Go Fund Me acct for Washington state florist who refused to serve gay wedding

Same-sex couples with children are 'family units' as well, no different than any other family – wishing only to enjoy a meal together in a public venue in their home community, free from concerns of discrimination.

That's even nicer to see.
Maybe one such family was there. Doesn't that occur to you, hater?
Now HEAR this JOE , just another QUICK UPDATE , On HANNITY they showed a busy 'Memories Pizza Store' . Hannity talked to the daughter and her father the store owner . Store was busy , busy , busy and they have plans to expand !! ----- Alert , Alert !!

How many of those "customers' were Fox News Crew? probably most of them.
They had people from miles away come there to show support. Because the pizza place discriminated against anyone.

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like I say , have said , just reporting reality , the news , keeping youse guys informed Joeb . Pizza store was full of family units , real normal family units consisting of female moms , male dads and male and female children . It was busy in the pizza store and they said they'll be expanding . It was nice to see !!
Same-sex couples with children are 'family units' as well, no different than any other family – wishing only to enjoy a meal together in a public venue in their home community, free from concerns of discrimination.

That's even nicer to see.
The restaurant never denied service to anyone, so any family can enjoy this restaurant.

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Perhaps you are right about those things; however, it's not your call!

True enough. It's the call of the government agencies that regulate "public accommodation".
There you go....according to you it's the government's call to dictate how people exercise their religious beliefs. The 1st ammendment says it's not.

This isn't about how "people" exercise their religious beliefs.

This is about how businesses conduct commerce.

I don't do business with Bob The Catholic or Mary the Jehovah's Witness.

I do business with Widgets, Inc or Mary's Cake Shop.

Businesses do not have religions, and consumers and employees should not be held to the religious beliefs of the people who own businesses.
Same-sex couples with children are 'family units' as well, no different than any other family – wishing only to enjoy a meal together in a public venue in their home community, free from concerns of discrimination.

That's even nicer to see.
Maybe one such family was there. Doesn't that occur to you, hater?
Gays are not being denied the regular products or services of the businesses except the owners have a religious objection to same sex weddings.
Perhaps you are right about those things; however, it's not your call!

True enough. It's the call of the government agencies that regulate "public accommodation".
There you go....according to you it's the government's call to dictate how people exercise their religious beliefs. The 1st ammendment says it's not.

This isn't about how "people" exercise their religious beliefs.

This is about how businesses conduct commerce.

I don't do business with Bob The Catholic or Mary the Jehovah's Witness.

I do business with Widgets, Inc or Mary's Cake Shop.

Businesses do not have religions, and consumers and employees should not be held to the religious beliefs of the people who own businesses.
Businesses are owned and operated by people, and people do not lose their 1st ammendment rights to exercise their religion because of the business. One reason that people start a business is to be the Boss.
Businesses are owned and operated by people, and people do not lose their 1st ammendment rights to exercise their religion because of the business. One reason that people start a business is to be the Boss.

Okay, they get to be the boss, not the dictator.

They are more than free to excercise their religion as it applies to them.

But when they started a business, they agreed to abide by the laws governing business, including - wait for it - the Public Accommodation laws.
yeah , they need another court decision but the black robed guys are nasty , I don't trust any of them anyway now that I think about it . Black robed tyrants !!
they feed any Pizza eater that comes in the door with money JOEB , they just don't cater bogus weddings [repeat] . Don't you understand Joeb ??
Okay, they get to be the boss, not the dictator.

They are more than free to excercise their religion as it applies to them.

But when they started a business, they agreed to abide by the laws governing business, including - wait for it - the Public Accommodation laws.

Little reminder...

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
Businesses are owned and operated by people, and people do not lose their 1st ammendment rights to exercise their religion because of the business. One reason that people start a business is to be the Boss.

Okay, they get to be the boss, not the dictator.

They are more than free to excercise their religion as it applies to them.

But when they started a business, they agreed to abide by the laws governing business, including - wait for it - the Public Accommodation laws.
What they do in their business most certainly applies to them.

Also, gays have access to all the products and services that the business provides. The business does not provide the products and services that the owners find objectionable to anyone, gay or straight. A straight person can't hire the florist to serve a gay wedding either because the florist does not provide that service.
they feed any Pizza eater that comes in the door with money JOEB , they just don't cater bogus weddings [repeat] . Don't you understand Joeb ??

I understand that bigots really don't run businesses very well. Shit, this was a great publicity stunt, but their pizza probably still tastes like cardboard flavored with tomato
well , probably lots of cardboard eaters eating and enjoying at 'memories pizza' tonight , heck , its Friday night afterall . Not everyone wants to eat Chicago style Pizza anyway Joeb !!
they feed any Pizza eater that comes in the door with money JOEB , they just don't cater bogus weddings [repeat] . Don't you understand Joeb ??

I understand that bigots really don't run businesses very well. Shit, this was a great publicity stunt, but their pizza probably still tastes like cardboard flavored with tomato
They aren't bigots The bigots are those that threatened them.

Secondly, they serve everyone and have not turned away any business based on religion, race, color, creed or sexual preference or identity.

And lastly you are the bigot because you make assumptions based on them being Christians.

So thanks for showing us all who the bigot really is Joey.

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well , probably lots of cardboard eaters eating and enjoying at 'memories pizza' tonight , heck , its Friday night afterall . Not everyone wants to eat Chicago style Pizza anyway Joeb !!

You mean the only good kind of Pizza?

But, heck, these cleetuses probably don't know what good Pizza tastes like.
They aren't bigots The bigots are those that threatened them.

Secondly, they serve everyone and have not turned away any business based on religion, race, color, creed or sexual preference or identity.

And lastly you are the bigot because you make assumptions based on them being Christians.

So thanks for showing us all who the bigot really is Joey.

No, guy, these Christians are bigots. Jesus never talked about homosexuals once in the Gospels. (He probably also didn't exist, but that's another story.)

He did spend a lot of time talking about greed and how the only way into heaven was to give all your wealth to the poor. Yet Christians never talk about what Jesus DID say and spend a lot of time focusing on what he didn't say.

"If Jesus were alive today, the one thing he wouldn't be is a Christian!" - Mark Twain.

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