Go Ahead, Remove Roe V. Wade

The best thing to occur in the case of rape (in which I can't see any reason at all that it wouldn't occur in such a case), is upon immediately reporting the rape, the possibility of a pregnancy resulting from the situation would be ended immediately by the physician's who would care for the victim at the victim's request or upon arrival to the emergency unit at the medical facility upon the victims request the possibility of a pregnancy is then ended.

Not doing this, and allowing a pregnancy to reach a certain stage should be called "the no going back stage", otherwise the person has made a conscience decision to carry the child to term, and give birth to the baby regardless of the circumstances.
Having the baby of a rapist is something that should be up to the woman who was raped, no one else. Forcing her to have that baby would be cruel and unusual punishment.
Do you understand that families of the rapist are also families of the innocent child that is to be murdered?

Do you care?

If I had a son, and he raped a woman, resulting in her becoming pregnant, I'd be deeply ashamed of that son; ashamed that I had failed to raise him better than that.

But that would not change the fact that the child thus produced would be my grandchild. What kind of piece of shit would I be if I was OK with my own grandchild being murdered? I'd have to say that that would make me not much better than my hypothetical piece of shit rapist son.

I understand, theoretically, where you are coming from.

But do you understand that forcing a woman to unwillingly endure a pregnancy produced unwillingly through violent assault not only a violation of her rights, it's victimizing her twice and abysmally cruel. To allow a rapist, through his family, to control that choice is doubling down on it.

Put yourself in her shoes...she is conscious of every single thing happening to her, not only the assault, but the pregnancy, the risks to her health and life that can come with it, the fact that she is reminded every day of what happened and that not only was the choice of whether or not to have sex taken from her, so was the choice of what to do with the pregnancy that resulted from it. Twice she lost her rights to her own body.

YES, the child had no say in how it was conceived but it also has no conscious, no feeling, no self beyond an embryonic collection of cells. It's a potential, the mother on the other hand is not. I stand with the woman's right to make a choice on whether or not to keep it.
It kinda stood out...ya know
Because it did concisely address the point? Given a choice between killing it and dropping it off, it sure seems more compassionate to choose life. (The word “it” is from the perspective of the would be mother who is prepared to kill “it.”)
The best thing to occur in the case of rape (in which I can't see any reason at all that it wouldn't occur in such a case), is upon immediately reporting the rape, the possibility of a pregnancy resulting from the situation would be ended immediately by the physician's who would care for the victim at the victim's request or upon arrival to the emergency unit at the medical facility upon the victims request the possibility of a pregnancy is then ended.

Not doing this, and allowing a pregnancy to reach a certain stage should be called "the no going back stage", otherwise the person has made a conscience decision to carry the child to term, and give birth to the baby regardless of the circumstances.
Rape is trauma. A lot of people who have been traumatized or victims of violence aren't able to quick immediate decisions like that. And there can be so many mitigating factors - self blame, fear of consequences, etc. Ending a pregnancy is seldom a snap decision even in the best of times and the morning after pill must be used within...?24...?48...hours? Meaning after that point any decision requires some form of abortion.

My position has been pretty consistent - legal elective abortion until viability. Search for my comments on abortion.

My compromise - 16 weeks, but always legal for mother's health/life and severe fetal deformaties.

HOW is that "muddying the waters"?

See above.

What is your position?


Certain things are not simply "political" but have a moral or ethical aspect to it as well.

That makes zero sense.

It has not gotten "way out of control" that's your political claim.

Over 50 years, though Roe has affirmed the essential right of a woman to have an abortion without "undue burden" it has also affirmed the rights of states to restrict it.

FACT: Abortion rates have steadily declined since 1980 to a point now where it is lower than when Roe went into effect.

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That does not support an "out of control" abortion claim.

80% of abortions occur at or before 9 weeks.
93% occur within the first trimester - 12 weeks.
That leaves 7% occurring after 12 weeks.

Source: Abortion By The Numbers

That does not support an "out of control" abortion claim.
LOL.. "My compromise is 16 weeks", otherwise meaning you wanted more, but you are a shamed to admit it ? What are you compromising, otherwise what is your preference in the matter ? What are you positioning your compromise from ??
What kind of piece of shit would I be if I was OK with my own grandchild being murdered?
I understand, theoretically, where you are coming from.

I very much doubt that. You cannot even bring yourself to acknowledge the humanity of the precious, innocent child whose cold-blooded murder you defend.

To your very core, you are a sociopath. If it was your own grandchild, I doubt you would give a shit.
Having the baby of a rapist is something that should be up to the woman who was raped, no one else. Forcing her to have that baby would be cruel and unusual punishment.
Agree, and the criteria laid out is not forcing a woman to carry a possible pregnancy born of rape or incest other than it being her choice in the matter.


Immediate action should be taken in a rape and incest case that stops a pregnancy from developing in the first place, and anyone holding the hand of a victim in order to convince them not to get the right help or not to make a proper decision as described above is hurting that female or woman, and doing that female or woman wrong.
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I very much doubt that. You cannot even bring yourself to acknowledge the humanity of the precious, innocent child whose cold-blooded murder you defend.

To your very core, you are a sociopath. If it was your own grandchild, I doubt you would give a shit.
I take that as a concession that you support a rapists right to force his victim to keep his child.
LOL.. "My compromise is 16 weeks", otherwise meaning you wanted more, but you are a shamed to admit it ? What are you compromising, otherwise what is your preference in the matter ? What are you positioning your compromise from ??

Positions change and evolve and in my time at USMB, I've encountered a lot of arguments, some logical, some passionate, some hateful. Some of those arguments have caused me to rethink my positions. If we can never change our positions, in light of more compelling arguments for or against, then that is a sad thing isn't it?

My preference was until viability (I still feel that is right) but, I am comfortable with compromising because of the reasons below.

My compromise is based on what is a reasonable time for a woman to know she is pregnant, make a decision, get counseling and/or support/and or resources for that decision, and if needed get an abortion. It's in line with a lot of other nations that legalize elective abortion up to 12-16 weeks, without restriction and have wide spread access to affordable or free contraception and education. It's also in line with the realities of when most elective abortions occur - which is quite early.

Like I said, there are multiple rights here, but you apparently want to negate the woman's rights as subservient to the child.
I take that as a concession that you support a rapists [sic] right to force his victim to keep his child.

It has nothing to do with any rights belong to a rapist. As far as I am concerned, a rapist can be deemed to have forfeited its humanity, and thus to be no longer entitled to any rights at all.

But the rapist no longer being a valid human being, has no bearing whatsoever of the rights of an innocent child, nor on the concerns of any relatives of that child.

The child is still an innocent human being, no matter the circumstances under which he came to be; and killing him should never, ever be regarded as acceptable, in any civilized society. Certainly not as an act of revenge against the subhuman piece of shit that raped his mother.
Positions change and evolve and in my time at USMB, I've encountered a lot of arguments, some logical, some passionate, some hateful. Some of those arguments have caused me to rethink my positions. If we can never change our positions, in light of more compelling arguments for or against, then that is a sad thing isn't it?

My preference was until viability (I still feel that is right) but, I am comfortable with compromising because of the reasons below.

My compromise is based on what is a reasonable time for a woman to know she is pregnant, make a decision, get counseling and/or support/and or resources for that decision, and if needed get an abortion. It's in line with a lot of other nations that legalize elective abortion up to 12-16 weeks, without restriction and have wide spread access to affordable or free contraception and education. It's also in line with the realities of when most elective abortions occur - which is quite early.

Like I said, there are multiple rights here, but you apparently want to negate the woman's rights as subservient to the child.
What child ? See you can't speak without wrongfully speaking, because a woman shouldn't be able to cancel a child in her womb ever, but under certain criteria or agreement's the possibility of a pregnancy should be able to be stopped before it gets going, otherwise (before it becomes a pregnancy at all), meaning that if the female had been violated or made a mistake at to young and age (again before it becomes a pregnancy at which life in a developing stage has begun), then a procedure can be done to stop a potential pregnancy before hand, now how hard is that to agree too ??? Quit using child or baby etc in your speak, because aborting a baby or a child is an evil act.
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Can’t find anyone who made any laws stating rapists should be released early…but there sure is a law allowing the families of rapists to sue the victim if she has an abortion.

On the contrary:
These people are nucken futs . How can they care-or claim to care- so much about a fetus while displaying such a callous disregard- even contempt for the victims of a rape ?

Now they've shut down the manufacture of Baby formula to put more stress on new born they haven't been able to kill in the womb.
Now they've shut down the manufacture of Baby formula to put more stress on new born they haven't been able to kill in the womb.
Good fucking grief! They shut it down to keep more babies from dying because the plant was contaminated. What the fuck is wrong with you? You can't possibly be so stupid to believe that it was shut down to harm children. ! Or can you be?

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