Global warming: Fake news becomes no news


Gold Member
Apr 12, 2011
from: Blog: Global warming: Fake news becomes no news

Daniel G. Jones March 14, 2017

For decades, we've heard the Chickens Little cry that the sky is warming. Then, in 2009, a hack of climate researchers' emails at the University of East Anglia indicated that things weren't quite on the up-and-up, science-wise. Climatologists had massaged global temperature records to bolster their claims of man-made global warming, and they had destroyed emails to skirt FOIA requests. "Climategate," as it came to be called, suggested that many of the alarming reports about global warming had been fake news.

It happened again about a month ago. On February 4, Dr. John Bates, "senior scientist" at NOAA's temperature data center (until his retirement in late 2016), reported that his own organization had not quite been on the up-and-up, science-wise. He alleged that Thomas Karl, director of the temperature data center (until his own retirement earlier last year), had "breached [NOAA's] own rules on scientific integrity...

...the computer used to process the data "had suffered a complete failure." Hello, Climategate 2.0!

Oh, you'd never heard of it? I bet you've heard a lot about the 2015 Paris Climate Accords that were agreed to in part because of the fake "Pausebuster" data...

...Al Gore adviser, predicted that by 1995, the greenhouse effect would be "desolating...

...UNEP warned that by 2010, some 50 million "climate refugees" would be fleeing low-lying Caribbean and Pacific islands...

...Al Gore predicted that the North Pole would be ice-free by the summer of 2013...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

--and somehow all this never stops AGW advocates from maintaining that the consensus is 99.99%, the data are solid, and their climate models are always right.
from: Blog: Global warming: Fake news becomes no news

Daniel G. Jones March 14, 2017

For decades, we've heard the Chickens Little cry that the sky is warming. Then, in 2009, a hack of climate researchers' emails at the University of East Anglia indicated that things weren't quite on the up-and-up, science-wise. Climatologists had massaged global temperature records to bolster their claims of man-made global warming, and they had destroyed emails to skirt FOIA requests. "Climategate," as it came to be called, suggested that many of the alarming reports about global warming had been fake news.

It happened again about a month ago. On February 4, Dr. John Bates, "senior scientist" at NOAA's temperature data center (until his retirement in late 2016), reported that his own organization had not quite been on the up-and-up, science-wise. He alleged that Thomas Karl, director of the temperature data center (until his own retirement earlier last year), had "breached [NOAA's] own rules on scientific integrity...

Yes. And the story was picked up by the right wing press, like David Rose of the Guardian. Here is a response to that from Science Magazine.


[David] Rose's story ricocheted around right-wing media outlets, and was publicized by the Republican-led House of Representatives science committee, which has spent months investigating earlier complaints about the Karl study that is says were raised by an NOAA whistleblower. But ScienceInsider found no evidence of misconduct or violation of agency research policies after extensive interviews with Bates, Karl, and other former NOAA and independent scientists, as well as consideration of documents that Bates also provided to Rose and the Mail.


Tuesday, in an interview with E&E News, Bates himself downplayed any suggestion of misconduct. “The issue here is not an issue of tampering with data, but rather really of timing of a release of a paper that had not properly disclosed everything it was,” he told reporter Scott Waldman. And Bates told ScienceInsider that he is wary of his critique becoming a talking point for those skeptical of human-caused climate change. But it was important for this conversation about data integrity to happen, he says. “That’s where I came down after a lot of soul searching. I knew people would misuse this. But you can't control other people,” he says.

...the computer used to process the data "had suffered a complete failure." Hello, Climategate 2.0!

Oh, you'd never heard of it? I bet you've heard a lot about the 2015 Paris Climate Accords that were agreed to in part because of the fake "Pausebuster" data...

...Al Gore adviser, predicted that by 1995, the greenhouse effect would be "desolating...

...UNEP warned that by 2010, some 50 million "climate refugees" would be fleeing low-lying Caribbean and Pacific islands...

...Al Gore predicted that the North Pole would be ice-free by the summer of 2013...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

--and somehow all this never stops AGW advocates from maintaining that the consensus is 99.99%, the data are solid, and their climate models are always right.

Do you actually think climate science is still holding their breath for statements from Al Gore? Have a look through AR5, in particular "The Physical Science Basis" and see how many times they mention him.
Yet in spite of the facts, bed wetting leftist zealots will completely ignore them and parrot the sound bytes they're programmed to.

It isn't "science" when you draw a conclusion first, then gather data which supports it while pretending the data that disproves it isn't relevant or doesn't really exist.
...It isn't "science" when you draw a conclusion first, then gather data which supports it while pretending the data that disproves it isn't relevant or doesn't really exist.
Yet this is exactly how the process begins and it continues w/ fudging the data plus attacking the incredulous --both verbally and physically.
...the right wing press....
Hey, we can call them "extreme" right wing if you want but we're still stuck w/ failed predictions and fake data. As for me I couldn't care less about how the extreme left wing press ignores reality, my concern is that this insanity is used as a justification to raise my taxes. What I'm saying is that y'all can believe in global warming all ya want, but please just do it on your own nickel.
Unshockingly, Winter Storm Stella Is Man-Caused Global Warming


Of course it is! How could it not be?

Tweet after Tweet claiming this @ Unshockingly, Winter Storm Stella Is Man-Caused Global Warming | John Hawkins' Right Wing News
from: Blog: Global warming: Fake news becomes no news

Daniel G. Jones March 14, 2017

For decades, we've heard the Chickens Little cry that the sky is warming. Then, in 2009, a hack of climate researchers' emails at the University of East Anglia indicated that things weren't quite on the up-and-up, science-wise. Climatologists had massaged global temperature records to bolster their claims of man-made global warming, and they had destroyed emails to skirt FOIA requests. "Climategate," as it came to be called, suggested that many of the alarming reports about global warming had been fake news.

It happened again about a month ago. On February 4, Dr. John Bates, "senior scientist" at NOAA's temperature data center (until his retirement in late 2016), reported that his own organization had not quite been on the up-and-up, science-wise. He alleged that Thomas Karl, director of the temperature data center (until his own retirement earlier last year), had "breached [NOAA's] own rules on scientific integrity...

...the computer used to process the data "had suffered a complete failure." Hello, Climategate 2.0!

Oh, you'd never heard of it? I bet you've heard a lot about the 2015 Paris Climate Accords that were agreed to in part because of the fake "Pausebuster" data...

...Al Gore adviser, predicted that by 1995, the greenhouse effect would be "desolating...

...UNEP warned that by 2010, some 50 million "climate refugees" would be fleeing low-lying Caribbean and Pacific islands...

...Al Gore predicted that the North Pole would be ice-free by the summer of 2013...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

--and somehow all this never stops AGW advocates from maintaining that the consensus is 99.99%, the data are solid, and their climate models are always right.

The "hottest years ever" fake crap is because they recently added in the imaginary excess heat trapped like a rat in the deep ocean. The only people pitching this are the paid agw posters
from: Blog: Global warming: Fake news becomes no news

Daniel G. Jones March 14, 2017

For decades, we've heard the Chickens Little cry that the sky is warming. Then, in 2009, a hack of climate researchers' emails at the University of East Anglia indicated that things weren't quite on the up-and-up, science-wise. Climatologists had massaged global temperature records to bolster their claims of man-made global warming, and they had destroyed emails to skirt FOIA requests. "Climategate," as it came to be called, suggested that many of the alarming reports about global warming had been fake news.

It happened again about a month ago. On February 4, Dr. John Bates, "senior scientist" at NOAA's temperature data center (until his retirement in late 2016), reported that his own organization had not quite been on the up-and-up, science-wise. He alleged that Thomas Karl, director of the temperature data center (until his own retirement earlier last year), had "breached [NOAA's] own rules on scientific integrity...

Yes. And the story was picked up by the right wing press, like David Rose of the Guardian. Here is a response to that from Science Magazine.


[David] Rose's story ricocheted around right-wing media outlets, and was publicized by the Republican-led House of Representatives science committee, which has spent months investigating earlier complaints about the Karl study that is says were raised by an NOAA whistleblower. But ScienceInsider found no evidence of misconduct or violation of agency research policies after extensive interviews with Bates, Karl, and other former NOAA and independent scientists, as well as consideration of documents that Bates also provided to Rose and the Mail.


Tuesday, in an interview with E&E News, Bates himself downplayed any suggestion of misconduct. “The issue here is not an issue of tampering with data, but rather really of timing of a release of a paper that had not properly disclosed everything it was,” he told reporter Scott Waldman. And Bates told ScienceInsider that he is wary of his critique becoming a talking point for those skeptical of human-caused climate change. But it was important for this conversation about data integrity to happen, he says. “That’s where I came down after a lot of soul searching. I knew people would misuse this. But you can't control other people,” he says.

...the computer used to process the data "had suffered a complete failure." Hello, Climategate 2.0!

Oh, you'd never heard of it? I bet you've heard a lot about the 2015 Paris Climate Accords that were agreed to in part because of the fake "Pausebuster" data...

...Al Gore adviser, predicted that by 1995, the greenhouse effect would be "desolating...

...UNEP warned that by 2010, some 50 million "climate refugees" would be fleeing low-lying Caribbean and Pacific islands...

...Al Gore predicted that the North Pole would be ice-free by the summer of 2013...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

--and somehow all this never stops AGW advocates from maintaining that the consensus is 99.99%, the data are solid, and their climate models are always right.

Do you actually think climate science is still holding their breath for statements from Al Gore? Have a look through AR5, in particular "The Physical Science Basis" and see how many times they mention him.
Why dont you go out and find the Karl Et Al data... so we can check Karl's findings?

Another Michael Mann 'hide everything and never give them the data' moment.

The Idiocy of the leftards is stunning..
Why dont you go out and find the Karl Et Al data... so we can check Karl's findings?

Another Michael Mann 'hide everything and never give them the data' moment.

The Idiocy of the leftards is stunning..

Here you go fool; the data and methods from Karl et al 2015

Possible artifacts of data biases in the recent global surface warming hiatus | Science

The data from MBH 98 and MBH 99 and many others may be found at

Paleo Data Search | Search | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)

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