Go Fund Me acct for Washington state florist who refused to serve gay wedding

The thing is thanks to the violent, intolerant left, the place has accumulated enough profits for 16 years. They will be open next in spite of your hate and jealousy.

You can't bully people, neither side can, you and your tactics of old are now history.

Yeah, guy, here's the thing. I guess it's awesome to be the first bunch of haters who'll get all the hate dollars.

BUt pretty soon, when you're the second or third bunch of haters... the money runs out. So sae, too bad.
some people have principles that they live by JOEB , not everyone is a whore that will do anything for MONEY !!
now we go by YELP reviews as to the popularity of a small town pizza store . Heck , I'm an old guy an I've never done a YELP review , never have and never will Joeb . Its a small town family pizza store . People , probably the old man runs down to get a pizza for the kids every once in awhile . Yelp reviews , pretty funny JOEB !!

well, if they have that little business, maybe they shouldn't be pissing off potential customers.

Or maybe instead of screaming a homophobic screed, they could have just said, 'Well, I don't know who'd order Pizza for a wedding, but we'd totally do that for the money."
And maybe douche bag liberals would just ignore ignorance instead of being ignorant and making threats.
quick update , the florist that's being harassed in Washington state is currently up to 157 thousand dollars in donations , the money to be used for legal fees or whatever else that's need . She's the owner of ARLENES Flowers . Goal of the fundraiser is 200 thousand dollars so she is doing pretty good .
Now HEAR this JOE , just another QUICK UPDATE , On HANNITY they showed a busy 'Memories Pizza Store' . Hannity talked to the daughter and her father the store owner . Store was busy , busy , busy and they have plans to expand !! ----- Alert , Alert !! :bye1:
some people have principles that they live by JOEB , not everyone is a whore that will do anything for MONEY !!

So hating people for what kind of sex they have is a "Principle"? Most people would call it a "bigotry".

If they really think it's a principle, they should be happy to be driven out of business.

I mean, shit, the oldy time Christians were thrown to lions. You guys whine if you have to serve Pizza.
Now HEAR this JOE , just another QUICK UPDATE , On HANNITY they showed a busy 'Memories Pizza Store' . Hannity talked to the daughter and her father the store owner . Store was busy , busy , busy and they have plans to expand !! ----- Alert , Alert !!

How many of those "customers' were Fox News Crew? probably most of them.
Man, Bigotry is a huge moneymaker.
Bull shit and you know it, having a belief system doesn't make you a bigot any more than thinking that you have a right to dictate another person's belief system makes you a bigot.

It is bigotry. She was intolerant to an entire group of people. That's what bigotry is.

And she broke the law. That's clearly what she did. She has no defense and she will lose hilariously.
Your thinking is twisted. If she or other Christians were bigots, they wouldn't sell anything to gays or allow them in their business at all. That's not true and you know it. You keep pushing this narrative because. You have an agenda. The only bigots showing themselves are you and others calling people of faith disgusting names.
like I say , have said , just reporting reality , the news , keeping youse guys informed Joeb . Pizza store was full of family units , real normal family units consisting of female moms , male dads and male and female children . It was busy in the pizza store and they said they'll be expanding . It was nice to see !!
like I say , have said , just reporting reality , the news , keeping youse guys informed . Pizza store was full of family units , real normal family unit consisting of female moms , male dads and male and female children . It was busy in the pizza store and they said they'll be expanding . It was nice to see !!

You mean they were told that there would be a TV Crew down there that night, and like most American in Jesusland, they couldn't pass it up.

Uh. Yeah.

I give these yokels about a year before they burn through all the money and they'll be out of business.
You're barking up the wrong tree, Joe. I was convinced long ago that opposing gay marriage wasn't any of my business. I didn't agree with it on religious principle, but, it didn't really involve me, or the government, so I had no right to force my prerogative on others.

Posted this over two years ago.

I think that's kind of irrelevent to the point. We would become a lawless society if we started letting people disobey whatever laws they wanted because of "Religious" beliefs that are largely contrived.

Not at all. I don't believe anyone should be discriminated against. But I this a person of faith is entitled under the Constitutional right to freedom of expression, to opt out of activities that violate their religious convictions.

If you want a cake for a gay wedding ceremony, by all means the Christian baker should be obligated to bake it for you. But the photographer should not be obligated to attend a gay wedding that they have a religious objection to.

It's a classic, 'your rights end where mine begin'.
I agree with one small difference. The Christian baker should not have to put two men or two women at the top of the cake. In other words, the baker should not be forced to artistically do anything to the cake that would imply support for same sex weddings.
some people have principles that they live by JOEB , not everyone is a whore that will do anything for MONEY !!

So hating people for what kind of sex they have is a "Principle"? Most people would call it a "bigotry".

If they really think it's a principle, they should be happy to be driven out of business.

I mean, shit, the oldy time Christians were thrown to lions. You guys whine if you have to serve Pizza.
Show us where she or the other Christians said they hate gays. You're the bigot by your own definition by the theme in all your posts. Enough of this! Those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
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like I say , have said , just reporting reality , the news , keeping youse guys informed Joeb . Pizza store was full of family units , real normal family units consisting of female moms , male dads and male and female children . It was busy in the pizza store and they said they'll be expanding . It was nice to see !!
Same-sex couples with children are 'family units' as well, no different than any other family – wishing only to enjoy a meal together in a public venue in their home community, free from concerns of discrimination.

That's even nicer to see.
I agree with one small difference. The Christian baker should not have to put two men or two women at the top of the cake. In other words, the baker should not be forced to artistically do anything to the cake that would imply support for same sex weddings.

Again, are the Christian bakers going to also stop doing cakes for people not in their denomination, women who wear pants, women who wear braids, women who aren't virgins on their wedding nights, people who are getting second marriages, women who talk in church?

Because these are all things that the bible says not to do.

Or are they just going to use the bible as an excuse because they think the but sex is icky when two dudes do it?
I agree with one small difference. The Christian baker should not have to put two men or two women at the top of the cake. In other words, the baker should not be forced to artistically do anything to the cake that would imply support for same sex weddings.

Again, are the Christian bakers going to also stop doing cakes for people not in their denomination, women who wear pants, women who wear braids, women who aren't virgins on their wedding nights, people who are getting second marriages, women who talk in church?

Because these are all things that the bible says not to do.

Or are they just going to use the bible as an excuse because they think the but sex is icky when two dudes do it?
Perhaps you are right about those things; however, it's not your call!

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