God does exist. Itelligent design in the Universe is prof of God.

I am loving this. You don't know anything about this and you are dancing around trying to make it look like you do.
And yet you are the one making all the errors that have to be corrected. So we can let the reader decide.
How would they know? You have yet to say where all of that radiation came from. You'd think something as important as the finger print of the big bang would be important enough for such a learned person like yourself, right?
Science can only guess at what was there as we can’t yet see that far back in time.
Agreed. So surely you understand that, when you assert that there was a beginning at some point, you have violated your own stated rule.
Taz understands less than you do.
Says the guy who thinks that some invisible being magically poofed everything into being. lol.
Quick... TEACH Fort Fun Indiana and Grumblenuts about how the radiation was created. :popcorn:
You have yet to say where all of that radiation came from.
Irrelevant. What i say or dont say has no bearong on what the scientists say and the evidemce shows. And yet another post dedicated to dismissing your childish rhetorical piles of shit.
You have yet to say where all of that radiation came from.
Irrelevant. What i say or dont say has no bearong on what the scientists say and the evidemce shows. And yet another post dedicated to dismissing your childish rhetorical piles of shit.
It's not irrelevant, dummy. It explains everything we see. And you don't know a thing about it. This is fucking hilarious.
Apparently you don't know how that radiation was created either. The actual radiation was created very early. It wasn't until the universe cooled sufficiently that the radiation decoupled from matter, dummy.

What was it that created the radiation?
Asked and answered already, moron. Review time already?
What's that, dingbat? Glad you asked:
In cosmology, recombination refers to the epoch at which charged electrons and protons first became bound to form electrically neutral hydrogen atoms. Recombination occurred about 370,000 years[1][notes 1] after the Big Bang (at a redshift of z = 1100[2]).
You can keep playing semantic games. Just so you don't actually think you're fooling anyone.:auiqs.jpg:
Apparently you don't know how that radiation was created either. The actual radiation was created very early. It wasn't until the universe cooled sufficiently that the radiation decoupled from matter, dummy.

What was it that created the radiation?
Asked and answered already, moron. Review time already?
What's that, dingbat? Glad you asked:
In cosmology, recombination refers to the epoch at which charged electrons and protons first became bound to form electrically neutral hydrogen atoms. Recombination occurred about 370,000 years[1][notes 1] after the Big Bang (at a redshift of z = 1100[2]).
Dude that's like 370,000 years after the radiation was created. What part of the radiation decoupled from matter 370,000 years after it was created did you not understand.

Just admit you don't know dick and be done with it. Cause otherwise, I'm going to keep riding you hard.
Science can only guess at what was there as we can’t yet see that far back in time.
Agreed. So surely you understand that, when you assert that there was a beginning at some point, you have violated your own stated rule.
Taz understands less than you do.
Says the guy who thinks that some invisible being magically poofed everything into being. lol.
Quick... TEACH Fort Fun Indiana and Grumblenuts about how the radiation was created. :popcorn:
I never pronounced myself on that.
Apparently you don't know how that radiation was created either. The actual radiation was created very early. It wasn't until the universe cooled sufficiently that the radiation decoupled from matter, dummy.

What was it that created the radiation?
Asked and answered already, moron. Review time already?
What's that, dingbat? Glad you asked:
In cosmology, recombination refers to the epoch at which charged electrons and protons first became bound to form electrically neutral hydrogen atoms. Recombination occurred about 370,000 years[1][notes 1] after the Big Bang (at a redshift of z = 1100[2]).
Dude that's like 370,000 years after the radiation was created. What part of the radiation decoupled from matter 370,000 years after it was created did you not understand.

Just admit you don't know dick and be done with it. Cause otherwise, I'm going to keep riding you hard.
Just admit you got straight Fs in reading comprehension, yet still imagine you can understand and 'splain somewhat deep shit :auiqs.jpg:
Dude that's like 370,000 years after the radiation was created. What part of the radiation decoupled from matter 370,000 years after it was created did you not understand.
Just to be crystal, that is sheer fantasy. Indeed,
Photon decoupling occurred during the epoch known as the recombination.
.."370,000 years after the" BANG!
"Creating" / PRODUCING the C.M.B. "radiation" then, not before, you putz.
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What manner was that? How was the CMB produced exactly?

Because I know how it was produced and I don't see how it could be produced in the same manner. So please tell me how it was produced in the same manner.

You do realize that you just said black holes existed before the big bang, right? There are two problems with that. How can black holes exist before the big bang and if the universe had no beginning, how was there a big bang at all?
Then it sounds like you need to go read up. Google Penrose.
You are dodging the questions, dummy, because you don't know why the CMB exists. If you knew why the CMB exists, then you would understand why the universe began.

But you don't, so you post anything from a google search that looks like the universe may not have begun. Unfortunately for you, the CMB is the fingerprint of a universe that was created from nothing. It's the smoking gun. It's the evidence that the universe began.

CMB, maybe I'm too late in this thread, please post the three words in C. M. B.
Cosmic background radiation. It's the radiation signature from the Big Bang. But don't ask fortfunindiana how it was produced. Cause he doesn't know.

Thank you.
What manner was that? How was the CMB produced exactly?

Because I know how it was produced and I don't see how it could be produced in the same manner. So please tell me how it was produced in the same manner.

You do realize that you just said black holes existed before the big bang, right? There are two problems with that. How can black holes exist before the big bang and if the universe had no beginning, how was there a big bang at all?
Then it sounds like you need to go read up. Google Penrose.
You are dodging the questions, dummy, because you don't know why the CMB exists. If you knew why the CMB exists, then you would understand why the universe began.

But you don't, so you post anything from a google search that looks like the universe may not have begun. Unfortunately for you, the CMB is the fingerprint of a universe that was created from nothing. It's the smoking gun. It's the evidence that the universe began.

CMB, maybe I'm too late in this thread, please post the three words in C. M. B.
Cosmic background radiation. It's the radiation signature from the Big Bang. But don't ask fortfunindiana how it was produced. Cause he doesn't know.

Thank you.
We took a picture of the Big Bang. CMB
What manner was that? How was the CMB produced exactly?

Because I know how it was produced
So you ask how something could grow, say a carrot, then say you already know? What is that called again? Wait, lemme think.. Oh yeah, a dick! You're just being a DICK! As usual. Well, surprise, surprise..
and I don't see how it could be produced in the same manner. So please tell me how it was produced in the same manner.
What don't you understand about carrots growing in a cycle? You have a field (like the Aether) perhaps with some seeds left from a previous growing season (black hole "scars" or lingering noise, faint "ringing").. So new carrots emerge,.. because they can,.. like they did before,.. OMG!, feigned SHOCK-O-MIGHTY!
You do realize that you just said black holes existed before the big bang, right?
Yeah, when considering our known universe being cyclical. Duh!
There are two problems with that. How can black holes exist before the big bang
Just admit it. You ate all the carrots, didn't you? And now you're just playing dumb like a toddler caught red handed raiding the fridge..
and if the universe had no beginning, how was there a big bang at all?
Jesus. Each cycle (growing season) has a beginning, dingbat. And an end..
Grow up.
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The black holes eventually eat all the mass including each other, gradually ending all accretion of new mass / matter until all is so cold and spread thin.. Mother Nature says "Fuck this! Time to start over!" And.. BLAMO!

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