God Hating Jew Hating Democrats Forced To Put Both Back In Platform

The GOP establishment tried to force through a measure banning the Ron Paul delegates from being seated and Romney forced them to put it to a vote on the floor. The delegates ended up being seated.

Deocraps tried to score points with this but it didn't fly.

Now we see in undeniable video just how out of touch with America these freaks are in the Democratic Party. Obama forced through a measure that was against the will of the radical left. They are lying to us and this vote proves it. It also proves that Obama doesn't even care about the will of his own party when votes are at stake.
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But you gotta admit the votes were a hoot. If at first you don't succeed, try, try a third time. The jeering and boos were especially entertaining to me.
Obama signed off on the changes.

Obama is now being portrayed as having forced the changes through.

This is Obama trying to take credit for and not take credit for the changes.

This is the same as voting present.

Obama is for taking God and Israel out of the platform but he wants black churches to think he isn't.

Is there anything honest about this man???:confused:

And the beauty of it all is that Obama had to be in on it at the start now looks the hero.

I'm sure the network execs over at NBC will set aside an hour of programming right before
the election showing the President as being so brave and courageous because he took a bold stand against his own party and told them to put it all back in.

I almost feel bad for those delegates who I saw on the floor when they took the vote.
The 3 times they took the vote and they were screaming at the top of their lungs no. Then the guy on the podium said the ayes were the majority.

What a sham.I wonder if the delegate realized then that he means nothing to this party.
That things are done behind closed doors that he and the rest have no control over.

I said earlier I almost feel bad...but i don't really they are Democrats so they deserve to be screwed over.Now they know how the rest of us feel.

It's sort of like Obamacare.
We need to review and revise any treaties that the U.S. has with Israel in order to align our nation with the current political realities in the Middle East.

btw Turkey, Egypt, Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, etc. are also regional Democratic nations like Israel. :cool:

Sorry: can't agree with this post. Also can't imagine you typing this out with a straight face, either.....guess it's another example of your dry humor?
The rabble actually booed when democrats were shamed into putting God back in the platform. That will tell you something about the modern democrat party.
The democrats thought they were answering the will of the people in taking a liberal stand by leaving out the references to God and Jerusalem. Then they found out that not only are those not held by the majority of Americans, but not even held by a majority of democrats. They certainly were opinions held by a majority of democrats at the convention because the no votes were clearly louder than the yes votes. It just wasn't held by a general consensus of democrat voters who send an avalanche of disapproval.

Will democrats be fooled by the last minute amendment of the platform inserting language opposed by a loud majority of delegates? Putting that language back in was an obvious pander without a shred of conviction behind it.

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