GM Volt Sales Artificially Inflated As Dealers Sale To Other Dealers For Tax Credits

Ahh, yet another disinformation campaign to stop electric cars from ever being made popular.

So, OP, are you a big investor in oil companies, do you come from a big oil state, or are you a witless pawn of big oil?

If electric cars were competitive they wouldn't need fat gov't pork programs to sell them.
Are you a flunky for GM and/or its unions?

What do I care about GM? I care about the success or failure of the human race.

Alternate methods of energy production MUST be encouraged and popularized.

Continuing to rely on fossil fuels is simply not an option.

And, like going to the moon, the transcontinental railroad, or building the Hoover Dam, alternate means of power simply will never come from the free market.

They will never be profitable enough at the beginning stages to make it in the market, unless government takes a hand with their development.

And, as far as GM goes, they're doing quite well without the Volt. Apparently government interference hasn't had a detrimental effect on them at all, despite all your predictions to the contrary.
And, Rabbi, we know from long experience that you're definitely a flunky for the Oil Companies.
God, are you really this dumb?

Last post on this topic... My wife is a tax lawyer. We know something about this.

A tax "return" is a form that is fiiled with the IRS. It is not a *return* of cash.

that said, I do appreciate your conviction on this topic. :)

You really are an idiot. You posted that you would see the credit/rebate on your tax return, and are now trying to weasel out of it. Typical little trough swilling piggie.
Ahh, yet another disinformation campaign to stop electric cars from ever being made popular.

Where is the disinformation? GM Dealers are abusing/gaming the system. It perfectly illustrates the problem of "unintended consequences" with government intervention.....
$7,500 is far more than you deserve. It's sad that someone who appears to be able to afford a vehicle (as indicated by your all cash payment), feels the need to gobble up taxpayer money from the pork trough.

As I mentioned in a previous post on this thread, it's comments like these that may cause my wife and I to waive the $7,500 tax credit.

More power to you if you do.
Ahh, yet another disinformation campaign to stop electric cars from ever being made popular.

So, OP, are you a big investor in oil companies, do you come from a big oil state, or are you a witless pawn of big oil?

If electric cars were competitive they wouldn't need fat gov't pork programs to sell them.
Are you a flunky for GM and/or its unions?

What do I care about GM? I care about the success or failure of the human race.

Alternate methods of energy production MUST be encouraged and popularized.

Continuing to rely on fossil fuels is simply not an option.

And, like going to the moon, the transcontinental railroad, or building the Hoover Dam, alternate means of power simply will never come from the free market.

They will never be profitable enough at the beginning stages to make it in the market, unless government takes a hand with their development.

And, as far as GM goes, they're doing quite well without the Volt. Apparently government interference hasn't had a detrimental effect on them at all, despite all your predictions to the contrary.


Do you realize that the fossil fuel power industry that we use now came about from the free market?

Do you understand that the reason the government got involved in the transcontinental railroad was so that the robber baron tycoons who built it could run roughshod over anyone who got in their way?

How about the fact that the only reason the federal government got involved in the Hoover Dam in the first place is that this was the first time in history that more than two states got together to form an Article 1 compact?

Come back when you have legitimate arguments and a proper understanding of historical precedents that have served to eliminate your rights and make private companies rich at the expense of taxpayers.
You really are an idiot. You posted that you would see the credit/rebate on your tax return, and are now trying to weasel out of it. Typical little trough swilling piggie.

Hi-- I just sent you a private message, hoping to clear this up.

thank you, so I have to ask, why did you buy it, ? I will assume you paid out of pocket, what 37-40 K all in tax reg. right down etc.?

Sorry, I'm not following you. Yes, we did pay cash for the Volt. It's a wonderful car--the best I've ever owned. That's why I bought it.

Beyond the $7,500 tax credit, which presumably we will receive in 2012 when we file our tax return, there are no other tax write-downs, reimbursements, etc. It's a personal car, not a company car.

Does that answer your question?

well you are happy with it,so I am glad for you...*shrugs*

a few things if I may; first, it is way over priced anything above 30K is above the 'sweet spot', second, there fore there is no 'savings' i.e its not a monetarily efficient purchase, now hey if you don't care and wanted it because to do your part for the environment, thats cool, but lets be clear this is not a car priced for or built for a family, third, its more along the liens of an evnirn. entrepreneur or boutique car. there fore it will never ever be mainstream.

There fore I am left wondering why I am expected to foot the bill as a taxpayer for GM to build these so you and others who buy these can feel good about yourselves? see my point?
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There fore I am left wondering why I am expected to foot the bill as a taxpayer for GM to build these so you and others who buy these can feel good about yourselves? see my point?

Yes, I do see your point. And I agree with it.
Sometimes subsidies are good. America (and the world) needs to get off foreign black crack. It will be like an economic nuclear bomb to Russia, the Middle East, North Africa and Venezuela!

Subsidies are never good. They raise prices for consumers as they tax them to pay for inefficiency.
Please name one subsidy scheme that actually worked out well. There isn't one.

Our farming subsidies keep our food made stateside! China utilizes a ton of successful subsidies like paper and precious metals!

So? Subsidies do nothing aside from promoting big business. That thing you liberals hate is the only real benefactor from subsidies. Have issue with cheap labor of other countries government subsidies to their companies then matching them is not the answer. Import taxes are.
They will never be profitable enough at the beginning stages to make it in the market, unless government takes a hand with their development.
I guess that means the private market never pushed tech. It must have been the government every time….
And, as far as GM goes, they're doing quite well without the Volt. Apparently government interference hasn't had a detrimental effect on them at all, despite all your predictions to the contrary.
Of course. They are PAYING people to buy their cars. Similar to what we did with some house loans. You can’t measure how successful the volt is as long as the government is messing with the numbers not to mention the fact that GM no longer has to make the Volt viable for the market. It just needs to be viable at the adjusted price that the tax payers are artificially creating.
When you allow business to do whatever it wants it will only seek to make profit.

It will not do anything in your best interests.

If you want a country were only the best interests of Business is protected at the detriment of the vast majority of the people then vote conservative.

This is why they have to cheat to win and have done so for decades

Isn't it funny how liberals claim that it's in everyone's best interests to keep liberals in power?

Just a coincidence, I'm sure. :lol:
See what happens when you dont police the business people?

They will find a way to cheat the government of the people

See what happens when you allow corrupt and idiotic government write regulation that steals cash from the people. It ends up in the hands of corrupt businesses. Get out of it and the issue goes away. Go figure.
Ahh, yet another disinformation campaign to stop electric cars from ever being made popular.

So, OP, are you a big investor in oil companies, do you come from a big oil state, or are you a witless pawn of big oil?

If electric cars were competitive they wouldn't need fat gov't pork programs to sell them.
Are you a flunky for GM and/or its unions?

What do I care about GM? I care about the success or failure of the human race.

Alternate methods of energy production MUST be encouraged and popularized.

Continuing to rely on fossil fuels is simply not an option.

And, like going to the moon, the transcontinental railroad, or building the Hoover Dam, alternate means of power simply will never come from the free market.

They will never be profitable enough at the beginning stages to make it in the market, unless government takes a hand with their development.

And, as far as GM goes, they're doing quite well without the Volt. Apparently government interference hasn't had a detrimental effect on them at all, despite all your predictions to the contrary.

The success or failure of the human race depends on the Chevy Volt? If so we're all in trouble.

WHy is relying on fossil fuels not an option? PLease explain this one. It ought to be good.

There has never been anything that needed gov't help in the beginning stages that did not also need gov't help in the middle and end stages.

Screwing your creditors increases cash flow in the short term. In the long term GM is still saddled with uncompetitive union practices and high labor costs. They will be back in the next downturn.

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