Go Fund Me acct for Washington state florist who refused to serve gay wedding

They aren't bigots The bigots are those that threatened them.

Secondly, they serve everyone and have not turned away any business based on religion, race, color, creed or sexual preference or identity.

And lastly you are the bigot because you make assumptions based on them being Christians.

So thanks for showing us all who the bigot really is Joey.

No, guy, these Christians are bigots. Jesus never talked about homosexuals once in the Gospels. (He probably also didn't exist, but that's another story.)

He did spend a lot of time talking about greed and how the only way into heaven was to give all your wealth to the poor. Yet Christians never talk about what Jesus DID say and spend a lot of time focusing on what he didn't say.

"If Jesus were alive today, the one thing he wouldn't be is a Christian!" - Mark Twain.

I really don't care what your opinion is on a Christian, you aren't an authority.

You are the bigot, you hate because of ignorance. That's it.

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joeb is just an emotional lefty in my opinion . He also thinks of himself as a pizza connoisseur if you look at his comments !!
Joe is a bigot, pure and simple. He doesn't, will never like the pizza, even if it was the best pizza to touch his lips. His bigotry overrides everything else.

He is a lefty bigoted loon.
that's according to a guy that lives in Chicago JOEB . Course you love it , probably liked being disarmed by your betters and shoved around by your corrupt city government , probably also voted for fishhead Emanuel !! Then again , I like you in Chicago !!
Joe is a bigot, pure and simple. He doesn't, will never like the pizza, even if it was the best pizza to touch his lips. His bigotry overrides everything else.

He is a lefty bigoted loon.

Yawn, i'm enjoying the space I occupy in your head rent free, tho...
Sorry, you occupy nothing, you are pure entertainment, people as ignorant as you provide me cheap entertainment.
that's according to a guy that lives in Chicago JOEB . Course you love it , probably liked being disarmed by your betters and shoved around by your corrupt city government , probably also voted for fishhead Emanuel !! Then again , I like you in Chicago !!

actually, I live in one of the suburbs... so I can't vote in the chicago election.

But, yeah, Chicago Pizza is famous. Buttfuck Indiana Pizza, not so much.
oh big deal , Chicago pizza , Best pizza comes from Italy I would think Joeb !! Chicago , I know it a little bit , I hitch hiked to Chicago a couple of times in the late 60s when I was a kid , hung out in an area called OLD TOWN .
very little , I don't like cities , I live rural and always have . No guns allowed in Chicago so its not for me and its too diverse with too many people Joeb !!
Sunday update --- Alert , Alert , Washington florist Grandma lady Barronelle of ARLENES FLOWERS money total is still slowly climbing . --- Help Barronelle Arlene s Flowers by Tom Savage - GoFundMe --- almost 165 thousand dollars in Donations toward her goal of 200,000 dollars . Mornin Joeb !!

Meh, so what? i mean, yeah, I guess the first few bigots will get prizes.

But end of the day, your bigotry is dying. Most small businesses WILL comply with the new order.
sure , many or most will comply as they want the business !! So why force a guy that doesn't want to comply , why make him comply ?? Sounds like a power thing to me Joeb !!

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