God Damn !! - Maus banned in Tennnessee for curse words like "God damn!!"

Well, we're getting off topic, but I have to respond to that. Back in April 2020, Fauci made it quite clear that the masks we wore at that time, cloth masks offered little protection for the wearer but protected others. The CDC also put this on their web pages. And someone spread the slogan, "I wear a mask for you and you wear a mask for me."

Today with N95 masks and KN95 readily available the CDC is asking people to wear them because they fit snuggly and force both inhalations and exhalations to go through the filter material thus protecting both the wearer and others. I have my doubts that many people will wear them even though the goverment is making them available for free. They are just too uncomfortable and require adjustment every time they go on. And when you put them on the cords get tangled in glasses and mess up your hair and or hat.
In regard to politics, all epidemics that effect a whole country are political. There is no way to avoid it.
To me if those in high office who run this nation are aware that cloth masks are basically useless they should not mandate that they be worn.

As I said, often when you mix politics with science you get junk science. Apparently the politicians wanted to be seen as doing something to stop the spread of COVID-19 so they decided getting people to wear useless masks would do the trick.

Politicians are the scum of the earth.

8 curse words and a drawing of a NAKED female mouse.

Its not the end of the world but it is a signpost on the way. One of the board commented that there was a lot of unpleasant stuff in the Pulitzer Prize winning book. There must be a way to depict the Holocaust without subjecting the kids to unpleasentness.

Its easy to mock these people but I am sure they are genuinely doing what they think is best for the kids. But really.....................
Ban the books and let's get back to active shooter drills.
If these authors want their books read in schools they should avoid controversial topics and situations. Harper Lee made the same mistake.

8 curse words and a drawing of a NAKED female mouse.

Its not the end of the world but it is a signpost on the way. One of the board commented that there was a lot of unpleasant stuff in the Pulitzer Prize winning book. There must be a way to depict the Holocaust without subjecting the kids to unpleasentness.

Its easy to mock these people but I am sure they are genuinely doing what they think is best for the kids. But really.....................
yeah i think the middle schoolers where the book is removed will be ok.

they can read it in high school…but with that said. there are numerous other books, that aren’t comic books, on the subject of the national socialist and their terror that can be read

i don’t recall ever reading one for grades school class
yeah i think the middle schoolers where the book is removed will be ok.

they can read it in high school…but with that said. there are numerous other books, that aren’t comic books, on the subject of the national socialist and their terror that can be read

i don’t recall ever reading one for grades school class
That's fair actually.
To me if those in high office who run this nation are aware that cloth masks are basically useless they should not mandate that they be worn.

As I said, often when you mix politics with science you get junk science. Apparently the politicians wanted to be seen as doing something to stop the spread of COVID-19 so they decided getting people to wear useless masks would do the trick.

Politicians are the scum of the earth.
The cloth masks are not useless, they help prevent the wearer from spreading the virus. A sneeze can emit up 50,000 viral particles, a cough up to 10,000, and a person speaking loudly 1,000 to 5,000 particles. A good cloth mask can stop 90% of emitted particles. However when inhaling, the efficiency of the mask is low due primary to air leakage around the edges.

Exactly how do you keep politics out of an epidemic that effects the whole nation in regard to health, economics, and social problems.

8 curse words and a drawing of a NAKED female mouse.

Its not the end of the world but it is a signpost on the way. One of the board commented that there was a lot of unpleasant stuff in the Pulitzer Prize winning book. There must be a way to depict the Holocaust without subjecting the kids to unpleasentness.

Its easy to mock these people but I am sure they are genuinely doing what they think is best for the kids. But really.....................
Yeah yeah. But, taint. Why would you give a shit about some schmucky act in our land when you live over there in your own fucked up land?
Like democrats removing historical statues because the history they reflect makes you uncomfortable?

deflection denied.jpg

LMAO--yep more hypocrisy. BTW, the OP does not suggest banning or burning books. For your information--Every school board in the US sets, and has the legal right to set, the curriculum of the school system that they have been elected to serve. Setting curriculum and providing materials that are consistent with the desires of the school system's parents is NOT censorship nor book banning. Try again.

'maus' was banned due to 'bad language'. it contains one curse word ... ' god damn' & the nudity is a naked mouse.

THE SHAME!!!! the HORROR!!!!
We are not talking about Huck Finn or Anne Frank here, we're talking about a profane account of a serious heinous event that is being made light of.

it's an accurate truthful account of what happened to the author's parents during the holocaust - substituting animals as the characters involved.

i'm fairly certain 13 yr olds use even more foul language than ' god damn' & won't be traumatized by a nude rodent.
it's an accurate truthful account of what happened to the author's parents during the holocaust - substituting animals as the characters involved.

i'm fairly certain 13 yr olds use even more foul language than ' god damn' & won't be traumatized by a nude rodent.
AGAIN, if you don't have kids in that school system, it is nunya and you should STFU.
The question is Tommy, why would they even want to ban the holocaust story and why would some people on this board support the banning?
  • You're a moron and I'm glad you're stuck on that little island..
I wouldn't be surprised, poster Donald, that part of the answer to your question is reflected in good poster Concerned American's response.
Scopes Monkey Trial 2.0

Thank you, poster odanny!

Scopes Monkey Trial ..v.1.0 = 1925.

  • 97 years ago in time.
  • 24 miles away in space.
Things are closer than one would imagine, but change comes slowly....even when it is close by.
One is as bad as the other. We're not discussing juniors or seniors in high school you are talking about kids that have not all reached puberty. You, rightfully object to degenerate, unnatural acts being taught, but in the same breath advocate for something that is just as bad.
Defending the human population from the total deviancy and social degeneration of the far left, defending the USA and our constitution from the socialists and the anarchists' is not something you can do by singing kumbaya to them. The same goes for the extremists on the right

There is a reason the left is destroying our schools, our morals, our constitution and aiding and abetting Raisi, Putin and Xi... They want western civilization and Christian morals eliminated from the face of the earth... Until people quit pretending this is not an existential threat to all that is decent, we will continue to spiral into the cess-pit you see them creating everywhere they win.

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