God does not dwell in buildings.. so why do Catholics talk about Christ's Presence in the Church?

The church is the congregation--not the building.
I talked to a deacon who is planning to become a priest... has had many yrs of seminary

the way he put it is that God is everywhere but in the Eucharist/Real Presence, His Presence is "even deeper."

I know this is so bc I ... unlike many Protestants, have BEEN THERE.
Prove I am not following Jesus Christ...

no, all u have is your opinion. I have THE CHURCH Christ founded...

tough match but have at it
I just proved it. Something about not keeping with the same organization the Jesus Christ established that make you think you are following Jesus Christ? You are following what you think Jesus established but is clearly not. If it doesn't look like a pig, doesn't smell like a pig and doesn't sing like a pit, IT'S NOT A PIG! Find yourself some Mormon missionaries and get with Jesus Christ's real Church and program. Jesus did not establish Popes, Cardinals, Arch Bishops, infant baptisms and a bunch of other faulty ordinances.
Well, you kind of have to read the Old Testament or certainly those parts pertaining to the Ark of the Covenant, a "chest" that the Israelites carried with them in all their journeys. It was where God presented Himself to them, to communicate w/ them and guide them.

Then later there was a light perpetually shining in the synagogues to signify God's presence.

Now we have the Real Presence, also signified by a light always burning in the Church Christ founded.. telling eveyrone He is there

(Exodus and other early books... John 6:27-72)

You can find your answer in the New Testament. Revelation is one place:
To the angel of the church in Ephesus...
To the angel of the church in...
To the angel of the church in...

^ He said it 7 times.

And remember:
Matt. 18:19 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”
I just proved it. Something about not keeping with the same organization the Jesus Christ established that make you think you are following Jesus Christ? You are following what you think Jesus established but is clearly not. If it doesn't look like a pig, doesn't smell like a pig and doesn't sing like a pit, IT'S NOT A PIG! Find yourself some Mormon missionaries and get with Jesus Christ's real Church and program. Jesus did not establish Popes, Cardinals, Arch Bishops, infant baptisms and a bunch of other faulty ordinances.
laugh... you've gotta be kidding! That religion is the definition of Cult

they believe there are spirits floating around... somewhere... waiting for a baby body to inhabit... and I could go on and on... their history on monogomy isn't too great either
You can find your answer in the New Testament. Revelation is one place:
To the angel of the church in Ephesus...
To the angel of the church in...
To the angel of the church in...

^ He said it 7 times.

And remember:
Matt. 18:19 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”
I don't recall Jesus ever saying Disregard entirely the Old Testament

or even just saying Disregard it not so entirely

he quoted the OT..
laugh... you've gotta be kidding! That religion is the definition of Cult

they believe there are spirits floating around... somewhere... waiting for a baby body to inhabit... and I could go on and on... their history on monogomy isn't too great either
So, if our spirits didn’t exist before we had a body, how did the Lord know Jeremiah before he was in the womb and ordained him to be a prophet? And, what happened to the two-thirds of the hosts of heaven after Lucifer and his third were kicked out never to have a body? We were in the two-thirds camp. Why do you think some of the other third wanted so badly to at least have the bodies of swine? There’s a lot more in the Bible as well.
Jesus flock was a cult during his days because of the Jew’s apostasy. So, call us a cult. Thank you because we are the restoration of the Gospel after centuries of the Catholic apostasy and occult magic stuff.
I’ll take polygamy over pedophile celibacy of priests any day. At least with true polygamy there is the marriage between the women and the man. By the way, less than 1% ever were in a polygamy situation. And, that’s over a 130 years ago as well. Should I go back and rub in your face the torture chambers of the Catholic Church trying to exorcise demons? How about the Popes who murdered for power and control over the Church and countries? Do you really want to go down that road?
You can find your answer in the New Testament. Revelation is one place:
To the angel of the church in Ephesus...
To the angel of the church in...
To the angel of the church in...

^ He said it 7 times.

And remember:
Matt. 18:19 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”
I don't get how any of those psgs disproves what I've said...

they don't
So, if our spirits didn’t exist before we had a body, how did the Lord know Jeremiah before he was in the womb and ordained him to be a prophet? And, what happened to the two-thirds of the hosts of heaven after Lucifer and his third were kicked out never to have a body? We were in the two-thirds camp. Why do you think some of the other third wanted so badly to at least have the bodies of swine? There’s a lot more in the Bible as well.
Jesus flock was a cult during his days because of the Jew’s apostasy. So, call us a cult. Thank you because we are the restoration of the Gospel after centuries of the Catholic apostasy and occult magic stuff.
I’ll take polygamy over pedophile celibacy of priests any day. At least with true polygamy there is the marriage between the women and the man. By the way, less than 1% ever were in a polygamy situation. And, that’s over a 130 years ago as well. Should I go back and rub in your face the torture chambers of the Catholic Church trying to exorcise demons? How about the Popes who murdered for power and control over the Church and countries? Do you really want to go down that road?
you are one lost person. Nowhere does it say in Scripture that souls are floating around waiting for a woman and man to produce a body for him/her... Please. And just how to explain how it is that when a married couple (or non married) do have a child... how is it that that child looks like and often acts like the parents? But I'm not going to talk to a wall...

and I'm not going through all your other comments bc I don't have time or inclination.. If you want to learn the truth you can, like everyone else, take a free RCIA class at a Catholic Church. They may even have some nice refeshments handy and you can talk to others, talk to the person leading the group which is sometimes a priest...

I just don't have time... Catholicism is too big and too old for little ole me to explain it well on i-net
Old Testament ~Christ concealed. New Testament ~ Christ revealed. He quoted it often...
the Bible does not say OT.. Christ concealed

He was revealed, just not in a specific way...

God doesn't change

we can't disregard a book about God just because ... whatever
I don't get how any of those psgs disproves what I've said...

they don't

You said God doesn't dwell in buildings. God is omnipresent. He is ubiquitous.
Physically, He dwells in a building in Heaven, complete with seat and alter.
On earth He did indeed dwell in a building. The Temple was God's HOUSE. He dwelt physically, in that house. The Jews would tie a rope around the waist of the Priest that was to enter the Holy of Holies in case he dropped dead in God's presence. That was so they didn't have to go in the room God dwelt in to get the priest out.

Does that answer your question?
the Bible does not say OT.. Christ concealed

He was revealed, just not in a specific way...

God doesn't change

we can't disregard a book about God just because ... whatever
It is an adage... :uhoh3:

David prophesied about the Messiah all the time. So did the OT Prophets. They concealed his name. But He is certainly there:
“Yea, all the kings shall fall down before him: all nations shall serve him. For he shall deliver the needy when he crieth; the poor also, and him that hath no helper... His name shall endure forever, his name shall be continued as long as the sun, and men shall be blessed in him, all nations shall call him blessed” (Ps. 72:11-12, 17).

No one is suggesting disregarding the Old Testament. It is 1/2 of the Bible. It is there for a reason. I am not sure why you think anyone is..
you are one lost person. Nowhere does it say in Scripture that souls are floating around waiting for a woman and man to produce a body for him/her... Please. And just how to explain how it is that when a married couple (or non married) do have a child... how is it that that child looks like and often acts like the parents? But I'm not going to talk to a wall...

and I'm not going through all your other comments bc I don't have time or inclination.. If you want to learn the truth you can, like everyone else, take a free RCIA class at a Catholic Church. They may even have some nice refeshments handy and you can talk to others, talk to the person leading the group which is sometimes a priest...

I just don't have time... Catholicism is too big and too old for little ole me to explain it well on i-net
I taught at a Catholic high school for 16 years. I'm well aware of the teachings. And, if it's too big and complicated for you to understand Catholicism, they have you right where they want you. Confusion creates profit, for them.
As I said, explain how the Lord knew Jeremiah before he was conceived in the womb of his mother if Jeremiah was not a spirit personage waiting to come to the earth? Go ahead, I'm waiting.
Are you for real? The baby looks like one of the parents because the baby shares the parent's DNA. Duh! Your spirit grows into your body as it is a much finer material. Now, here is a logic and reasoning question. If your spirit didn't enter during pregnancy, when does it enter because when you die, your spirit goes to your purgatory as you think it does. Where did your spirit come from at your death? Your explanation doesn't fit logically. But, it does mine. I know where I came from, what I'm doing here and where I'm going after this life.
You said God doesn't dwell in buildings. God is omnipresent. He is ubiquitous.
Physically, He dwells in a building in Heaven, complete with seat and alter.
On earth He did indeed dwell in a building. The Temple was God's HOUSE. He dwelt physically, in that house. The Jews would tie a rope around the waist of the Priest that was to enter the Holy of Holies in case he dropped dead in God's presence. That was so they didn't have to go in the room God dwelt in to get the priest out.

Does that answer your question?
what Q?

and i already knew about the Jews and the holy of holies

I am not only Catholic, I have studied Catholicism which of course leads one to a study of Judaism which preceded it
what Q?

and i already knew about the Jews and the holy of holies

I am not only Catholic, I have studied Catholicism which of course leads one to a study of Judaism which preceded it

You made a statement, and then posed a question in your title. The first part was wrong. God sits in Temples which are built. Like the one the Jews built for Him to sit in. If you know about the Holy of Holies, then you know God has no problem dwelling in a building...
It is an adage... :uhoh3:

David prophesied about the Messiah all the time. So did the OT Prophets. They concealed his name. But He is certainly there:
“Yea, all the kings shall fall down before him: all nations shall serve him. For he shall deliver the needy when he crieth; the poor also, and him that hath no helper... His name shall endure forever, his name shall be continued as long as the sun, and men shall be blessed in him, all nations shall call him blessed” (Ps. 72:11-12, 17).

No one is suggesting disregarding the Old Testament. It is 1/2 of the Bible. It is there for a reason. I am not sure why you think anyone is..
i have been to protestant "churches" that disregard the OT by not ever going there... I never said ALL of them do that
You made a statement, and then posed a question in your title. The first part was wrong. God sits in Temples which are built. Like the one the Jews built for Him to sit in. If you know about the Holy of Holies, then you know God has no problem dwelling in a building...
ha ha... there is

well, as per that movie

What we have here is a failure to communicate.

I am the LaST person who would say God does not dwell in buildings

It is protestants who say that... most of them

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