God Damn !! - Maus banned in Tennnessee for curse words like "God damn!!"

Fine. Doesn’t change the fact they’re a bunch of ignorant prudes.

Just as school boards who ban Huckleberry Finn are a bunch of hypocritical liberals.

exactly the same.
If I have a problem with our school board's decisions, I take it up with them and if I am not satisfied with their performance I choose a different board at the ballot box. If that isn't successful, I can take my kids to some other district more in line with my beliefs. I really don't GAF if some online social justice warrior thinks that is the wrong way or not. Run along.
Do you know the real reason why Huck Finn was banned? Doesn't it mostly have to do with Huck's choice of a friend on the raft and the bad example it would convey in the American south?
That's the way I read Huck Finn.

How ignorant to keep America's greatest writer out of schools!
Hey, duck, how is the Canadian government's mishandling of "first peoples" during the 19th century presented. Do you sweep that under the rug? That is what the liberal/democrats did to Clemens because it made black people uncomfortable.
If I have a problem with our school board's decisions, I take it up with them and if I am not satisfied with their performance I choose a different board at the ballot box. If that isn't successful, I can take my kids to some other district more in line with my beliefs. I really don't GAF if some online social justice warrior thinks that is the wrong way or not. Run along.
Now you’re just moving the goalposts. I never said the school board has no right to make whatever decisions they want. I said this one is dumb af.

the conversation was *never* about what a school board has or hasn’t the right to do. You’re changing it to that because you’re losing the argument.
Do you know the real reason why Huck Finn was banned? Doesn't it mostly have to do with Huck's choice of a friend on the raft and the bad example it would convey in the American south?
That's the way I read Huck Finn.

How ignorant to keep America's greatest writer out of schools!
It is irrelevant why any of these offerings were not chosen--they WERE NOT banned. They were not chosen to be a part of the curriculum. Do you have any idea what or if another work was chosen? You are doing what you normally do, duck. Jumping to conclusions when you don't have any info.
They are trying to protect 14 year olds from a few swearwords. But in that area most 114 year old girls are already married and would benefit from a more adult education. Laughable.

Yanno..................g-damn was a word I'd heard by the time I was 5, and all the other ones (f-word, etc) I knew by the time I was 12. And, interestingly enough, most of the time I heard curse words, it wasn't so much from other tweens and grade school kids, it was from adults.
And..........fwiw..............."shit" wasn't so much a curse word as it was a description of what we used to fertilize with, that came in both cow and chicken varieties. And, when saying something was "shitty", it again wasn't really a curse word, it was more of a descriptive word saying that something wasn't worth much.
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After reading the full list of reasons, it's clear the board found the book to be inappropriate for the age groups in their schools, which is just fine. All the sniveling is baseless; 12 year old kids don't need to be reading about that stuff. They also don't need to be reading picture books with stories like 'A Girl Mans Up' and other faggot trash either.
That's Tru(e) deau!
Yeah, he's about as true as your statement that the Trucker Convoy was a nothing burger with no mission, duck. Ten thousand protesters, a convoy 40 miles long and a mission to stop governmental health care mandates prove, once AGAIN, that you are a fucking liar with problems staying in your own lane.
Hey, duck, how is the Canadian government's mishandling of "first peoples" during the 19th century presented. Do you sweep that under the rug? That is what the liberal/democrats did to Clemens because it made black people uncomfortable.
The Canadian government handled the first nations people in a very fair way. It was the cathlicks who betrayed the government's trust in the cathlick schools. In America it was the guv-munt that killed the first nations people.

I know that's Tru deau ,
cause I saw it on t.v.
The Canadian government handled the first nations people in a very fair way.
lol yes, they hired them to kill Americans. How did that work out? You couldn't wipe your own asses without piggy backing on the U.S. Like the rest of Canada, their reservation are merely fronts for organized crime and dope running.
Yeah, he's about as true as your statement that the Trucker Convoy was a nothing burger with no mission, duck. Ten thousand protesters, a convoy 40 miles long and a mission to stop governmental health care mandates prove, once AGAIN, that you are a fucking liar with problems staying in your own lane.
Turned out to be maybe a couple of miles long at best. And they're blowing diesel smoke because it's Tru that Tru deau can't do a thing for them because Biden said so on vaccines for twuckurs.

Now they don't know what to protest. But some crazy drunken extreme rightist lout will think of something tonight. They probably won't get out their guns deau.
The Canadian government handled the first nations people in a very fair way. It was the cathlicks who betrayed the government's trust in the cathlick schools. In America it was the guv-munt that killed the first nations people.

I know that's Tru deau ,
cause I saw it on t.v.
So was it the Catholics that Gordon Lightfoot was mentioning when he referenced the government schools and stores? Methinks you have a problem with your own history and definitely your ability to spell and communicate, try harder duck.
After reading the full list of reasons, it's clear the board found the book to be inappropriate for the age groups in their schools, which is just fine. All the sniveling is baseless; 12 year old kids don't need to be reading about that stuff. They also don't need to be reading picture books with stories like 'A Girl Mans Up' and other faggot trash either.
Really? What in that list is harmful for 12 year olds?
So was it the Catholics that Gordon Lightfoot was mentioning when he referenced the government schools and stores? Methinks you have a problem with your own history and definitely your ability to spell and communicate, try harder duck.
It's cathlicks. Later little buddy, the boss lady has brought out the grain! Qua, k, k, k, k, ack, ........
Really? What in that list is harmful for 12 year olds?

What is the point of teaching little kids about stuff like the Holocaust? Does it make you feel special to be feeding them that stuff at an age they aren't really able to process that info? Their school day needs to be filled with learning skills, not feeding your need to virtue signal and propagandize them with fear mongering horror stories. They can learn stuff like that at home or on their own when they're ready for it.

8 curse words and a drawing of a NAKED female mouse.

Its not the end of the world but it is a signpost on the way. One of the board commented that there was a lot of unpleasant stuff in the Pulitzer Prize winning book. There must be a way to depict the Holocaust without subjecting the kids to unpleasentness.

Its easy to mock these people but I am sure they are genuinely doing what they think is best for the kids. But really.....................

The book is famous for a reason. It’s an honest, first person account and it’s told intelligently. Including it in a middle/high school curriculum is a smart way to get kids reading.

So what if there’s 1000 other books? What kind of an argument is that? You could pick any book at random and say there’s “other” books? What does that have to do with banning this one?

It has a few mild curse words and non-graphic drawings of mice without clothes. These moms are bored and looking for anything to clutch their pearls over.
Other books that tell the story without the curse words and nudity dumb ass. That’s what the objection was about. Why must these children be exposed to the nudity and curse words? Is it a key part of telling the Holocaust story? Can they not learn the lessons of the Holocaust that an 8th grader needs to learn without it? If it’s that important they can read the book when they are older. I don’t think we are at risk of repeating the atrocities of nazi Germany because 8th graders aren’t reading a comic book with nude mice and curse words in it. Especially since they can get that info other places.

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