Go Fund Me acct for Washington state florist who refused to serve gay wedding

sure , many or most will comply as they want the business !! So why force a guy that doesn't want to comply , why make him comply ?? Sounds like a power thing to me Joeb !!

It's absolutely a power thing. But it's using power for good.

All government is ultimately a power thing. For instance, when you have the company that wants to put carcinogens into the local water supply, vs. the people who don't want their kiddies drinking carcinogens, someone has to use power to RESOLVE that problem. We don't rely on "the market" to fix that.

So here you have an argument between some gay folks just wanting hte same level of service the rest of us get vs. some stupid Christian Bigots who believe in a Cosmic Zombie on a Stick.

sounds like a pretty effective use of power to me.

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