Go Fund Me acct for Washington state florist who refused to serve gay wedding

naw , I see it in a traditional American way OldSchool !! And I hope that Dear readers on this site get over to the FUNDING site and add a few bucks , 5 or 6 , 10 dollars is cool . Last I looked she had 103 almost a hundred and 4 thousand dollars in the bag !!
Good for her! Hopefully she's discriminated illegally for the last time. :thup:

By all means USMB conservatives go and throw your money at her!
Thank you for your permission !
I can't support this one. Open for business to the public, serve the public.

I think the greater good would be to inform the individual of your religious objection, but if you are required to provide the service you will not keep the profit as that would be profiting from (as the florist see's it) sin. Inform the customer that all profits will go to an anti same sex marriage organization or candidate.

Put the ball in their court.

If the gay couple wants to proceed, collect the hefty deposit and get on with business.

Cool. If Christians want to start throwing money at each other that's great. :thup:

That's perfectly legal. Unlike discrimination. :wink_2:

If you are OK with forcing a Christina/Muslim/Jewish baker to bake a cake for a gay marriage, are you OK with this?

Ku Klux Klan Forces Black Baker To Make Racist KKK Cake So Does Memories Pizza Lose Religious Freedom
Yes. Sorry I ruined your "gotcha" moment.

You can refuse to put specific language on your product, but you can't refuse to sell your product just because a person has different beliefs, skin color, or lifestyle than you.
I can't support this one. Open for business to the public, serve the public.

I think the greater good would be to inform the individual of your religious objection, but if you are required to provide the service you will not keep the profit as that would be profiting from (as the florist see's it) sin. Inform the customer that all profits will go to an anti same sex marriage organization or candidate.

Put the ball in their court.

If the gay couple wants to proceed, collect the hefty deposit and get on with business.

Here's the thing..when you are catering an event, that is essentially advertisement. That's why people seek high-profile customers. Because a lot of people attend the event and see your work, and it generates business. You are also ENDORSING the event, because everybody knows that you created whatever it is (and usually, caterers also serve and always set up).

People who are CHRISTIAN cannot abide by their faith and participate in sacrilegious events. There's nothing DISCRIMINATORY about just saying "No, we don't want to do that". This is not food that's being prepared to eat on the premises. They are not kicking assholes out of their stores. They are known to have served and hired homosexuals. It is just a matter of them having a RELIGIOUS OBJECTION to actually participating in an event that they believe is sacrilegious. There are other bakers and pizzerias available for the homo crowd. They are not being *excluded* from purchasing or hanging out in the establishments.

We have the RIGHT to refuse to endorse those things that we have religious objections to. We don't have the right to attack, throw rocks, spray paint, or vandalize the premises where those things are held. But we can say "We will not go to these events or participate in them" and that is NOT illegal discrimination.
A couple of weeks this has been up? Well golly, I just saw a thread that said liberals were failures for not collecting enough in 2 days.
I can't support this one. Open for business to the public, serve the public.

I think the greater good would be to inform the individual of your religious objection, but if you are required to provide the service you will not keep the profit as that would be profiting from (as the florist see's it) sin. Inform the customer that all profits will go to an anti same sex marriage organization or candidate.

Put the ball in their court.

If the gay couple wants to proceed, collect the hefty deposit and get on with business.

Here's the thing..when you are catering an event, that is essentially advertisement. That's why people seek high-profile customers. Because a lot of people attend the event and see your work, and it generates business. You are also ENDORSING the event, because everybody knows that you created whatever it is (and usually, caterers also serve and always set up).

People who are CHRISTIAN cannot abide by their faith and participate in sacrilegious events. There's nothing DISCRIMINATORY about just saying "No, we don't want to do that". This is not food that's being prepared to eat on the premises. They are not kicking assholes out of their stores. They are known to have served and hired homosexuals. It is just a matter of them having a RELIGIOUS OBJECTION to actually participating in an event that they believe is sacrilegious. There are other bakers and pizzerias available for the homo crowd. They are not being *excluded* from purchasing or hanging out in the establishments.

We have the RIGHT to refuse to endorse those things that we have religious objections to. We don't have the right to attack, throw rocks, spray paint, or vandalize the premises where those things are held. But we can say "We will not go to these events or participate in them" and that is NOT illegal discrimination.

So every caterer mentioned in a movie's credits endorsed the movie?
Cool. If Christians want to start throwing money at each other that's great. :thup:

That's perfectly legal. Unlike discrimination. :wink_2:

A GoFundMe campaign for say, a soup kitchen would be much more admirable, and much more Christian.

Christ has shit to say about gays or gay weddings. He explicitly condemns divorce. Making a refusal to cater a 2nd wedding much more 'Christian' than refusing to cater a gay one.
Cool. If Christians want to start throwing money at each other that's great. :thup:

That's perfectly legal. Unlike discrimination. :wink_2:

A GoFundMe campaign for say, a soup kitchen would be much more admirable, and much more Christian.

Christ has shit to say about gays or gay weddings. He explicitly condemns divorce. Making a refusal to cater a 2nd wedding much more 'Christian' than refusing to cater a gay one.

Christ specifically said marriage is between one man and one woman
I can't support this one. Open for business to the public, serve the public.

I think the greater good would be to inform the individual of your religious objection, but if you are required to provide the service you will not keep the profit as that would be profiting from (as the florist see's it) sin. Inform the customer that all profits will go to an anti same sex marriage organization or candidate.

Put the ball in their court.

If the gay couple wants to proceed, collect the hefty deposit and get on with business.

Here's the thing..when you are catering an event, that is essentially advertisement. That's why people seek high-profile customers. Because a lot of people attend the event and see your work, and it generates business. You are also ENDORSING the event, because everybody knows that you created whatever it is (and usually, caterers also serve and always set up).

People who are CHRISTIAN cannot abide by their faith and participate in sacrilegious events. There's nothing DISCRIMINATORY about just saying "No, we don't want to do that". This is not food that's being prepared to eat on the premises. They are not kicking assholes out of their stores. They are known to have served and hired homosexuals. It is just a matter of them having a RELIGIOUS OBJECTION to actually participating in an event that they believe is sacrilegious. There are other bakers and pizzerias available for the homo crowd. They are not being *excluded* from purchasing or hanging out in the establishments.

We have the RIGHT to refuse to endorse those things that we have religious objections to. We don't have the right to attack, throw rocks, spray paint, or vandalize the premises where those things are held. But we can say "We will not go to these events or participate in them" and that is NOT illegal discrimination.

I don't see commerce as endorsement.

I'm sure I've sold a car to a homosexual at some point. That's commerce not endorsement.
Just an FYI. This florist from what I have read had been the gay couple's florist for eons.

She just couldn't participate in their wedding by providing the flowers. I believe she's Southern Baptist. But she had served them for quite a while.

She never discriminated against them at any time. Other than refusing to service their wedding based on her religious beliefs she never turned them down.

Too bad. Public Accommodation laws. If you provide wedding arrangement, you have to provide one, even to gay couples.
You never lose your right to religious freedom, Joe.

True. YOu can believe in all the superstitious malarky you want to about Cosmic Jewish Zombies and Talking Snakes.

But when you open a business, you have to provide the goods and services you promised.
I don't see commerce as endorsement.

I'm sure I've sold a car to a homosexual at some point. That's commerce not endorsement.

Apples and oranges Pop. The issue is being forced to be personally involved an act that runs contrary to a persons religious convictions.

It's not selling the flowers, or the cake, or the photography session...it's the personal participation...setting up the flower arrangements, catering, being forced to attend a gay wedding to photograph...you are no longer outside the loop...you are being forced to participate in sinful behavior. That is a blatant violation of religious freedom.
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Just an FYI. This florist from what I have read had been the gay couple's florist for eons.

She just couldn't participate in their wedding by providing the flowers. I believe she's Southern Baptist. But she had served them for quite a while.

She never discriminated against them at any time. Other than refusing to service their wedding based on her religious beliefs she never turned them down.
She's an old woman, too. That pizza place that got 800K is ludicrous. I am glad they were supported but 800K???? And are they going to SHARE it with others of like mind that are being affected? Betcha not.

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