'Global Warming' Off The Hook For Ca Fires - Wildfire Resulted From Bad Land Management


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Report: Years Of Bad Land Management ... NOT GLOBAL WARMING ... Led To One Of California’s Most Devastating Wildfires

"An in-depth investigation found that federal, state and local governments were aware of California’s vulnerability to wildfires, but failed to take the necessary steps to prevent its devastation."

Report: Years Of Bad Land Management Led To One Of California’s Most Devastating Wildfires

The song 'Another One Bites The Dust' sprang to mind as I read how all the 'experts' had declared their now-proven false narrative that Global Warming was the culprit behind the California Wildfires.....

Breaking: they knew bad land management was the cause of California wild fires 20 years ago. Don't fall for the fake news crap about how climate change is the cause, that's one big whopper LIE!
Over 20 years ago I was driving through southern Oregon and northern California on a trip. The dry dead forest debris piled up on the forest floor was at least 3 feet deep with giant warning signs all along the highway. This is what happens when humans run around stamping out every fire mother nature starts. The fuel piles up for decades. Now when mother nature starts a fire its a raging inferno.
Only the asshats of the world pin the fires on drought related global warming.

What I want to know is, how is fire in California suddenly selective? It was labeled a "wildfire". So how is it that everywhere, you see houses burned to only ash and houses to either side have zero scarring. Zero.....not even a single burning ember just 20 feet away!:113::113:. A magical fire it was....burn 2/3's of a home and leave the last 1/3rd cut like a cake at a wedding!:2up:

Global fuckery I'd say!:backpedal:

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