God does exist. Itelligent design in the Universe is prof of God.


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
We can see the vast number of life forms here on the planet Earth. The oceans, on land, the different varieties of plants. All this life did not just happen by accident , as many non beleiving scientist say. God does exist. This is a planet with air , water, and food for us all to consume. It was not made by accident. This world was created for us by an intelligent God. We did not evolve from apes . We were all created by God. Designed in his likeness. Your thoughts.
We can see the vast number of life forms here on the planet Earth. The oceans, on land, the different varieties of plants. All this life did not just happen by accident , as many non beleiving scientist say. God does exist. This is a planet with air , water, and food for us all to consume. It was not made by accident. This world was created for us by an intelligent God. We did not evolve from apes . We were all created by God. Designed in his likeness. Your thoughts.
but humans created nuclear bombs, machine guns, and fake tits
God does exist. This world was created for us by an intelligent God. We did not evolve from apes . We were all created by God. Designed in his likeness. Your thoughts.

God does exist. That said, you nor I can prove it, we can't prove life didn't arise by accident the way it is by random selection, especially as homo sapiens also evolved from lesser Hominids like apes. Since God is the original cause of all causes, it stands to reason that everything was created by him, though we cannot prove that much less that we are in his likeness.
How do you know "God" isn't a race of aliens on some other planet who came across this planet, saw it had the capacity to sustain life, and seeded it with DNA to flourish into millions of different life forms?
We can see the vast number of life forms here on the planet Earth. The oceans, on land, the different varieties of plants. All this life did not just happen by accident , as many non beleiving scientist say. God does exist. This is a planet with air , water, and food for us all to consume. It was not made by accident. This world was created for us by an intelligent God. We did not evolve from apes . We were all created by God. Designed in his likeness. Your thoughts.
....you have no proof at all...we've been over this a million times--you can't prove it
God does exist. This world was created for us by an intelligent God. We did not evolve from apes . We were all created by God. Designed in his likeness. Your thoughts.

God does exist. That said, you nor I can prove it, we can't prove life didn't arise by accident the way it is by random selection, especially as homo sapiens also evolved from lesser Hominids like apes. Since God is the original cause of all causes, it stands to reason that everything was created by him, though we cannot prove that much less that we are in his likeness.
huge problem there--god is not the original cause/etc
We can see the vast number of life forms here on the planet Earth. The oceans, on land, the different varieties of plants. All this life did not just happen by accident , as many non beleiving scientist say. God does exist. This is a planet with air , water, and food for us all to consume. It was not made by accident. This world was created for us by an intelligent God. We did not evolve from apes . We were all created by God. Designed in his likeness. Your thoughts.
but humans created nuclear bombs, machine guns, and fake tits

exactly so so much for the theory god was intelligent.:auiqs.jpg:
Why are there different races of humans?
Did you know that the concept of race wasn't even introduced until the late 1500s? Biologicaslly and genetically speaking, there are no "races", we are nearly carbon copies of one another. Our differences are more accurately cultural than that 1580s coined term "racial".
Why are there different races of humans?
Did you know that the concept of race wasn't even introduced until the late 1500s? Biologicaslly and genetically speaking, there are no "races", we are nearly carbon copies of one another. Our differences are more accurately cultural than that 1580s coined term "racial".
Okay, so, what does that mean??? Words that have no etymology before 0000B.C. don't mean anything???

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