Gloria Allred: Rush Limbaugh Should Be Prosecuted For Controversial Comments About Sa

Interesting using that logic how many on here could be prosecuted for something they have said or posted? You sure we want to go down this road?

No, but I would not want to lock up Allred either... on the other hand, she wants to prosecute Limbaugh. I said if it was a crime to make those kind of comments she would have been locked up.

Although, I have many times thought that I would like to stuff a sock down Allred's hateful throat to get her to stop spreading her own brand of hate for a few minutes.

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This tells us the lefts little trick did not work. Allred is always the last resort. The left drags her out whenever one of their phony political plays backfires. Not to worry, I'm sure Rush Limbaugh's legal team would tear Gloria apart. And she knows it too.
I would think the Right would be delighted.
The Right? The monolithic Right?

Didn't you give me a bunch of shit for making blanket statements?

Why, yes. Yes, you did.

But I guess it's just different -- somehow -- it just is!! -- when you do it.

Nevertheless, yes, I would be delighted for the opportunity some on the left would have to prove in a court of law that they do not believe in freedom of speech.

'Course, it's not like that'd be a big surprise or anything.
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In 1883, I believe it was illegal for women to wear pants in a court room. Call 911. :badgrin:
If RUSH were a nobody who'd said what he said that that gal?

He'd have gotten his fat ass kicked.

Imagine that he'd said that to your woman, gents.

You telling me you'd be okay with a fat piece of shit like him insulting your woman?
If RUSH were a nobody who'd said what he said that that gal?

He'd have gotten his fat ass kicked.

Imagine that he'd said that to your woman, gents.

You telling me you'd be okay with a fat piece of shit like him insulting your woman?

No, I would object to him saying that to my woman, but I would be perfectly OK with him saying it to yours.
If RUSH were a nobody who'd said what he said that that gal?

He'd have gotten his fat ass kicked.

Imagine that he'd said that to your woman, gents.

You telling me you'd be okay with a fat piece of shit like him insulting your woman?

What that got to do with anything.
This is a great thread in that we get to watch you libs emote, implode and make all these stupid statements about beatings and ass kickings.
Meanwhile, most of you when faced with the prospect of physical confrontation would cry out on how you will file a lawsuit.
Shut it.

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