Go Fund Me acct for Washington state florist who refused to serve gay wedding

Cool. If Christians want to start throwing money at each other that's great. :thup:

That's perfectly legal. Unlike discrimination. :wink_2:

A GoFundMe campaign for say, a soup kitchen would be much more admirable, and much more Christian.

Christ has shit to say about gays or gay weddings. He explicitly condemns divorce. Making a refusal to cater a 2nd wedding much more 'Christian' than refusing to cater a gay one.

That is one opinion, others have differing opinions. It's nice that people can give freely to charities that they want to give to.
Just an FYI. This florist from what I have read had been the gay couple's florist for eons.

She just couldn't participate in their wedding by providing the flowers. I believe she's Southern Baptist. But she had served them for quite a while.

She never discriminated against them at any time. Other than refusing to service their wedding based on her religious beliefs she never turned them down.

Too bad. Public Accommodation laws. If you provide wedding arrangement, you have to provide one, even to gay couples.

We'll see how life unfolds with the Federal law being extended to "closely held for- profits".

Lawyers are going to have a field day coming up. They certainly will be lining their pockets for true.
I don't see commerce as endorsement.

I'm sure I've sold a car to a homosexual at some point. That's commerce not endorsement.

Apples and oranges Pop. The issue is being forced to be personally involved an act that runs contrary to a persons religious convictions.

It's not selling the flowers, or the cake, or the photography session...it's the personal participation...setting up the flower arrangements, catering, being forced to attend a gay wedding to photograph...you are no longer outside the loop...you are being forced to participate in sinful behavior. That is a blatant violation of religious freedom.

She does not have to attend or participate, simply don't advertise that you are in the business of.......

You are either in business or not in business. If you are, then you must provide the service you advertise.

Don't like the law, then get those that agree with you to the polls, not just once, but every election. It is my understanding that the reason we have the administration we have is that one helluva a lot of evangelical Christians stayed home instead of swallowing their pride and voting Romney.

What you sow, so shall you reap, in this case it means........


BTW: Do you actually think that a gay couple would hire a florist that told them she thought they were sinners AND much of the money they paid would go to anti gay marriage group? I sure don't.

We simply rely on government way more than we need too.
I don't see commerce as endorsement.

I'm sure I've sold a car to a homosexual at some point. That's commerce not endorsement.

Apples and oranges Pop. The issue is being forced to be personally involved an act that runs contrary to a persons religious convictions.

It's not selling the flowers, or the cake, or the photography session...it's the personal participation...setting up the flower arrangements, catering, being forced to attend a gay wedding to photograph...you are no longer outside the loop...you are being forced to participate in sinful behavior. That is a blatant violation of religious freedom.

She does not have to attend or participate, simply don't advertise that you are in the business of.......

You are either in business or not in business. If you are, then you must provide the service you advertise.

Don't like the law, then get those that agree with you to the polls, not just once, but every election. It is my understanding that the reason we have the administration we have is that one helluva a lot of evangelical Christians stayed home instead of swallowing their pride and voting Romney.

What you sow, so shall you reap, in this case it means........


BTW: Do you actually think that a gay couple would hire a florist that told them she thought they were sinners AND much of the money they paid would go to anti gay marriage group? I sure don't.

We simply rely on government way more than we need too.

I don't disagree that we rely on government too heavily.

But I do disagree with your assessment.

A pornographic movie is a protected form of expression, but a caterer can refuse to cater a pornographic movie set for religious or moral reasons.

They could also refuse to cater a pro-abortion event.

How is this any different.

They are not discriminating against the people...but instead refusing to be involved in the event.

Should a gay photographer be forced to photograph a Westboro Baptist Church event?

How about a black caterer forced to set up and feed a Klan "Stepping and Fetching" party?

I oppose all of these. No one should be forced to participate in any event that violates their conscience or convictions.
There is no evidence he never existed either. Take your BS and try and snow someone else, Goober

well, it's not on me to prove a negative. I mean, I also can't provide evidence that Leprechauns, Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, Zeus or Cthulhu never existed... But that's not an argument for their existence.
I don't disagree that we rely on government too heavily.

But I do disagree with your assessment.

A pornographic movie is a protected form of expression, but a caterer can refuse to cater a pornographic movie set for religious or moral reasons.

They could also refuse to cater a pro-abortion event.

How is this any different.

Because when they discriminate against a gay wedding, they are discriminating based on who they are, not what they are doing.

Look, this is really kind of sad. You've lost the wedding argumetn, but you are fighting very hard for this last bit of bigotry you can hold on to.
This one started several weeks ago but has just now received attention due to the Memories Pizza story.

Online campaign raises over $87,000 for florist who was refused to work on gay couple's weddingBaronelle Stutzman was fined $1,000 for refusing to provide flowers for a same-sex marriage in 2013A campaign on Go Fund Me has raised more than $87,000 for Stutzman's legal fund as of Sunday In February, a judge ruled that Stutzman violated anti-discrimination and consumer protection laws by not working on the gay couple's wedding


Read more: Online campaign raises over 87 000 for Washington state florist who was fined for refusing to work on gay couple s wedding because of her relationship with Christ Daily Mail Online
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A florist in eastern Washington state fined $1,000 for refusing to sell a same-sex couple wedding flowers and also facing a consumer-protection lawsuit has netted more than $87,000 in a crowdfunding campaign.

The Seattle Times reports that nearly half of the money on the gofundme.com page set up in February for 70-year-old Barronelle Stutzman came in the last several days.

Supporters compare Stutzman's benefit page to an Indiana pizza shop that raised more than $800,000 after closing when the owner said the shop wouldn't cater a gay wedding.

Read more: Online campaign raises over 87 000 for Washington state florist who was fined for refusing to work on gay couple s wedding because of her relationship with Christ Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
By all means...donate.
We'll see how life unfolds with the Federal law being extended to "closely held for- profits".

Lawyers are going to have a field day coming up. They certainly will be lining their pockets for true.

Meh, not really. SCOTUS is not going to open a can of worms that companies can disobey the law by contriving religious reasons for non-compliance. It would be a legal nightmare.
There is no evidence he never existed either. Take your BS and try and snow someone else, Goober

well, it's not on me to prove a negative. I mean, I also can't provide evidence that Leprechauns, Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, Zeus or Cthulhu never existed... But that's not an argument for their existence.

Yeah, yeah, yeah you idiotic left loons spew your BS "Jesus never existed" then switch to "it's not on me to prove a negative"...just like clockwork. If you twinkies had proof it would be all over the Internet and news...guess what? It isn't. Now shut up already, you're all blow and no go
Here's a practical solution.

If you have a moral objection to serving a particular client then you have to arrange that they receive the same service for the same price from someone else. If you won't bake for a gay couple, then you have arrange for their cake to be made by someone else of equivalent skill and at the same price.

As long as the same goods or services are provided, it seems a reasonable comprimise.
Here's a practical solution.

If you have a moral objection to serving a particular client then you have to arrange that they receive the same service for the same price from someone else. If you won't bake for a gay couple, then you have arrange for their cake to be made by someone else of equivalent skill and at the same price.

As long as the same goods or services are provided, it seems a reasonable comprimise.
You're an idiot. They're supposed to go out of their way to put money in a competitors pockets so some narcissistic faggot doesn't get his feeling hurt? Since when did sexuality become more sacred than the Constitution?
doesn't seem reasonable to me , let the gays look for a place that will service them Skylar !! To do as you suggest is just kissing azz in my opinion .
Yeah, yeah, yeah you idiotic left loons spew your BS "Jesus never existed" then switch to "it's not on me to prove a negative"...just like clockwork. If you twinkies had proof it would be all over the Internet and news...guess what? It isn't. Now shut up already, you're all blow and no go

Well, no. You are making an incredible claim. Not just the simple claim that there was a guy named Jesus (or more accurate, Yeshua), but that he performed some fantastic miracles and rose from the FREAKING DEAD!

Now, these are some pretty bold claims. Bold claims require bold proofs.

The only proof you guys offer are writings from your own believers. there are no contemporary accounts of these incidents from anyone. The Gospels were written decades later by people who didn't see the events and they contradict each other on key points.

Now, it strikes me that you should be able to tell me when Jesus was born (Matthew says 4 BC, Luke says 6 AD) or what year he died. (Estimates range from 29 AD to 33 AD). These would be pretty important details not left to chance.
Yeah, yeah, yeah you idiotic left loons spew your BS "Jesus never existed" then switch to "it's not on me to prove a negative"...just like clockwork. If you twinkies had proof it would be all over the Internet and news...guess what? It isn't. Now shut up already, you're all blow and no go

Well, no. You are making an incredible claim. Not just the simple claim that there was a guy named Jesus (or more accurate, Yeshua), but that he performed some fantastic miracles and rose from the FREAKING DEAD!

Now, these are some pretty bold claims. Bold claims require bold proofs.

The only proof you guys offer are writings from your own believers. there are no contemporary accounts of these incidents from anyone. The Gospels were written decades later by people who didn't see the events and they contradict each other on key points.

Now, it strikes me that you should be able to tell me when Jesus was born (Matthew says 4 BC, Luke says 6 AD) or what year he died. (Estimates range from 29 AD to 33 AD). These would be pretty important details not left to chance.

I'm still waiting on this proof you claim to have....hint: put up or shut up. I'm already weary of your blather
You're an idiot. They're supposed to go out of their way to put money in a competitors pockets so some narcissistic faggot doesn't get his feeling hurt? Since when did sexuality become more sacred than the Constitution?

Who said the constitution was 'sacred"? It's just an operating guide, and not a particularly good one.

If she said, "I will provide floral arrangements for weddings", that's a promise she has to keep. Period. It's kind of black letter consumer law.
I don't think so JOEB , like Rush pointed out earlier when he made mention all potential donators were at work .

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