Go Fund Me acct for Washington state florist who refused to serve gay wedding

Exactly, I Remember that extra clause in the 1st Amendment. Congress shall make no law impeding the free exercise of religion, except in your business. Good point.

except that's not the wording. You probably got a bad translation, Fritz.

  1. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof

No one is prohibiting your religion, you just can't use it as an excuse to break other established laws.

You can't ignore the laws on murder because your religion demands human sacrifices.

You can't discriminate against gays beacuse your religion doesn't like the poopy sex.
Impeding and prohibiting is the same thing, that is a non-point.

The State is prohibiting the free exercise of religion when they force someone to act against their faith by law. Exercising one's faith is not just praying or engaging in certain activities, but includes being able to not engage in certain activities, like a business owner not serving a gay wedding, or a doctor not performing an abortion. If you are forcing someone to act against their faith, you are prohibiting the free exercise of faith by definition. Any so called "civil rights" law that undermine this 1st Amendment right is unconstitutional, period. It is also an affront to a free society. Society at its foundation is a series of associations and relationships between individuals, if free association between individuals is prohibited by the State, which includes the ability to not associate, the society at its foundation is not free.

The idea that people who have poopy sex are a legal class, much less they have legal privileges because they like poopy sex that trump the first amendment, is absurd.

Human sacrifices violate the sovereignty of those sacrificed, whereas forcing someone into a business transaction violates the sovereignty of the individual forced into the transaction. Both are an affront to a free society. Both individual's natural rights are being violated.
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and she is up to 117,106 dollars a moment ago , her goal is 200 thousand .
The pity of this situation of the florist who's like 70 years old and stands to lose her business and her home over this did refer the couple to another florist who could accomodate them.

Another angle to this sad story though is she had faithfully served them for years. She never discriminated against them. And she tried to make them understand this was only about the wedding.

First, it was only a $1000 fine. if she's goign to be put out off business by a $1000 fine, she probably shouldn't be in business.

Secondly, it doesn't matter if she referred them to someone else. She was in violation of the public accommodation laws.

But they sued her along with the government and the AG is out for blood.

As you can see though, she didn't refuse because they were gay. It was in her beliefs she would be participating in the sin of a same sex marriage.

I've heard several lawyers on this and they are very clear on the difference between not serving a gay customer being clear cut discrimination vs the belief that the business owner would be participating in a sin if they provided for a same sex marriage.

you know what, bullshit.

I am positive that this florist had no problem providing flowers for second marriages, marriages w here the couples were alrady living together, couples where the woman wrote her own vows, couples where the woman regularly wears pants....

All things the bible says are wrong.

This is selectively reading the Big Book of Judean Fairy Tales to rationalize your homophobia. Just like "Christians" used selective readings for years to justify slavery and racism.
seems that the state and the libs compelling interest is in STOMPING out all Freedom Joeb !!
We are losing our freedoms ONE STEP at a time at the hands of the left/progressives/militant homosexuals. stand up or give up

I would bet we are going to see many more of this up until the elections. THEY have nothing else to run so they plan on becoming the SOCIAL victims that only the Democrat party can fix if you vote for them

mark my words
Exactly, I Remember that extra clause in the 1st Amendment. Congress shall make no law impeding the free exercise of religion, except in your business. Good point.

except that's not the wording. You probably got a bad translation, Fritz.

  1. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof

No one is prohibiting your religion, you just can't use it as an excuse to break other established laws.

You can't ignore the laws on murder because your religion demands human sacrifices.

You can't discriminate against gays beacuse your religion doesn't like the poopy sex.
Impeding and prohibiting is the same thing, that is a non-point.

The State is prohibiting the free exercise of religion when they force someone to act against their faith by law. Exercising one's faith is not just praying or engaging in certain activities, but includes being able to not engage in certain activities, like a business owner not serving a gay wedding, or a doctor not performing an abortion. If you are forcing someone to act against their faith, you are prohibiting the free exercise of faith by definition. Any so called "civil rights" law that undermine this 1st Amendment right is unconstitutional, period. It is also an affront to a free society. Society at its foundation is a series of associations and relationships between individuals, if free association between individuals is prohibited by the State, which includes the ability to not associate, the society at its foundation is not free.

The idea that people who have poopy sex are a legal class, much less they have legal privileges because they like poopy sex that trump the first amendment, is absurd.

Human sacrifices violate the sovereignty of those sacrificed, whereas forcing someone into a business transaction violates the sovereignty of the individual forced into the transaction. Both are an affront to a free society. Both individual's natural rights are being violated.

In America today, the rights of Gays are more important than someone exercising their religion beliefs.
who promised anything JOEB , what are you referring to , whats this promise . By the way , Washington florist is up to about 140 thousand dollars . THATS about 40 thousand or so in one day !! That's pretty cool imo !!
who promised anything JOEB , what are you referring to , whats this promise . By the way , Washington florist is up to about 140 thousand dollars . THATS about 40 thousand or so in one day !! That's pretty cool imo !!

Meh, not really. The Pizza Bigots got more than the Flower Bigot. And she was a bigot before it was cool.
well , the flower lady wasn't advertised like the Pizza people that were advertised on national tely Joeb . The flower lady is only looking for 200 grand , send in a few bucks , help her out ehh !!
who promised anything JOEB , what are you referring to , whats this promise . By the way , Washington florist is up to about 140 thousand dollars . THATS about 40 thousand or so in one day !! That's pretty cool imo !!

Meh, not really. The Pizza Bigots got more than the Flower Bigot. And she was a bigot before it was cool.

Yeah? Nazi faggots didn't threatened this old lady. Not yet. What do you think will happen if you try?
From what I've been reading with these cases the owners of the businesses don't appear to have discriminated over regular service. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong on this.

The push comes to shove when they are being asked to provide services for a same sex wedding. I heard one lawyer lay it out this way.

The business owners have no problem with day to day service but if they provide services for a same sex wedding those with strong religious beliefs believe they are participating in a sin.

That's the crux of the matter here. Much like Hobby Lobby. That company had no problem with contraception and were more than willing to abide by the new ACA rules.

But to provide the abortion pill would be participating in the sin of abortion. That's why Hobby Lobby fought all the way up to the Supremes.

It's interesting here legally because providing a service is entirely different than crossing the line and participating in what these business owners believe to be a sinful act.
It's time to get this to the Supreme Court and have the 1st confirmed again. This assault on peace loving Christians by the American ISIS has got to stop.

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