God: "I am coming and I will settle scores"

Suggesting Obama is Satan or the anti Christ is bearing false witness. God was so against that he put it in his top ten. These right wingnuts are so fucked.
Glenn Beck says he got a message from God: ?I am coming and I will settle scores?

Conservative radio host Glenn Beck claimed during a commencement speech at Liberty University last Friday that God delivered an angry message to him while preparing for a 2011 appearance in Jerusalem.

“I know the love, I know the gentleness of Christ,” Beck said in video posted by Right Wing Watch on Monday. “[But] I’ve never felt the wrath.”

Beck, a Mormon, told the crowd at the Christian university that God then informed him, “You tell them I am coming and I will settle scores.”

How come it took him so long to tell us about it?


you need a life if you need to search out stuff like this just so you mock others..you have a black heart and soul

Yo Staph ... as it happened, it was linked from a legit news story and I thought you nutters would like to read one of your gods' recent lies.

He's the one with the black heart and no soul - selling phony gold and thumping his bible/book of morm at the same time. Now THAT is low.

But, I can see why you would defend him since, being a christian/morm, he wants to see people starve in the streets. Just like you.
luddy isn't happy unless he's mocking and putting down others

what a sad sad life
That's the basis for all religions. The constant yelling, back and forth,

"My god can beat up your god".

shoot, that sounds like the religious cult of Obama and all his followers...take Luds as the example

constant yelling, mocking, hating, holding himself high above everyone else
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God is pissed at what Right wingers did in his name.

You mean preach liberty to the captives? Lightening the tax burden on the laborers? Telling the truth? Taking care of the poor instead of pretending to by taking the money of others and employing a bureaucrat?
God is pissed at what Right wingers did in his name.

If you say so.....:badgrin:


Let him die.

Feed the poor and they will breed.

Bearing false witness.

Yep, God is mad.

stop spreading propaganda and He wont be mad at you.
Hi [MENTION=32558]Luddly Neddite[/MENTION]
If the message was angry or disturbing to Beck,
he may have needed to process out his side of these issues first.
Maybe this is why Beck apologized for some of his angry/negative attitude.

One book by Scott Peck took 10 years to write, explaining how his observation of schizophrenic patients treated and healed by deliverance and exorcism "changed his mind" about how satanic and demonic energies worked as real entities affecting patients from some independent source.

His mind had been changed "instantly" upon the second interview that these demonic voices were not delusions coming from the patients' minds, but part of a spiritual process he could not explain. He KNEW without a doubt there was something greater going on.
He used to think the opposite, but this changed his mind without a doubt.

But it was so profound he had to deal with his own process of changing his mind, before sharing it with others.
It had just as much to do with his own process and spiritual growth which works inside first then outward.

Other friends of mine who have had spiritual changes or experiences also
take years before they will share these with anyone else. Some still are not ready and not sure how to put it in words.

I believe this mutual process of correction and change
IS part of the 'final judgment' as a spiritual process of establishing truth peace and justice.

Glenn Beck says he got a message from God: ?I am coming and I will settle scores?

Conservative radio host Glenn Beck claimed during a commencement speech at Liberty University last Friday that God delivered an angry message to him while preparing for a 2011 appearance in Jerusalem.

“I know the love, I know the gentleness of Christ,” Beck said in video posted by Right Wing Watch on Monday. “[But] I’ve never felt the wrath.”

Beck, a Mormon, told the crowd at the Christian university that God then informed him, “You tell them I am coming and I will settle scores.”

How come it took him so long to tell us about it?

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God is pissed at what Right wingers did in his name.

If you say so.....:badgrin:


Let him die.

Feed the poor and they will breed.

Bearing false witness.

Yep, God is mad.

If you look deeply enough, we all contribute both good and bad
on a relatively equal basis. I haven't found one person or group
that didn't have both weaknesses and strengths that balance each other
on the scales of justice. The bigger the strengths the bigger the weaknesses,
and vice versa. Together, as a whole, humanity can be made perfectly harmonious,
by countering and correcting each other, like a balanced ecosystem collectively.
We still have our faults, but we can help each other bring out our strengths instead.
Hi [MENTION=32558]Luddly Neddite[/MENTION]
If the message was angry or disturbing to Beck,
he may have needed to process out his side of these issues first.

Sorta like it took 7 years for a 4y/o to "process" his father's nutter propaganda about "heaven".

Emily, you're incredibly naive and gullible, and as much a froot loop as Beck.
Maybe Beck had to make sure the message didn't come from some wicked demon trying to trick him.

Hey, demons are a problem for the righteous. Demons do everything they can to steal believers salvation.

Fortunately for me, I am not saved. Demons do not bother me because they think they are going to have all of eternity to mess me up.

One can find a silverlining for not being saved. Who knew?:alcoholic:

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