God Damn !! - Maus banned in Tennnessee for curse words like "God damn!!"

Their parents should decide, not you; give it to your own kids and leave the school systems and other peoples' kids out of your obsessions.

Lots of events were 'big deals', which is why they need to learn those in the U.S. instead of your fetishes. We realize sociopaths just don't get it, we have many of those here.
What exactly do you think kids *should* learn in history class?

8 curse words and a drawing of a NAKED female mouse.

Its not the end of the world but it is a signpost on the way. One of the board commented that there was a lot of unpleasant stuff in the Pulitzer Prize winning book. There must be a way to depict the Holocaust without subjecting the kids to unpleasentness.

Its easy to mock these people but I am sure they are genuinely doing what they think is best for the kids. But really.....................
That "God Damn" reference in your Thread title is unfortunate, but the Good Book warns people that they will be damned if they depart from the 10 Commandments.
I don't use that phrase very often, unless the source of my word association breaks rules that are associated with going to hell for dishonoring the rules of the Kingdom of God. Sorry, but it is appropriate to use on people who are trying to make everyone become an atheist with their confusing narratives that do not resemble the truth in any given matter. It is easier to control people who have no hope and to create a paradigm of everyone else's concession to criminal behaviors. It sounds shameful because it is what is going on in the power-grabbing, hate mongering Democrat Party of recent years of delving into crime and making college kids love it as "me and the state are god." Lot of that going around.
That "God Damn" reference in your Thread title is unfortunate, but the Good Book warns people that they will be damned if they depart from the 10 Commandments.
I don't use that phrase very often, unless the source of my word association breaks rules that are associated with going to hell for dishonoring the rules of the Kingdom of God. Sorry, but it is appropriate to use on people who are trying to make everyone become an atheist with their confusing narratives that do not resemble the truth in any given matter. It is easier to control people who have no hope and to create a paradigm of everyone else's concession to criminal behaviors. It sounds shameful because it is what is going on in the power-grabbing, hate mongering Democrat Party of recent years of delving into crime and making college kids love it as "me and the state are god." Lot of that going around.
WTF are you even talking about?
In the 1960s, my boss reprimanded me for telling some disruptive people to "shut your d*mn*d mouths."

Ever since then, I have never said that adjective and am afraid to even spell it fully in writing!
How on earth did you jump from a book about the holocaust to hardcore pornography and letting pedophiles cruise classrooms?

No need to fret about attendance at Concerned American's DudleySmith's debates with his opponents.
Nobody really needs to even show up.
He'll create a boogeyman in his mind; argue against it; then profanely demolish it; and call you stupid.
It has been ever thus.
The book depicts the Jews as rodents, and the Nazi's as cats...This alone is a slam against Jews if you ask me...
You’ve never read it. It was written by a Jewish cartoonist who wanted to record his Jewish father’s experience in Auschwitz.

He assigned an animal to all the nationalities. Most of them were indeed based on common perceptions or stereotypes. Germans were cats. Jews were mice. Americans were dogs. Frenchmen were Frogs. Swedes were Reindeer. Englishmen were fish. It was just a storytelling device.
You’ve never read it. It was written by a Jewish cartoonist who wanted to record his Jewish father’s experience in Auschwitz.

He assigned an animal to all the nationalities. Most of them were indeed based on common perceptions or stereotypes. Germans were cats. Jews were mice. Americans were dogs. Frenchmen were Frogs. Swedes were Reindeer. Englishmen were fish. It was just a storytelling device.
Why is this book important to tell this story? Are there not other resources to teach about the Holocaust?
Why is this book important to tell this story? Are there not other resources to teach about the Holocaust?
Because it was a personal story. His father’s story. Because Spiegelman is a cartoonist, not a novelist. Because it was a fresh way to tell the story. Because sometimes books are chosen because they’re engaging and well-written.

Because there’s nothing offensive in Maus. I’ve posted the “offending nudity” panels multiple times. Can you honestly say they’re offensive? Honestly?
Because it was a personal story. His father’s story. Because Spiegelman is a cartoonist, not a novelist. Because it was a fresh way to tell the story. Because sometimes books are chosen because they’re engaging and well-written.

Because there’s nothing offensive in Maus. I’ve posted the “offending nudity” panels multiple times. Can you honestly say they’re offensive? Honestly?

Look, I don't really care about the nudity in this book, I wasn't arguing about that, in that only the board has cited this as part of the reason for restricting the book to younger students..

And just because it is the authors personal depiction of his family during the time, has no weight that there are other resources out there to teach the horror that was the Holocaust...Cartoonist or not....There is nothing "fresh" about depicting the Jews as vermin....And should not be allowed to younger students...

We have heard from the liberal side as of late, when parents objected to CRT, among other Board decisions, that the School Boards have the power. That we must be respectful, that there's really nothing we can do, so submit....Well, the School Board made this decision with not one dissenting vote, to remove this book for younger students, and not for the H.S. level....And you people loose your minds...Why? Is it because the authors underlying intent is to plant the seed of Jews being vermin in young minds is the goal here?

Well, too bad, the Board decided, and now liberals can either accept it, or show their hypocrisy once again...
Yeah, and removing books like Huckleberry Finn or the Little House on the Prairie books from the curriculum because they’re supposedly “racist” is stupid, too.

Just because the school board has the jurisdiction to remove a book from the curriculum doesn’t make these decisions any less stupid.

Removing a Huckleberry Finn because characters used the N word is fucking stupid.

Removing Little House on the Prairie because they said mean things about Native Americans is fucking stupid.

Removing Maus because there maybe, might be a microscopic mouse wiener is fucking stupid.

These house wives clearly have too much time on their hands and just enjoy being priggish.
There are very few legitimate reasons to remove any book from a reading list. Any time any one does so they are almost always in the wrong. History does not look kindly on people who do so.
Yeah, and removing books like Huckleberry Finn or the Little House on the Prairie books from the curriculum because they’re supposedly “racist” is stupid, too.

Just because the school board has the jurisdiction to remove a book from the curriculum doesn’t make these decisions any less stupid.

Removing a Huckleberry Finn because characters used the N word is fucking stupid.

Removing Little House on the Prairie because they said mean things about Native Americans is fucking stupid.

Removing Maus because there maybe, might be a microscopic mouse wiener is fucking stupid.

These house wives clearly have too much time on their hands and just enjoy being priggish.

I've stated that it isn't about the so called nudity in the book, why must you continue to try and inject that into the argument....?
There are very few legitimate reasons to remove any book from a reading list. Any time any one does so they are almost always in the wrong. History does not look kindly on people who do so.

In general I agree with your stance about book banning.....But, in this case there are other resources they could replace this book with....Why is it so important to have THIS particular book? Could it not be removed as part of the curriculum, but retained in the library?

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