Go Fund Me acct for Washington state florist who refused to serve gay wedding

I can't support this one. Open for business to the public, serve the public.

I think the greater good would be to inform the individual of your religious objection, but if you are required to provide the service you will not keep the profit as that would be profiting from (as the florist see's it) sin. Inform the customer that all profits will go to an anti same sex marriage organization or candidate.

Put the ball in their court.

If the gay couple wants to proceed, collect the hefty deposit and get on with business.

I wonder if it is illegal to charge triple the price for services to gay activities as long as you publish it to the public?
I do think that that might be discrimination in this day and age AveGuy !! Don't know though .
I don't know Aveguy , someone starts whinging and takes the free drink bar to court , who knows what will happen in this day and age ??
Yeah? Nazi faggots didn't threatened this old lady. Not yet. What do you think will happen if you try?

Who was threatening her. THey made a valid complaint under the law that she was breaking, she suffered the consequences, and not a bunch of "law and order' types are giving her money for breaking the law.

What should REALLY worry you bigots and homophobes is that big corporations are telling the politicians to knock it the fuck off. You've outlived your usefulness to them.
Yeah? Nazi faggots didn't threatened this old lady. Not yet. What do you think will happen if you try?

Who was threatening her. THey made a valid complaint under the law that she was breaking, she suffered the consequences, and not a bunch of "law and order' types are giving her money for breaking the law.

What should REALLY worry you bigots and homophobes is that big corporations are telling the politicians to knock it the fuck off. You've outlived your usefulness to them.

I think people send money to people like this as a way to protest and get back at you bigots on the left who hate Christians.
Yeah? Nazi faggots didn't threatened this old lady. Not yet. What do you think will happen if you try?

Who was threatening her. THey made a valid complaint under the law that she was breaking, she suffered the consequences, and not a bunch of "law and order' types are giving her money for breaking the law.

What should REALLY worry you bigots and homophobes is that big corporations are telling the politicians to knock it the fuck off. You've outlived your usefulness to them.

My reply was to this from JOEB131: "The Pizza Bigots got more than the Flower Bigot. And she was a bigot before it was cool."

Fagnazis threatened pizza business, therefore they got more donations.

Now, read it again, read it as many times it takes you to understand. It may take awhile, but I believe you might pull it thru. If you still don't get it, come back and I'll explain again.
morning guys , gals , so hows the good florist lady doing ?? Even at 150 thousand she is doing good , lets hope that it goes higher though . Hope she uses the money to go to court but that may not be possible , after all she is just one little old florist lady that's being picked on here . 70 year old little old lady can't afford to be on the streets so this money might be money for her to pay bills and expenses brought on by the facist attack on her business . I wish her well !!
morning guys , gals , so hows the good florist lady doing ?? Even at 150 thousand she is doing good , lets hope that it goes higher though . Hope she uses the money to go to court but that may not be possible , after all she is just one little old florist lady that's being picked on here . 70 year old little old lady can't afford to be on the streets so this money might be money for her to pay bills and expenses brought on by the facist attack on her business . I wish her well !!

Yeah! I mean she denying her public services to a protected class under Washington law. But she is under attack for breaking the law!
morning guys , gals , so hows the good florist lady doing ?? Even at 150 thousand she is doing good , lets hope that it goes higher though . Hope she uses the money to go to court but that may not be possible , after all she is just one little old florist lady that's being picked on here . 70 year old little old lady can't afford to be on the streets so this money might be money for her to pay bills and expenses brought on by the facist attack on her business . I wish her well !!

Yeah! I mean she denying her public services to a protected class under Washington law. But she is under attack for breaking the law!
There's no law that requires Christians to participate in sacrilege, or lose their business license and go to jail.
Man, Bigotry is a huge moneymaker.
The people are supporting her right to be a Christian who MUST refuse to enable the takeover of a normal culture by a deviant one. Marriage is the hub of any culture. Jude 1 of the New Testament says that any Christian who does not do what this florist has done, is damned for eternity to the pit of fire. It is a mortal sin to enable gay marriage for a Christian. A mortal sin isn't negotiable. It lands you in the Big Slammer Forever.
Man, Bigotry is a huge moneymaker.
Bull shit and you know it, having a belief system doesn't make you a bigot any more than thinking that you have a right to dictate another person's belief system makes you a bigot.

It is bigotry. She was intolerant to an entire group of people. That's what bigotry is.

And she broke the law. That's clearly what she did. She has no defense and she will lose hilariously.
Man, Bigotry is a huge moneymaker.
Bull shit and you know it, having a belief system doesn't make you a bigot any more than thinking that you have a right to dictate another person's belief system makes you a bigot.

It is bigotry. She was intolerant to an entire group of people. That's what bigotry is.

And she broke the law. That's clearly what she did. She has no defense and she will lose hilariously.

No she wasn't, she had helped this couple previously and had no issues with them or other gay couples. She did not feel right about doing the wedding because of a personal belief. She should have made arrangements to have someone else do the wedding and subbed it out to them.

She has every right to not care for their lifestyle, just as the have every right not to care for her lifestyle, she should have served them, not serving them doesn't make you a bigot.

I do realize you are a bigot for not tolerating others opinions.

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