GM Volt Sales Artificially Inflated As Dealers Sale To Other Dealers For Tax Credits

No interest. Replaced my golf cart two years ago so I'm good for at least 8 more years.
Can i pull a 4K pound camper for 400 miles and back said camper into a muddy, rocky, dirt road hillside? Then four wheel-drive down to the canteen to get supplies (bologna, beer, charcoal, smokes, Bud Lite)?

If not, I'll pass.

: -)
The name of the car needs to be changed to the 'Chevy Dolt'.
Supported by dolts and driven by dolts.

It is a worthless car. Especially when you take in to account its competititon which is cheaper and gets better gas mileage.
This is all So Predictable.

The more the government tries to social engineer us with Other People's Money, the worse and worse the "unintended" consequences.

In other news, new claims for unemployment are UP, home sales are down, and that Memorial Day BBQ is going to cost 29% more than it did last year.

How Hopey & Changey is that?
A few responses to comments here:

1) Indeed, Volts are basically sold out. A few are available at a premium, but most buyers resist paying the premium.

2) Going by VIN#, GM has built about 4,000 Volts. Roughly half are sold, and half are for dealer demos and other purposes.

3) The Hamtramck plant is shutting down in June, to retool for increased production. Year-end target remains 10,000 Volts.

4) GM recently boosted its 2012 production plans for the Volt by one third, to 60,000 vehicles.

5) As a Volt owner and a regular, I can assure you that all of us are thrilled with the Volt. Most of us believe that it is the best car we've ever owned, and that includes some very nice cars. My previous car was a BMW 540i Sport.

6) It's safe to say that we all wish that the Volt was not a political football. It clouds an otherwise great experience. And it's doubly painful given that that the Volt is an American product (albeit with some foreign components).

Of course, the Volt is not suited for everyone, like for Warrior102. :)

Frankly, I'm very close to waiving my $7,500 tax credit. The Volt is worth every bit of its full price in my view, and I am tormented by the thought that anyone (including you crazies here at might think of me as some sort of bastard for buying an American car that in many ways represents the future of automotive transportation.

Finally, regarding the tax-credit dealer scam, Form 8936 stipulates that the buyer, "acquired the vehicle for use or to lease to others, and **not for resale**." That's pretty clear language. That said, we all know that there are plenty of scum-bags who will do almost anything to break laws, especially U.S. tax laws. Personally, I hope that these folks are caught and punished.

Let the flames begin.

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It's great that you love your Volt. My objection is how it was made possible with my money.

You didn't subsidize my car; I shouldn't have to subsidize yours.
The part you are missing here if this story is true is that its proof that business people are not all honest.

Some will do anything for money.

They will even cheat their own government if they are not regulated properly.

Whoever wrote the law may have needed to add a line or two to keep these businessmen from cheating the government.
The part you are missing here if this story is true is that its proof that business people are not all honest.

Some will do anything for money.

They will even cheat their own government if they are not regulated properly.

Whoever wrote the law may have needed to add a line or two to keep these businessmen from cheating the government.

Your looking at this all wrong. Dont blame the business for taking advantage of something that is ABSOLUTLY LEGAL. Blame the government for making the law. This has absolutly nothing to do with regulation and everything to do with bad policy and bad law.
It's great that you love your Volt. My objection is how it was made possible with my money.

You didn't subsidize my car; I shouldn't have to subsidize yours.

Responsibility is not a virtue to the Obama Administration. Individual Responsibility means that they have less control of your life.
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The part you are missing here if this story is true is that its proof that business people are not all honest.

Some will do anything for money.

They will even cheat their own government if they are not regulated properly.

Whoever wrote the law may have needed to add a line or two to keep these businessmen from cheating the government.

The part you are missing here is that THE FUCKING GOVERNMENT MADE THIS POSSIBLE.
They make every bit of our commerse possible.

without our government there would be no infrastructure for these businesses to operate on.
Now when someone does something shitty because the law writers could not imagine their shitty behavior in advance and write a BLOCK in the law to prevent that shitty behavior the shitty behavior is not the fault of the law writer its the fault of the person who actually does the shitty act.

This whole thing shows you can not trust a business to do the right thing , you have to have the gov and us protected under our laws to prevent them from doing the wrong thing.
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Social engineering gone awry....The dealerships are doing exactly what you'd expect them to do.
They make every bit of our commerse possible.

without our government there would be no infrastructure for these businesses to operate on.
Now when someone does something shitty because the law writers could not imagine their shitty behavior in advance and write a BLOCK in the law to prevent that shitty behavior the shitty behavior is not the fault of the law writer its the fault of the person who actually does the shitty act.

This whole thing shows you can not trust a business to do the right thing , you have to have the gov and us protected under our laws to prevent them from doing the wrong thing.

Are you trying to prove that you are mentally retarded? Business often exists withot the government, but there has never been a case of a government that did not exist without business.

As for the idiots who make laws not being able to imagine someone taking advantage of laws that were poorly written, if they cannot think of things like this why should we let them write laws in the first place? If they did not try to make policy by handing out money no one would be able to take advantage of it.
They make every bit of our commerse possible.

without our government there would be no infrastructure for these businesses to operate on.
Now when someone does something shitty because the law writers could not imagine their shitty behavior in advance and write a BLOCK in the law to prevent that shitty behavior the shitty behavior is not the fault of the law writer its the fault of the person who actually does the shitty act.

This whole thing shows you can not trust a business to do the right thing , you have to have the gov and us protected under our laws to prevent them from doing the wrong thing.

Through MOST of our history the infrastructer was done by the states until the liberals bastardised article one section eight of the constitution. Despite the fact that someones actions may be shitty it doesent make it illegal. And if the government makes it legal then dont complain when they do something shitty. Yes. This is the governments fault. Whenever the heavy hand of government gets in to social enginering you get Detroit.

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Detroit in RUINS! (Crowder goes Ghetto)‬‏[/ame]
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The part you are missing here if this story is true is that its proof that business people are not all honest.

Some will do anything for money.

They will even cheat their own government if they are not regulated properly.

Whoever wrote the law may have needed to add a line or two to keep these businessmen from cheating the government.

Nobody is cheating, you stupid moron. Businesspeople are simply responding to the incentives offered. It is the program that is the issue.
I'll bet a lot of thsoe dealers are still waiting for their payments from cash for clunkers.

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