Hawaii Gov. Josh Green blames global warming

Many times! My heart breaks for Lahaina.
I mean when the winds got up to around 67 mph? Winds do not cause fires. Winds can spread them as it did this time. But the notion the hurricane set fire there is nuts.
it seems strange to have a fire during a hurricane
The winds at the time never got higher than 67 mph and most of the time were less than 45 mph.
Hawaii is a strange breed of islands. On the east side of all of them, it rains a hell of a lot more. On the west side it is much dryer. Also they have some bad ass grass that is not native there. And it is easy to set fire to.
Many times! My heart breaks for Lahaina.
So do you think the Government there should get away blaming a distant hurricane? The winds never exceeded 67 mph per the weather records.
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So do you think the Government there should get away blaming a distant hurricane?
And nothing else? No, I imagine that isn't going to happen. There will be an analysis of mistakes and of what else could be done to save more lives, for sure.
And nothing else? No, I imagine that isn't going to happen. There will be an analysis of mistakes and of what else could be done to save more lives, for sure.
Republicans do not run things there. To expect this from Democrats made me laugh. This is the place with loud alarms that they refused to turn on.
Hawaii Gov. Josh Green claimed Sunday that global warming played a major role in the Maui wildfire that destroyed a historic town and has so far killed at least 93 people.

Green spoke about the devastation in the centuries-old town of Lahaina during an appearance on MSNBC’s "The Sunday Show with Jonathan Capehart," describing the wildfire as a "fire hurricane" with gusting 80 mph winds and "1,000-degree heat creating fire cyclones going through buildings."

"Everything is burnt to the ground in Lahaina," the Democrat said, calling it a "war zone" that is "completely destroyed."

Green attributed strong winds from Hurricane Dora, which passed far to the south of the island last week, and very dry drought conditions on Maui to the fast-moving blaze.

"When fire jumped from one spot to another – there were three or four fires going on at the same time – it got seeded very quickly with those 80 mph gusted winds," he said. "And then the fire moved at essentially a mile per minute, 60 mph down through the community."

"That’s what a fire hurricane is going to look like in the era of global warming," Green warned.

Hurricanes have hit Hawaii lots of times.
Governor Green is either dumb or a global warming fear monger.
Man Made Climate Change is a Left Wing Totalitarianist political tool of fear.
They say elect us and we can save you from global warming.

A Hawaiian hurricane is a tropical cyclone that forms in the Pacific Ocean and affects the Hawaiian Islands. Hawaii lies in the central Pacific, where about four or five tropical cyclones appear each year, although as many as fifteen have occurred, such as in the 2015 season; rarely do these storms actually affect Hawaii. Tropical cyclone records were not kept before the 1950s. Earlier windstorms that struck Hawaii were not labeled as hurricanes.[1] Extratropical cyclones are also common, causing considerable damage; they are known as Kona storms, but are not included in counts of hurricanes.
Certainly none of it was his fault, had to be global warming. I just love how Biden and the left kept on saying that Trump never accepted responsibility for anything and now 2 1/2 years later, no democrat anywhere takes responsibility for anything.
Republicans do not run things there. To expect this from Democrats made me laugh. This is the place with loud alarms that they refused to turn on.
Uh, okay, not sure you are going to be able to tie that to "liberal" policies, but okay.

I doubt the next democrat will allow the same mistake.
These stupid Moon Bats blame everything on climate change. Floods, hot weather, cold weather, storms, fires etc. You name it and it is caused by the government not taxing you enough to stop climate change. Hell, those idiots think my Tundra truck and hot water heater causes climate change.

Maybe the reason for the fire was the outlying high winds caused by the hurricane hundreds of miles away and the fact that the power company didn't cut the power on downed lines. Downed lines produced sparks which were fanned by the winds.

Could the real reason be that simply too many people living on the island and fires were bound to happen sooner than later, especially with high winds?
Hawaii Gov. Josh Green claimed Sunday that global warming played a major role in the Maui wildfire that destroyed a historic town and has so far killed at least 93 people.

Green spoke about the devastation in the centuries-old town of Lahaina during an appearance on MSNBC’s "The Sunday Show with Jonathan Capehart," describing the wildfire as a "fire hurricane" with gusting 80 mph winds and "1,000-degree heat creating fire cyclones going through buildings."

"Everything is burnt to the ground in Lahaina," the Democrat said, calling it a "war zone" that is "completely destroyed."

Green attributed strong winds from Hurricane Dora, which passed far to the south of the island last week, and very dry drought conditions on Maui to the fast-moving blaze.

"When fire jumped from one spot to another – there were three or four fires going on at the same time – it got seeded very quickly with those 80 mph gusted winds," he said. "And then the fire moved at essentially a mile per minute, 60 mph down through the community."

"That’s what a fire hurricane is going to look like in the era of global warming," Green warned.

Hurricanes have hit Hawaii lots of times.
Governor Green is either dumb or a global warming fear monger.
Man Made Climate Change is a Left Wing Totalitarianist political tool of fear.
They say elect us and we can save you from global warming.

A Hawaiian hurricane is a tropical cyclone that forms in the Pacific Ocean and affects the Hawaiian Islands. Hawaii lies in the central Pacific, where about four or five tropical cyclones appear each year, although as many as fifteen have occurred, such as in the 2015 season; rarely do these storms actually affect Hawaii. Tropical cyclone records were not kept before the 1950s. Earlier windstorms that struck Hawaii were not labeled as hurricanes.[1] Extratropical cyclones are also common, causing considerable damage; they are known as Kona storms, but are not included in counts of hurricanes.

At least he dresses up in medical scrubs when touring the war zone.

It reinforces his “MD” and how smart and capable he is.

Well, except for the 99 dead and over 1300 missing.

Uh, okay, not sure you are going to be able to tie that to "liberal" policies, but okay.

I doubt the next democrat will allow the same mistake.
First the word was the blaze was contained. Suddenly the town was on fire. There is no doubt the place is run by Democrats.
Hawaii Gov. Josh Green claimed Sunday that global warming played a major role in the Maui wildfire that destroyed a historic town and has so far killed at least 93 people.

Green spoke about the devastation in the centuries-old town of Lahaina during an appearance on MSNBC’s "The Sunday Show with Jonathan Capehart," describing the wildfire as a "fire hurricane" with gusting 80 mph winds and "1,000-degree heat creating fire cyclones going through buildings."

"Everything is burnt to the ground in Lahaina," the Democrat said, calling it a "war zone" that is "completely destroyed."

Green attributed strong winds from Hurricane Dora, which passed far to the south of the island last week, and very dry drought conditions on Maui to the fast-moving blaze.

"When fire jumped from one spot to another – there were three or four fires going on at the same time – it got seeded very quickly with those 80 mph gusted winds," he said. "And then the fire moved at essentially a mile per minute, 60 mph down through the community."

"That’s what a fire hurricane is going to look like in the era of global warming," Green warned.

Hurricanes have hit Hawaii lots of times.
Governor Green is either dumb or a global warming fear monger.
Man Made Climate Change is a Left Wing Totalitarianist political tool of fear.
They say elect us and we can save you from global warming.

A Hawaiian hurricane is a tropical cyclone that forms in the Pacific Ocean and affects the Hawaiian Islands. Hawaii lies in the central Pacific, where about four or five tropical cyclones appear each year, although as many as fifteen have occurred, such as in the 2015 season; rarely do these storms actually affect Hawaii. Tropical cyclone records were not kept before the 1950s. Earlier windstorms that struck Hawaii were not labeled as hurricanes.[1] Extratropical cyclones are also common, causing considerable damage; they are known as Kona storms, but are not included in counts of hurricanes.
We need climate change lockdown, and we need it NOW!

I hope everybody kept their masks, because we’ll need 2 weeks to stop the spread of volcanic ash.

Maybe 2 years.

Hawaii Gov. Josh Green claimed Sunday that global warming played a major role in the Maui wildfire that destroyed a historic town and has so far killed at least 93 people.

Green spoke about the devastation in the centuries-old town of Lahaina during an appearance on MSNBC’s "The Sunday Show with Jonathan Capehart," describing the wildfire as a "fire hurricane" with gusting 80 mph winds and "1,000-degree heat creating fire cyclones going through buildings."

"Everything is burnt to the ground in Lahaina," the Democrat said, calling it a "war zone" that is "completely destroyed."

Green attributed strong winds from Hurricane Dora, which passed far to the south of the island last week, and very dry drought conditions on Maui to the fast-moving blaze.

"When fire jumped from one spot to another – there were three or four fires going on at the same time – it got seeded very quickly with those 80 mph gusted winds," he said. "And then the fire moved at essentially a mile per minute, 60 mph down through the community."

"That’s what a fire hurricane is going to look like in the era of global warming," Green warned.

Hurricanes have hit Hawaii lots of times.
Governor Green is either dumb or a global warming fear monger.
Man Made Climate Change is a Left Wing Totalitarianist political tool of fear.
They say elect us and we can save you from global warming.

A Hawaiian hurricane is a tropical cyclone that forms in the Pacific Ocean and affects the Hawaiian Islands. Hawaii lies in the central Pacific, where about four or five tropical cyclones appear each year, although as many as fifteen have occurred, such as in the 2015 season; rarely do these storms actually affect Hawaii. Tropical cyclone records were not kept before the 1950s. Earlier windstorms that struck Hawaii were not labeled as hurricanes.[1] Extratropical cyclones are also common, causing considerable damage; they are known as Kona storms, but are not included in counts of hurricanes.
Fire Vortex. Two years ago during the Ford Corkscrew wildfire I watched in disbelief as these fire vortexes came down hill @ amazing speed & started across our plateau. No global warming to it just vortex assisted fire tornadoes.

These stupid Moon Bats blame everything on climate change. Floods, hot weather, cold weather, storms, fires etc. You name it and it is caused by the government not taxing you enough to stop climate change. Hell, those idiots think my Tundra truck and hot water heater causes climate change.

Maybe the reason for the fire was the outlying high winds caused by the hurricane hundreds of miles away and the fact that the power company didn't cut the power on downed lines. Downed lines produced sparks which were fanned by the winds.

Could the real reason be that simply too many people living on the island and fires were bound to happen sooner than later, especially with high winds?
8 billion people living on this planet spreading out in more and more areas is an idea element for flim flam people to use when pushing a scam. And they use every element they can to push it. Upgrades to real industrial infrastructure would help immensely. However, we let the environmental people get control of everything. And of course, they are used to push the scam also.

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