God is a King. Fear Him.


Senior Member
Nov 23, 2014
If you insult a president or a king, you will be jailed and punished more or less severely; depending on the nature of the insult. It does not mean the king is not forgiving, it does not mean that he is cruel or a tyrant. He may be very forgiving and generous, but you will still be jailed; because you came against the dignity of the king. You can be very severely punished, and no one in the country will object to it; on the contrary they will agree and ask for an even greater punishment.

God (who by the way is above any form of humanness) is a King. He is the King. If you dare come against His dignity, you will be destroyed. It's not that He cares to have you destroyed; He does not care for it in the least. But since you came against the dignity of the King, then you must be destroyed.

Hence, in Islam, the lowest punishment of an inmate of Hell will be two shoes of fire which he will wear, and on account of which his brains will boil. He will think that none will have been given a greater punishment.

There is no such thing as a lake of fire. There are among others, fires in columns outstretched. Hell is so deep that if you throw a rock from the top, it will keep falling for 70 years without reaching the bottom. That Hell will be filled to its full capacity. Fear God.
The above descriptions of hell are not in the Quran. Where are you getting this from? The descriptions of hell in the Quran are bad enough, without you adding nonsense.
In any case it was all made up by Muhammad to scare silly Arabs into following him. It shows what a cruel bastard he was, trying to scare people into following him with fear of hell.
The above descriptions of hell are not in the Quran. Where are you getting this from? The descriptions of hell in the Quran are bad enough, without you adding nonsense.

Maybe the Vatican has sent them another update.
In any case it was all made up by Muhammad to scare silly Arabs into following him. It shows what a cruel bastard he was, trying to scare people into following him with fear of hell.

Actually it came from the Vatican - Khadija was a faithful Catholic as was her cousin who interpreted for Mohammad and taught him the teachings of Augustine. It all originated with Rome.
If you insult a president or a king, you will be jailed and punished more or less severely; depending on the nature of the insult. It does not mean the king is not forgiving, it does not mean that he is cruel or a tyrant. He may be very forgiving and generous, but you will still be jailed; because you came against the dignity of the king. You can be very severely punished, and no one in the country will object to it; on the contrary they will agree and ask for an even greater punishment.

God (who by the way is above any form of humanness) is a King. He is the King. If you dare come against His dignity, you will be destroyed. It's not that He cares to have you destroyed; He does not care for it in the least. But since you came against the dignity of the King, then you must be destroyed.

Hence, in Islam, the lowest punishment of an inmate of Hell will be two shoes of fire which he will wear, and on account of which his brains will boil. He will think that none will have been given a greater punishment.

There is no such thing as a lake of fire. There are among others, fires in columns outstretched. Hell is so deep that if you throw a rock from the top, it will keep falling for 70 years without reaching the bottom. That Hell will be filled to its full capacity. Fear God.

Hell will never be full to capacity. That is not true.

It is written:

Therefore hell hath enlarged herself, and opened her mouth without measure: and their glory, and their multitude, and their pomp, and he that rejoiceth, shall descend into it.
Isaiah 5:14
Actually it came from the Vatican - Khadija was a faithful Catholic as was her cousin who interpreted for Mohammad and taught him the teachings of Augustine. It all originated with Rome.
Jeremiah, would you do everyone here a favor and quit derailing other people's threads with your off topic anti-Catholicism conspiracy theory nonsense. ..... :cool:
"God is a King. Fear Him."

There is no 'god' as perceived by theists, consequently there's nothing to 'fear.'

What represents a threat, however, is the arrogance, ignorance, fear, and hate exhibited by many theists, and their desire to compel religious conformity through force of secular law.
Actually it came from the Vatican - Khadija was a faithful Catholic as was her cousin who interpreted for Mohammad and taught him the teachings of Augustine. It all originated with Rome.
Jeremiah, would you do everyone here a favor and quit derailing other people's threads with your off topic anti-Catholicism conspiracy theory nonsense. ..... :cool:
Yeah Islamic conspiracy nonsense is so much better.

You are defaming Islam and its leaders. That is not discussion, it is a declaration of war. Muslims who are not as patient as the real good Muslims come against people like you with great violence, though they are wrong to retaliate. In any case, stop insulting Islam and its people.
Even looking at the blue sky, firm and flawless, large and endless will make you terrified of God Almighty (who is by the way above any form of humanness).

Fear of God is the beginning of the beginning. God is the King. You fear the king, you don't only rely on his generosity. Consider that you should be likewise with God. Fear God.

You are defaming Islam and its leaders. That is not discussion, it is a declaration of war. Muslims who are not as patient as the real good Muslims come against people like you with great violence, though they are wrong to retaliate. In any case, stop insulting Islam and its people.
FUCK ISLAM...........

Clear it up for you...............YES WE ARE AT WAR..............and one day the gloves will come off..............

In the middle East the Radicals of Islam, under another caliphate, are saying convert or die...............

I'll take option B..............Or else DIE.................Your side says convert or Die..............That is WAR..............

When your Radicals have finished slaughtering each other for their version of Islam is better than the other perhaps you'll turn on the rest of the world.......and then we'll have to fight the one's that survived...............

We don't Fear Islam or even Radical Islam............We FEAR THAT WE MUST DESTROY THE ENTIRE REGION................to END THIS BS................and WE FEAR WE MUST DO WHAT WE AIM TO STOP.............To Slaughter whole areas......................and become what we are there to fight..............

Such is the sickness of War..............

Put your dogs on a leash..............or we will eventually put them down for you................Don't like it and declare War..............you will not like the ending.
If you insult a president or a king, you will be jailed and punished more or less severely; depending on the nature of the insult. It does not mean the king is not forgiving, it does not mean that he is cruel or a tyrant. He may be very forgiving and generous, but you will still be jailed; because you came against the dignity of the king. You can be very severely punished, and no one in the country will object to it; on the contrary they will agree and ask for an even greater punishment.

God (who by the way is above any form of humanness) is a King. He is the King. If you dare come against His dignity, you will be destroyed. It's not that He cares to have you destroyed; He does not care for it in the least. But since you came against the dignity of the King, then you must be destroyed.

Hence, in Islam, the lowest punishment of an inmate of Hell will be two shoes of fire which he will wear, and on account of which his brains will boil. He will think that none will have been given a greater punishment.

There is no such thing as a lake of fire. There are among others, fires in columns outstretched. Hell is so deep that if you throw a rock from the top, it will keep falling for 70 years without reaching the bottom. That Hell will be filled to its full capacity. Fear God.
A True King forgives....
21 Then Peter came to him and asked, “Lord, how often should I forgive someone[a] who sins against me? Seven times?”

22 “No, not seven times,” Jesus replied, “but seventy times seven!

23 “Therefore, the Kingdom of Heaven can be compared to a king who decided to bring his accounts up to date with servants who had borrowed money from him. 24 In the process, one of his debtors was brought in who owed him millions of dollars.[c] 25 He couldn’t pay, so his master ordered that he be sold—along with his wife, his children, and everything he owned—to pay the debt.

26 “But the man fell down before his master and begged him, ‘Please, be patient with me, and I will pay it all.’ 27 Then his master was filled with pity for him, and he released him and forgave his debt.

28 “But when the man left the king, he went to a fellow servant who owed him a few thousand dollars.[d] He grabbed him by the throat and demanded instant payment.

29 “His fellow servant fell down before him and begged for a little more time. ‘Be patient with me, and I will pay it,’ he pleaded. 30 But his creditor wouldn’t wait. He had the man arrested and put in prison until the debt could be paid in full.

31 “When some of the other servants saw this, they were very upset. They went to the king and told him everything that had happened. 32 Then the king called in the man he had forgiven and said, ‘You evil servant! I forgave you that tremendous debt because you pleaded with me. 33 Shouldn’t you have mercy on your fellow servant, just as I had mercy on you?’ 34 Then the angry king sent the man to prison to be tortured until he had paid his entire debt.

35 “That’s what my heavenly Father will do to you if you refuse to forgive your brothers and sisters[e] from your heart.”
THAT is a True King. And these are the Kings true servants my friend. Forgiveness is the way. Hatred and Violence is not the way of the King.

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Even looking at the blue sky, firm and flawless, large and endless will make you terrified of God Almighty (who is by the way above any form of humanness).

Fear of God is the beginning of the beginning. God is the King. You fear the king, you don't only rely on his generosity. Consider that you should be likewise with God. Fear God.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Even looking at the blue sky, firm and flawless, large and endless will make you terrified of God Almighty (who is by the way above any form of humanness).

Fear of God is the beginning of the beginning. God is the King. You fear the king, you don't only rely on his generosity. Consider that you should be likewise with God. Fear God.

2.19. At the sound of every thunderclap for fear of death. And Allah encompasses the unbelievers.
2.40. Fear Allah, and know that Allah is with the cautious.
2.197. Fear Allah and know that he is firm in punishment.
2.203. Fear Allah and know that you shall be assembled unto him.
2.223. Fear Allah and know that you shall meet him.
2.231. Fear Allah and know that he has knowledge of everything.
2.278. Believers,fear Allah.
2.282. Fear the day when you shall return to Allah.
2.282. Fear Allah.
3.5 Fear Allah and Obey.
3.76. Fear Allah, Allah loves the cautious.
3.102. Believers, fear Allah as he should be feared and do not die. Except as a Muslim.

That is just a start on the 266 listings of the word fear in the Koran.
A book for ignorant, backward, uneducated, cowards.
You can insult.the president of the United States all day long with no consequences for yourself. No man is given so much power that he cannot be criticized. Your analogy doesn't hold up.

I know that at least Abraham and Moses argued with God. For example, when the Lord told Abraham that He would destroy Sodom and Gomorrah, father Abraham pleas with the Lord on behalf of the people.

The Lord expects us to be honest with Him in our prayers. He knows our hearts. Even if we are angry or upset with Him, He wants us to come to Him.

If any of you lack wisdom let him ask of God who gives to all men liberally and upbraideth not. (James 1:5)

The Lord is infinitely.patient and compassionate with us. Especially when we.act.out of ignorance of Him
Your God thinks murdering innocents gets you to paradise. I can see why you are terrified.
My Lord is my shepherd. I have nothing to fear.
If you insult a president or a king, you will be jailed and punished more or less severely; depending on the nature of the insult. It does not mean the king is not forgiving, it does not mean that he is cruel or a tyrant. He may be very forgiving and generous, but you will still be jailed; because you came against the dignity of the king. You can be very severely punished, and no one in the country will object to it; on the contrary they will agree and ask for an even greater punishment.

God (who by the way is above any form of humanness) is a King. He is the King. If you dare come against His dignity, you will be destroyed. It's not that He cares to have you destroyed; He does not care for it in the least. But since you came against the dignity of the King, then you must be destroyed.

Hence, in Islam, the lowest punishment of an inmate of Hell will be two shoes of fire which he will wear, and on account of which his brains will boil. He will think that none will have been given a greater punishment.

There is no such thing as a lake of fire. There are among others, fires in columns outstretched. Hell is so deep that if you throw a rock from the top, it will keep falling for 70 years without reaching the bottom. That Hell will be filled to its full capacity. Fear God.

When you feel great pain or when you experience fear, think about God at that time. think about His majesty. The One who makes you feel such pain and fear can also make you feel an infinite level of pain and fear.

Do you actually think such a Being will spare you ? If you dishonor His majesty, do you think He will just forgive you, while he is able to afflict you with an infinite level of pain or fear ? That can not be. So fear the King. Fear God. He does not take neglect of Him lightly. That can never be.

For sure, God is not abusive. But only those who reach His closeness can bear witness to His generosity, and His generosity knows no limits. But others don't and will not in the future life know about this. God does not give just like that. It comes with due striving and diligence.

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