Global warfare: we're going to take out 7 countries in 5 years: Iraq, Syria,Lebanon,libya,Somalia,


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Global Warfare: "We're Going to Take out 7 Countries in 5 Years: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan & Iran.." - Global Research
This interview serves as a reminder regarding the diabolical timeline of America’s hegemonic project. Is Iran the next target “to be taken out”?

All these countries are on the Pentagon’s drawing board. These seven countries have directly or indirectly been the object of US aggression.

America’s hegemonic military agenda has reached a dangerous threshold: The assassination of IRG General Soleimani ordered by ......................

A flashback in time because it is said Americans have the memory of goldfish.............
But the sheep just can't figure out why those they voted for sell them lie after lie after lie and yet they continue to be dumb enough to vote for the idiots all over again................

They tell you what they're gonna do and yet the severely dumbed down are the first assholes who yell " conspiracy theory" crazy train" tin foil hat" . yall are so flippen dumb you don't even know it lol. Everyone else sure does though.
The U.S. military has become a for-rent mercenary army doing the dirty work for Israel by destroying the middle east one country at a time.

The only country remaining on the zionist hit list to attack, invade, and destabilize is Iran. .... :cool:
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The U.S. military has become a for-hire mercenary army doing the dirty work for Israel by destroying the middle east one country at a time.

The only country remaining on the zionist hit list to attack and destabilize is Iran. .... :cool:
The only Americans awake about war are active duty, veterans or their family members when they come home in flag-draped coffins or with no arms or legs.

The rest of us will never really know unless it comes here. 9/11 should have been the wake up call, but it was the opposite.
The U.S. military has become a for-rent mercenary army doing the dirty work for Israel by destroying the middle east one country at a time.

The only country remaining on the zionist hit list to attack, invade, and destabilize is Iran. .... :cool:
Our weapons were directed at a man who has killed THOUSANDS of muslims and HUNDREDS of Americans, and he has led these killings for over 20 years, and has killed his share for 40 years, Sunni Man. He was planning the murder of a thousand of our military men in the immediate future. He was stopped in the nick of time. I hope you will take a deep breath, be glad that fewer people will be targets in the Middle East from now on.

As leaders of the Free World, we are required to stop serial murderers. This man has killed almost as many people as Saddam Hussein from the figures I saw today. Please make your peace with the job we are required to do as protectors of hundreds of thousands of people if not millions. I'm sorry if his family is a friend of yours, but our American family has been damaged severely by Soleimani, and he was out to murder a vast number of people tomorrow. It's over. His terror war is stopped and will be no more. We're planning peace. If Iran continues its plans on killing its neighbors and American soldiers, we will take action against them. We're all hoping the Iranians will choose peace. They can, but if they don't we are prepared to stop them from threatening and harming people Soleimani and his partners picked fights with.
I don't trust this guy (I think this is truth mixed with lies) but sometimes they DO tell us what they're going to do in advance.

Sean Hannity says a war criminal is dead. He specialty was in killing Americans.

He was planning to kill hundreds of American Soldiers and many American diplomats in our embassies. The Hate-Trump Media are fueling lies against President Trump.
I'm ashamed there are Americans who don't care about the safety of American Troops
who were sent there to ensure no more of our embassies would be threatened by the bloodthirsty Soleimani, who hated America and Americans. It's over.​
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I don't trust this guy (I think this is truth mixed with lies) but sometimes they DO tell us what they're going to do in advance.

The American President became more imperial. Although the Constitution invests the President with very specific, limited powers, in recent years, American presidents (Trump, Obama, Bush, Clinton, etc.) claimed the power to completely and almost unilaterally alter the landscape of this country for good or for ill. The powers that have been amassed by each successive president through the negligence of Congress and the courts—powers which add up to a toolbox of terror for an imperial ruler—empower whomever occupies the Oval Office to act as a dictator, above the law and beyond any real accountability. The presidency itself has become an imperial one with permanent powers.

Nullify Government Tyranny: In 2020, Harness the Power of Your Discontent - Global Research
Sean Hannity says a war criminal is dead. He specialty was in killing Americans.

He was planning to kill hundreds of American Soldiers and many American diplomats in our embassies. The Hate-Trump Media are fueling lies against President Trump.​

He was a hero in Iraq who helped kick ISIS out.

The president didn't make this call, but he's being 'encouraged' to play along.
You can tell by the way he's reading the teleprompter.
I don't trust this guy (I think this is truth mixed with lies) but sometimes they DO tell us what they're going to do in advance.

ARe you aware this was filmed in 2014, buttercup? General Wesley Clark told that years ago about information that was pertinent after 2001. That has absolutely nothing to do with the present problem that Soleimani was planning for next week's havoc against soldiers President Trump sent over there to protect the Embassy that was attacked by Soleimani's associates last week.

This is a more current picture of the General.
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Iraq is gonna kick us out now.
But it doesn't mean we'll go....just resume the previous 15 year occupation.

This was 3 months ago....this is what we created.
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Sean Hannity says a war criminal is dead. He specialty was in killing Americans.

He was planning to kill hundreds of American Soldiers and many American diplomats in our embassies. The Hate-Trump Media are fueling lies against President Trump.​

He was a hero in Iraq who helped kick ISIS out.

The president didn't make this call, but he's being 'encouraged' to play along.
You can tell by the way he's reading the teleprompter.

Angelo, President Trump is nobody's marionette. He made a decision to save American Embassy personnel all over the Middle East and our information about Soleimani's plans for American murders are not made up by people out to get President Trump, but by men who plan the least amount of damage to save our soldiers and our ambassadors.

Soleimani has a terrible reputation about what he has done to kill many, many, many American soldiers, and he has not stopped his plans.

Don't you know they were going to kill as many people in our Embassy as they could this past week? Our soldiers moved in and prevented a lot of Americans getting murdered in cold blood. Be careful about these planners to get rid of President Trump. He IS DOING HIS JOB TO SAVE AMERICAN LIVES by providing for the common defense of Americans in Embassies. According to the agreements of countries in the World, a country's embassy is built on its native ground, and is not considered part of the country it is actually in. Our embassies are considered that they are on American soil wherever they are. It's that simple. \

And we have proof positive of Soleimani's diabolic plots to destroy a number of our embassies in tandem with his associate murderers of Americans.

You can believe what you want, but our American military folks do not pull dirty tricks like Soleimani did. This will be made more clear in the upcoming weeks.

The MSM is smarting from President Trump's recent good ratings. Trust me, they want to pull him down and go with the Socialist/Communist House to get Donald Trump, whatever it takes.
Iraq is gonna kick us out now.
But it doesn't mean we'll go....just resume the previous 15 year occupation.

This was 3 months ago....this is what we created.

Iraq doesn't give a damn that Soleimani was gonna kill as many American soldiers in surprise attacks as he could get. If they go after us, they will pay a price for it. And they will not like what happens to their country if they do go after our Embassies and our people, whether they are military-uniformed peacekeepers or Diplomats, and it will be for sure their misfortune.

Beware of the lies, withheld information, and exaggerations of the press. You can get better information at the information provided at the Army Times Newspaper than the creepos on MSM Television programs: This is the truth: Thousands more paratroopers are preparing to head to Mideast
I don't trust this guy (I think this is truth mixed with lies) but sometimes they DO tell us what they're going to do in advance.

ARe you aware this was filmed in 2014, buttercup? General Wesley Clark told that years ago about information that was pertinent after 2001. That has absolutely nothing to do with the present problem that Soleimani was planning for next week's havoc against soldiers President Trump sent over there to protect the Embassy that was attacked by Soleimani's associates last week.

This is a more current picture of the General.

I'm sorry, but I don't buy the mainstream narrative, I haven't in many years. My viewpoint may be controversial around here, but I've done enough research to realize that we've been lied to in a major way, about numerous things, including these neverending wars.

The wars are based on lies, this has already been proven in the past, so I'm sorry but if you are going to believe the MSM (which is just a mouthpiece of the corrupt powers-that-be) then that is part of the problem. Don't automatically believe what you're told, propaganda is actually legal now, and we are living in a time of great deception. If you're a christian, don't forget who the temporary "god of this world" is.
Angelo, President Trump is nobody's marionette. .
So he may be a war criminal just like Obama and Bush now.
For saving American lives? I greatly disagree with your politicized rhetoric against American leaders, sir. They're not war criminals. That's what the commies of the press want you to think. Keep it up and none of us will be able to speak freely.

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