Go Fund Me acct for Washington state florist who refused to serve gay wedding

Man, Bigotry is a huge moneymaker.
Bull shit and you know it, having a belief system doesn't make you a bigot any more than thinking that you have a right to dictate another person's belief system makes you a bigot.

It is bigotry. She was intolerant to an entire group of people. That's what bigotry is.

And she broke the law. That's clearly what she did. She has no defense and she will lose hilariously.

No she wasn't, she had helped this couple previously and had no issues with them or other gay couples. She did not feel right about doing the wedding because of a personal belief. She should have made arrangements to have someone else do the wedding and subbed it out to them.

She has every right to not care for their lifestyle, just as the have every right not to care for her lifestyle, she should have served them, not serving them doesn't make you a bigot.

I do realize you are a bigot for not tolerating others opinions.


Let's assume we are going by the actual definition of bigotry and assume I am intolerant of your opinion (which I am not) and you are intolerant of gay people (which you are).

Am I passing state laws endorsing discrimination on a set of people that I do not like? No. Therefore, your act of bigotry is more destructive to the American ideals of freedom and equality.

I tolerate your opinion in the sense that you can have it. You can believe that homosexuality is a sin. That is your right and I will defend your right to have opinion. What I will not defend is pursuing legislative action to make your opinion the basis of whether the person gets services available to the general public which the Indiana law allowed until they fixed it.

You see the difference? That's why you are in the wrong.
Fagnazis threatened pizza business, therefore they got more donations.

Now, read it again, read it as many times it takes you to understand. It may take awhile, but I believe you might pull it thru. If you still don't get it, come back and I'll explain again.

Oh, was that your point? THat the Pizza Bigots deserved more money because someone said mean things to them? As opposed to the Flower Bigot who just was told that she had to follow the law?

The reality is, it just sucks to be the second batch of bigots who ask for money. It will suck more for the third set of bigots, and by the time you get to the tenth bigot, you guys will be all tapped out.
Man, Bigotry is a huge moneymaker.
Bull shit and you know it, having a belief system doesn't make you a bigot any more than thinking that you have a right to dictate another person's belief system makes you a bigot.

It is bigotry. She was intolerant to an entire group of people. That's what bigotry is.

And she broke the law. That's clearly what she did. She has no defense and she will lose hilariously.

No she wasn't, she had helped this couple previously and had no issues with them or other gay couples. She did not feel right about doing the wedding because of a personal belief. She should have made arrangements to have someone else do the wedding and subbed it out to them.

She has every right to not care for their lifestyle, just as the have every right not to care for her lifestyle, she should have served them, not serving them doesn't make you a bigot.

I do realize you are a bigot for not tolerating others opinions.


Let's assume we are going by the actual definition of bigotry and assume I am intolerant of your opinion (which I am not) and you are intolerant of gay people (which you are).

Am I passing state laws endorsing discrimination on a set of people that I do not like? No. Therefore, your act of bigotry is more destructive to the American ideals of freedom and equality.

I tolerate your opinion in the sense that you can have it. You can believe that homosexuality is a sin. That is your right and I will defend your right to have opinion. What I will not defend is pursuing legislative action to make your opinion the basis of whether the person gets services available to the general public which the Indiana law allowed until they fixed it.

You see the difference? That's why you are in the wrong.

Again how am I intolerant of gay people, I have no ill will toward any gay person, I do not care if you or anyone else is gay. To me it is a sin, but it is not my decision to make. Be gay, I think of you no differently than anyone else. I had nothing to do with the Indiana law, I never have commented whether it was right or wrong. I simply state that the pizza parlor owner had a right to his opinion. I stated that the Florist had a right to her opinion and how I would have handled the situation. There is no violation of a law, no violation of anyone's rights. You some how assume my position to be different because you believe I'm a Christian, that is what makes you a bigot.
There's no law that requires Christians to participate in sacrilege, or lose their business license and go to jail.

Quite right. They totally have the option of paying the fine (which is usually minor) or not being in that line of work.
these JOEB types are nothing but tyrants , good to see their thinking in type as its very illustrative !!
I doubt it JOEB , small town full of Americans that will remember their struggle against your lefty facism . Seems to me that they'll do good enough to make a living !!
Fagnazis threatened pizza business, therefore they got more donations.

Now, read it again, read it as many times it takes you to understand. It may take awhile, but I believe you might pull it thru. If you still don't get it, come back and I'll explain again.

Oh, was that your point? THat the Pizza Bigots deserved more money because someone said mean things to them? As opposed to the Flower Bigot who just was told that she had to follow the law?

The reality is, it just sucks to be the second batch of bigots who ask for money. It will suck more for the third set of bigots, and by the time you get to the tenth bigot, you guys will be all tapped out.

You asked what's my point and then kept blabbering and making my point for me. And missed it again...

Should I give you chance to try again or should I get my kids crayons to draw it for you?
I doubt it JOEB , small town full of Americans that will remember their struggle against your lefty facism . Seems to me that they'll do good enough to make a living !!

The only way they are out of business is if they sell it or they decide to take the $800,00 plus and find another interest.

Joe is a lefty nutter and thinks he knows all. This small town will rally around their own. The intolerant teacher and Joeyboy and the other racists, will cry and whine because, like little children, they didn't get their way. BooHoo!
You asked what's my point and then kept blabbering and making my point for me. And missed it again...

Should I give you chance to try again or should I get my kids crayons to draw it for you?

I got your point. It was just retarded. Then again, so is this whole debate that your Sky Pixie will burn you in hell for baking a cake or setting up some flowers.
The only way they are out of business is if they sell it or they decide to take the $800,00 plus and find another interest.

Joe is a lefty nutter and thinks he knows all. This small town will rally around their own. The intolerant teacher and Joeyboy and the other racists, will cry and whine because, like little children, they didn't get their way. BooHoo!

The Small Town only left two Yelp Reviews of this place before the gays trolled the shit out of their website. They were barely getting by to start with.
now we go by YELP reviews as to the popularity of a small town pizza store . Heck , I'm an old guy an I've never done a YELP review , never have and never will Joeb . Its a small town family pizza store . People , probably the old man runs down to get a pizza for the kids every once in awhile . Yelp reviews , pretty funny JOEB !!
Glad to hear that these people aren't guilty anymore! Hope that our government will not stop and soon, all issues about discrimination and reverse-discrimination will be solved!
The only way they are out of business is if they sell it or they decide to take the $800,00 plus and find another interest.

Joe is a lefty nutter and thinks he knows all. This small town will rally around their own. The intolerant teacher and Joeyboy and the other racists, will cry and whine because, like little children, they didn't get their way. BooHoo!

The Small Town only left two Yelp Reviews of this place before the gays trolled the shit out of their website. They were barely getting by to start with.

The thing is thanks to the violent, intolerant left, the place has accumulated enough profits for 16 years. They will be open next in spite of your hate and jealousy.

You can't bully people, neither side can, you and your tactics of old are now history.
Glad to hear that these people aren't guilty anymore! Hope that our government will not stop and soon, all issues about discrimination and reverse-discrimination will be solved!

Guilty of what? What were they charged with?
now we go by YELP reviews as to the popularity of a small town pizza store . Heck , I'm an old guy an I've never done a YELP review , never have and never will Joeb . Its a small town family pizza store . People , probably the old man runs down to get a pizza for the kids every once in awhile . Yelp reviews , pretty funny JOEB !!

well, if they have that little business, maybe they shouldn't be pissing off potential customers.

Or maybe instead of screaming a homophobic screed, they could have just said, 'Well, I don't know who'd order Pizza for a wedding, but we'd totally do that for the money."

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