"Global Warming" gets twice as much as border security from the tax payer


Senior Member
Feb 27, 2011
Global warming gets twice as much money as border security | The Daily Caller

now how is money going to stop an event that were not even sure exists?

what in gods name are they doing with over 20 billion dollars?
The Obama administration recently declared that the country has moved beyond debating whether or not global warming is a threat, and instead, should be debating what can be done about the issue.
“We have turned a corner on that issue,” said Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz in a recent speech. “We are — including in our Congress — really past the issue of whether we need to respond.”
Read more: Global warming gets twice as much money as border security | The Daily Caller
Remember that the left believes there shouldn't be any borders and everyone should be able to go anywhere.
Obama’s fiscal year 2014 request was for $2.7 billion for the U.S. Global Change Research Program.
Obama’s fiscal year 2014 request was for $2.7 billion for the U.S. Global Change Research Program.

That is like saying that the wars in in response to 9-11 were off budget
it is very mis leading
New estimates show the federal government will spend nearly twice as much fighting global warming this year than on U.S. border security.

The White House reported to House Republicans that there are 18 federal agencies engaged in global warming activities in 2013, funding a wide range of programs, including scientific research, international climate assistance, incentivizing renewable energy technology and subsidies to renewable energy producers. Global warming spending is estimated to cost $22.2 billion this year, and $21.4 billion next year.

At the same time, the federal government will spend nearly $12 billion on customs and border enforcement this year.
New estimates show the federal government will spend nearly twice as much fighting global warming this year than on U.S. border security.

The White House reported to House Republicans that there are 18 federal agencies engaged in global warming activities in 2013, funding a wide range of programs, including scientific research, international climate assistance, incentivizing renewable energy technology and subsidies to renewable energy producers. Global warming spending is estimated to cost $22.2 billion this year, and $21.4 billion next year.

At the same time, the federal government will spend nearly $12 billion on customs and border enforcement this year.

That's really incredible! We were spending more than 34 Billion EURO for environmental policy in Germany! What the hell are 22 Billion Dollar - nothing!!!!
New estimates show the federal government will spend nearly twice as much fighting global warming this year than on U.S. border security.

The White House reported to House Republicans that there are 18 federal agencies engaged in global warming activities in 2013, funding a wide range of programs, including scientific research, international climate assistance, incentivizing renewable energy technology and subsidies to renewable energy producers. Global warming spending is estimated to cost $22.2 billion this year, and $21.4 billion next year.

At the same time, the federal government will spend nearly $12 billion on customs and border enforcement this year.

That's really incredible! We were spending more than 34 Billion EURO for environmental policy in Germany! What the hell are 22 Billion Dollar - nothing!!!!

22 billion dollars?
how many hungry people would 22 billion dollars feed?
that is 1 million people getting 20,000 each
Remember that the left believes there shouldn't be any borders and everyone should be able to go anywhere.

Mathew, had President Bush stated after 9-11, that we had to make our southern border secure, the nation would have been completely behind him. Instead, he did absolutely nothing there. And we have no idea who or what crossed that border in the ensueing years. Now we have budgetary constraints. Were the President to spend what it would take to make our southern border secure, the GOP would be the first to start screaming about the cost. And Obama has deported more illegals than Bush ever did.

A changing climate will affect us far more than an influx of people from the south. In fact, a changing climate will drive an influx of people from the south. As the Hadley cells move further north, more of Mexico will dry out, and we will have climate refugees trying to cross the border for survival. That will be a problem not only for our nation, but for nations worldwide. Think Bangladesh and India.
New estimates show the federal government will spend nearly twice as much fighting global warming this year than on U.S. border security.

The White House reported to House Republicans that there are 18 federal agencies engaged in global warming activities in 2013, funding a wide range of programs, including scientific research, international climate assistance, incentivizing renewable energy technology and subsidies to renewable energy producers. Global warming spending is estimated to cost $22.2 billion this year, and $21.4 billion next year.

At the same time, the federal government will spend nearly $12 billion on customs and border enforcement this year.

That's really incredible! We were spending more than 34 Billion EURO for environmental policy in Germany! What the hell are 22 Billion Dollar - nothing!!!!

22 billion dollars?
how many hungry people would 22 billion dollars feed?
that is 1 million people getting 20,000 each

Well, JRK, what has been the cost of the extreme droughts and precipitation events we have seen in the last five years? What was 40% of Russia's wheat crop worth the year that they had the drought?

Now you included the cost of renewable energy research in the cost of money to climate change. So, let's include the cost of all the medical and drug costs of asthma in the cost of fossil fuels, and tax the companies accordingly.

We really should be spending about 2 trillion a year on our grid and switching over to energy that does less damage to humans and the environment. That would provide both jobs and a much more secure energy future for our nation.
Remember that the left believes there shouldn't be any borders and everyone should be able to go anywhere.

Mathew, had President Bush stated after 9-11, that we had to make our southern border secure, the nation would have been completely behind him. Instead, he did absolutely nothing there. And we have no idea who or what crossed that border in the ensueing years. Now we have budgetary constraints. Were the President to spend what it would take to make our southern border secure, the GOP would be the first to start screaming about the cost. And Obama has deported more illegals than Bush ever did.

A changing climate will affect us far more than an influx of people from the south. In fact, a changing climate will drive an influx of people from the south. As the Hadley cells move further north, more of Mexico will dry out, and we will have climate refugees trying to cross the border for survival. That will be a problem not only for our nation, but for nations worldwide. Think Bangladesh and India.

Bush did do something.
HR. 6061, the "Secure Fence Act of 2006", was introduced on September 13, 2006. It passed through the U.S. House of Representatives on September 14, 2006 with a vote of 283–138.

On September 29, 2006, by a vote of 80–19 the U.S. Senate confirmed H.R. 6061 authorizing, and partially funding the "possible" construction of 700 miles (1,125 km) of physical fence/barriers along the border. The very broad support implies that many assurances have been made by the Administration, to the Democrats, Mexico, and the pro "Comprehensive immigration reform" minority within the GOP, that Homeland Security will proceed very cautiously. Michael Chertoff, announced that an eight-month test of the virtual fence, he favors, will precede any construction of a physical barrier.

On October 26, 2006, President George W. Bush signed H.R. 6061 which was voted upon and passed by the 109th Congress of the United States. The signing of the bill came right after a CNN poll showed that most Americans "prefer the idea of more Border Patrol agents to a 700-mile (1,125-kilometer) fence."[21] The Department of Homeland Security has a down payment of $1.2 billion marked for border security, but not specifically for the border fence.
Illegal immigration is a real problem. man made global climate change is a hoax

ignore the problem, feed the hoax---------its the liberal way of life.
That's really incredible! We were spending more than 34 Billion EURO for environmental policy in Germany! What the hell are 22 Billion Dollar - nothing!!!!

22 billion dollars?
how many hungry people would 22 billion dollars feed?
that is 1 million people getting 20,000 each

Well, JRK, what has been the cost of the extreme droughts and precipitation events we have seen in the last five years? What was 40% of Russia's wheat crop worth the year that they had the drought?

Now you included the cost of renewable energy research in the cost of money to climate change. So, let's include the cost of all the medical and drug costs of asthma in the cost of fossil fuels, and tax the companies accordingly.

We really should be spending about 2 trillion a year on our grid and switching over to energy that does less damage to humans and the environment. That would provide both jobs and a much more secure energy future for our nation.

Climate change is as normal as apple pie and no amount of money is going to change Mother Nature. How do you Al Gore followers explain this?

The Dust Bowl, also known as the Dirty Thirties, was a period of severe dust storms that greatly damaged the ecology and agriculture of the American and Canadian prairies during the 1930s; severe drought and a failure to apply dryland farming methods to prevent wind erosion caused the phenomenon. Extensive deep plowing of the virgin topsoil of the Great Plains during the previous decade had displaced the native, deep-rooted grasses that normally trapped soil and moisture even during periods of drought and high winds. Rapid mechanization of farm implements, especially small gasoline tractors and widespread use of the combine harvester, significantly impacted decisions to convert arid grassland (much of which received no more than 10 inches (250 mm) of precipitation per year) to cultivated cropland.

During the drought of the 1930s, the unanchored soil turned to dust that the prevailing winds blew away in clouds that sometimes blackened the sky. These choking billows of dust – named "black blizzards" or "black rollers" – reached such East Coast cities as New York City and Washington, D.C. and often reduced visibility to a meter (about a yard) or less. Associated Press reporter Robert E. Geiger happened to be in Boise City, Oklahoma to witness the "Black Sunday" black blizzards of April 14, 1935; Edward Stanley, Kansas City news editor of the Associated Press coined the term "Dust Bowl" while rewriting Geiger's news story.

The drought and erosion of the Dust Bowl affected 100,000,000 acres (400,000 km2) that centered on the panhandles of Texas and Oklahoma and touched adjacent sections of New Mexico, Colorado, and Kansas.

The Dust Bowl forced tens of thousands of families to abandon their farms. Many of these families, who were often known as "Okies" because so many of them came from Oklahoma, migrated to California and other states to find that the Great Depression had rendered economic conditions there little better than those they had left. Author John Steinbeck wrote The Grapes of Wrath and Of Mice and Men about such people.
That's really incredible! We were spending more than 34 Billion EURO for environmental policy in Germany! What the hell are 22 Billion Dollar - nothing!!!!

22 billion dollars?
how many hungry people would 22 billion dollars feed?
that is 1 million people getting 20,000 each

Well, JRK, what has been the cost of the extreme droughts and precipitation events we have seen in the last five years? What was 40% of Russia's wheat crop worth the year that they had the drought?

Now you included the cost of renewable energy research in the cost of money to climate change. So, let's include the cost of all the medical and drug costs of asthma in the cost of fossil fuels, and tax the companies accordingly.

We really should be spending about 2 trillion a year on our grid and switching over to energy that does less damage to humans and the environment. That would provide both jobs and a much more secure energy future for our nation.

drill baby drill
clean coal technology
and explain to us what money is going to do to make it rain?
or make it stop raining?
22 billion dollars?
how many hungry people would 22 billion dollars feed?
that is 1 million people getting 20,000 each

Well, JRK, what has been the cost of the extreme droughts and precipitation events we have seen in the last five years? What was 40% of Russia's wheat crop worth the year that they had the drought?

Now you included the cost of renewable energy research in the cost of money to climate change. So, let's include the cost of all the medical and drug costs of asthma in the cost of fossil fuels, and tax the companies accordingly.

We really should be spending about 2 trillion a year on our grid and switching over to energy that does less damage to humans and the environment. That would provide both jobs and a much more secure energy future for our nation.

drill baby drill
clean coal technology
and explain to us what money is going to do to make it rain?
or make it stop raining?

the money is to pay the witch doctor--------or the prophet algore.

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