God Damn !! - Maus banned in Tennnessee for curse words like "God damn!!"

You have to wonder why the Trump Cult
Not the trump cult, moron. The school board which was voted in by the parents made the decision--not the city council, not the state or federal legislature. Educate yourself. It is clear that your educational establishment had you reading Larry Flynt's Hustler.
You certainly assume much for a fat fuck with no standing in what parents teach their kids. Typical democrat. You don't want education, you want indoctrination that fits your narrative.
Well, I’m not fat or a democrat but whatever.

How is a book like Maus indoctrinating anyone? It’s a book about a cartoonist interviewing his Jewish dad about his experiences in Auschwitz that he turned into a graphic novel. Please explain to me where the indoctrination is?
The question is Tommy, why would they even want to ban the holocaust story and why would some people on this board support the banning?

It's obviously nothing to do with a naked mouse!
Perhaps some of our members of the forum will tell us why?
Are they banning the telling of the holocaust story or this particular depiction of it? Why do you care the vehicle by which the story is told so long as it’s told? So the school board doesn’t think 8th graders are ready for nudity and curse words. Are curse words and nude mice necessary to tell the Holocaust story?
Well, I’m not fat or a democrat but whatever.

How is a book like Maus indoctrinating anyone? It’s a book about a cartoonist interviewing his Jewish dad about his experiences in Auschwitz that he turned into a graphic novel. Please explain to me where the indoctrination is?
I really don't GAF what a comic book is about. I DO care that the duly elected school board has the right and responsibility to provide the curriculum and materials that the PARENTS choose for THEIR children to be taught without outside interference. You have that right in YOUR school district, why do you feel you can tell another parent what they should teach their kids. It is really none of your business and it certainly isn't some fat faggot limey's business.
I really don't GAF what a comic book is about. I DO care that the duly elected school board has the right and responsibility to provide the curriculum and materials that the PARENTS choose for THEIR children to be taught without outside interference. You have that right in YOUR school district, why do you feel you can tell another parent what they should teach their kids. It is really none of your business and it certainly isn't some fat faggot limey's business.
I suppose they can ban whatever they want.

But if some Mom actually wants a book banned because it has the word “shit” and a couple naked mice (in the context of a concentration camp for fucks sake) in it, then I am 100% accurate in calling them a bunch of ignorant, prudish housewives.
I suppose they can ban whatever they want.

But if some Mom actually wants a book banned because it has the word “shit” and a couple naked mice (in the context of a concentration camp for fucks sake) in it, then I am 100% accurate in calling them a bunch of ignorant, prudish housewives.
why do you need nude mice and curse words to tell the holocaust story? I’m quite sure there are 1000 other books out there that tell the story without those aspects.
I really don't GAF what a comic book is about. I DO care that the duly elected school board has the right and responsibility to provide the curriculum and materials that the PARENTS choose for THEIR children to be taught without outside interference.
Yes, providing that the children aren't subjected to creationist christian lies that is against the law to be teaching the children.

That goes for teaching the holocaust too and that must be teaching of the whole truth and not exaggerating or minimizing the facts.

The extreme right running around waving swastikas, should tell everybody what their facts and the Trumpers' facts are all about.
Yes, providing that the children aren't subjected to creationist christian lies that is against the law to be teaching the children.

That goes for teaching the holocaust too and that must be teaching of the whole truth and not exaggerating or minimizing the facts.

The extreme right running around waving swastikas, should tell everybody what their facts and the Trumpers' facts are all about.
So Maus is the only book out there telling the truth about the Holocaust? That’s what you believe?
I suppose they can ban whatever they want.

But if some Mom actually wants a book banned because it has the word “shit” and a couple naked mice (in the context of a concentration camp for fucks sake) in it, then I am 100% accurate in calling them a bunch of ignorant, prudish housewives.
Jesus doesn't approve of nudity in the mouseholes of America. That's the reason why Mickey is dressed up and Minnie shows no bare leg above her mousey knees.

funny how history can start to repeat itself.
Meanwhile you commies are busy banning American classics like Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn and others for having words that offend some minority or other from schools and public libraries and sniveling about statues. What is next, banning Moby Dick because it's about a white whale?
why do you need nude mice and curse words to tell the holocaust story? I’m quite sure there are 1000 other books out there that tell the story without those aspects.
The book is famous for a reason. It’s an honest, first person account and it’s told intelligently. Including it in a middle/high school curriculum is a smart way to get kids reading.

So what if there’s 1000 other books? What kind of an argument is that? You could pick any book at random and say there’s “other” books? What does that have to do with banning this one?

It has a few mild curse words and non-graphic drawings of mice without clothes. These moms are bored and looking for anything to clutch their pearls over.
So Maus is the only book out there telling the truth about the Holocaust? That’s what you believe?
There are many others that are acceptable and sadly many others that aren't. Some works of fiction such as Schindler's list are passed off as non-fiction.
A school board must be vigilant on what is acceptable and what is not. A book containing mice can't possibly be passed off as non-fiction and for that reason is unquestionably safe for schools IMHO.
Meanwhile you commies are busy banning American classics like Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn and others for having words that offend some minority or other from schools and public libraries and sniveling about statues. What is next, banning Moby Dick because it's about a white whale?
Nobody said anything about those books. It’s equally stupid to ban those ones.

Huck Finn has the N word in it? Fine, take the opportunity to discuss it the class how times were different in America back then.

as a general rule, anyone looking to ban a book is ignorant and/or uneducated.
I suppose they can ban whatever they want.

But if some Mom actually wants a book banned because it has the word “shit” and a couple naked mice (in the context of a concentration camp for fucks sake) in it, then I am 100% accurate in calling them a bunch of ignorant, prudish housewives.
The elected school board made the decision and the parents have every right to remove them if they disagree with it.
The elected school board made the decision and the parents have every right to remove them if they disagree with it.
Fine. Doesn’t change the fact they’re a bunch of ignorant prudes.

Just as school boards who ban Huckleberry Finn are a bunch of hypocritical liberals.

exactly the same.
non-fiction and for that reason is unquestionably safe for schools
STFU duck. You have nose problems. The only people who have any standing in this decision are the parents who elected the school board. You commie fucks just figure you can go in and dictate to everybody as to how their children are educated--strike that, in your case indoctrinated.
Nobody said anything about those books. It’s equally stupid to ban those ones.

Huck Finn has the N word in it? Fine, take the opportunity to discuss it the class how times were different in America back then.

as a general rule, anyone looking to ban a book is ignorant and/or uneducated.
Do you know the real reason why Huck Finn was banned? Doesn't it mostly have to do with Huck's choice of a friend on the raft and the bad example it would convey in the American south?
That's the way I read Huck Finn.

How ignorant to keep America's greatest writer out of schools!

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