Go Greg Go!!!

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
I like this guy :eusa_angel:

Greg Orman The Most Interesting Man in Politics This November - NBC News
The political story out of Kansas has become the biggest thing in the state since, well, Wilt Chamberlain. The reason: Not only is it looking possible that incumbent Gov. Sam Brownback (R) could go down to defeat in November, but so too could Sen. Pat Roberts (R-KS) -- which could make it harder for Republicans to win control of the Senate. And Roberts looks even more vulnerable after yesterday. On Thursday, the Kansas Supreme Court ruled that Democratic Senate nominee Chad Taylor, who had earlier withdrawn his candidacy, should be removed from the ballot, nixing Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach’s (R) earlier decision to keep Taylor’s name on the ballot.)

“It’s also worth pointing out that what’s happening in Kansas is also playing out in Alaska’s gubernatorial race (with an independent-Democratic alliance), and it COULD be happening in South Dakota’s Senate race. Those are the exceptions, of course. But it SHOULD scare a lot of politicians that the center (with the help of angry populists on the left and right uniting) can strike back when the conditions are ripe.”

An insurgent center in the GOP taking on the extreme right would indeed benefit the Party, and the Nation overall; unfortunately when republicans win control of the Senate this November the extreme right will incorrectly perceive the victory as 'reaffirmation' of their failed and reckless dogma, making things that much more difficult for moderates going forward.
Bernie Sanders announcing his bid for POTUS is very interesting news, too. Unlike HIllary, he's just come out and said he's running, period, the end. I am so tired of Hillary and her games. SHe's so fucking boring.
Harry Reid using every dirty trick in the book to keep the Senate Dem. Wont work. The public is tired of the failed policies of Barack Obama.
Yet another boring far left propaganda thread..

The far left can not handle that they will loose the senate. I would say that would make Obama a lame duck president, but he has been that since 2009..

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