princeton University[79][80], professor of geology at the University of Oslo[81][82]
Wibjörn Karlén, professor emeritus of geography and geology at the University of Stockholm.[83][84], meteorologist, former Australian delegate to World Meteorological Organization Commission for Climatology[85][86]
David Legates, associate professor of geography and director of the Center for Climatic Research, University of Delaware[87][88]
Anthony Lupo, professor of atmospheric science at the University of Missouri[89][90]
Tad Murty, oceanographer; adjunct professor, Departments of Civil Engineering and Earth Sciences,University of Ottawa[91][92]
Tim Patterson, paleoclimatologist and professor of geology at Carleton University in Canada.[93][94][95]
Ian Plimer, professor emeritus of mining geology, the University of Adelaide.[96][97]
Arthur B. Robinson, biochemist and former faculty member at the University of California, San Diego[98][99]
Murry Salby, atmospheric scientist, former professor at Macquarie University[100][101], research scientist in the physics department at Duke University[102][103][104]
Tom Segalstad, geologist; associate professor at University of Oslo[105][106], professor of physics focusing on astrophysics and climate science at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem[107][108]
Fred Singer, professor emeritus of environmental sciences at the University of Virginia[109][110][111][112], astrophysicist, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics[113][114]
Roy Spencer, meteorologist; principal research scientist, University of Alabama in Huntsville[115][116], physicist, Danish National Space Center[117][118], retired director of the Oregon Climate Service at Oregon State University[119][120], environmental geochemist, professor emeritus from University of Ottawa[121][122]

Bull, plain and simple. What are your real motivations to belittle those actual climatologists, physicists, et al, by calling them tv mets? Just a few name s for you, above. Slander much?

Sustained mass loss of the northeast Greenland ice sheet triggered by regional warming

The Greenland ice sheet has been one of the largest contributors to global sea-level rise over the past 20 years, accounting for 0.5 mm yr−1 of a total of 3.2 mm yr−1. A significant portion of this contribution is associated with the speed-up of an increased number of glaciers in southeast and northwest Greenland. Here, we show that the northeast Greenland ice stream, which extends more than 600 km into the interior of the ice sheet, is now undergoing sustained dynamic thinning, linked to regional warming, after more than a quarter of a century of stability. This sector of the Greenland ice sheet is of particular interest, because the drainage basin area covers 16% of the ice sheet (twice that of Jakobshavn Isbræ) and numerical model predictions suggest no significant mass loss for this sector, leading to an under-estimation of future global sea-level rise. The geometry of the bedrock and monotonic trend in glacier speed-up and mass loss suggests that dynamic drawdown of ice in this region will continue in the near future.

Real scientists, not undegreed ex-TV weathermen.
Was there any point to that list, other than to deflect away from denier reliance on WUWT nonsense?

It's a mixed list of people.

Some on that list agree with most all AGW theory.

Some have essentially no credentials in the climate science field, and a record of very bad science when they try to work outside of their expertise.

And some are just cranks or generously paid fossil fuel industry shills.
Was there any point to that list, other than to deflect away from denier reliance on WUWT nonsense?

It's a mixed list of people.

Some on that list agree with most all AGW theory.

Some have essentially no credentials in the climate science field, and a record of very bad science when they try to work outside of their expertise.

And some are just cranks or generously paid fossil fuel industry shills.
much like those 97%'ers, eh? I'm still waiting for that experiment dude/dudette. that's what real scientist do to verify a hypothesis. You can tell me that I'm wrong if you'd like, but you can't because because that is what good science does. And, you ain't got one.
Was there any point to that list, other than to deflect away from denier reliance on WUWT nonsense?

It's a mixed list of people.

Some on that list agree with most all AGW theory.

Some have essentially no credentials in the climate science field, and a record of very bad science when they try to work outside of their expertise.

And some are just cranks or generously paid fossil fuel industry shills.

dominating [email protected]
If I could find a paper by Albert Einstein stating unequivocally he believes most any warming is due to natural cycles, you would attempt to discredit him.
Was there any point to that list, other than to deflect away from denier reliance on WUWT nonsense?

It's a mixed list of people.

Some on that list agree with most all AGW theory.

Some have essentially no credentials in the climate science field, and a record of very bad science when they try to work outside of their expertise.

And some are just cranks or generously paid fossil fuel industry shills.
Was there any point to that list, other than to deflect away from denier reliance on WUWT nonsense?

It's a mixed list of people.

Some on that list agree with most all AGW theory.

Some have essentially no credentials in the climate science field, and a record of very bad science when they try to work outside of their expertise.

And some are just cranks or generously paid fossil fuel industry shills.
Of course I would, given that Einstein wasn't a climate scientist, and that he was notably wrong about some things, such as quantum mechanics. We here in the reason-base community just don't do blind hero worship. It's always about whether the science is good, regardless of who did it.
Yet every single Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University states that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger.
Yet every single Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University states that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger.

The appeal to authority, when government funding and their very life blood is threatened because the hypothesis is no longer relevant. The facts do not support the supposition.
Yet every single Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University states that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger.

The appeal to authority, when government funding and their very life blood is threatened because the hypothesis is no longer relevant. The facts do not support the supposition.

yup, I am a lukewarmer like most of the prominent and established skeptics of CO2 theory. its not that CO2 cannot cause some warming, however trivial, but that the public is being asked to also agree with the bloated predictions of doom that are not supported by the facts that we do have.
Global warming is a conspiracy from the same ppl who brought us the "moon" hoax. Ie. Buzz Armstrong the liar

One of my favorite hoaxes of all time.........those idiots didn't even have to try hard when you take a close look at the "lunar" module photos!!! Schwinn bike horns painted silver and glued onto the frame ( the rockets for liftoff......:biggrin:ok:biggrin:......I guess Im the asshole here!!!).........sheet metal riveted on with just a few rivets and scotch tape allowing for enough space for small animals to enter ( but we know it went through the earths atmosphere and withstood all that heat!!!:2up: )


Yet every single Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University states that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger.

Yeah, and they are all sucking on the government tit.
The bottom line is.......nobody is concerned at all about global sea ice. Every poll clearly displays that people have tuned this stuff out years ago. Why? Because the AGW folks blew it with scores of stoopid predictions that never materialized.........that's why I say........the science doesn't matter anymore. In life, reality is 95% perception.........never heard a truer phrase in my life.
Also true and not understood by the advocates of AGW........the politics of anything control the entire landscape and NOT the science. The AGW rowd thinks they are separate ( fascinating to me )..........but they are not. They never will be.
Deniers, do you all agree with your self-appointed president skook here, and new denier Iamgoing2heaven? You know, the moon landing hoaxers.

It's not surprising to see it. The fundamental lack of critical thinking ability that makes someone an easy mark for the denier cult also makes them an easy mark for any other conspiracy cult.
Deniers, do you all agree with your self-appointed president skook here, and new denier Iamgoing2heaven? You know, the moon landing hoaxers.

It's not surprising to see it. The fundamental lack of critical thinking ability that makes someone an easy mark for the denier cult also makes them an easy mark for any other conspiracy cult.


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