God is silent and invisible, but wants us to believe in him without proof he exists...

"Religion" is form, and often erroneous. Faith is personal and not subject to external review or criticism. Perception is all a human has for knowing what is external. That is what makes existence subjective.
Pontius Pilate agreed with that sentiment, right before he condemned an innocent man to death because he was a coward.
He had to do it, it was part of God's' plan..
No. Everyone involved in the crucifixion had a choice. No one was forced to participate.
Then God had nothing to do with it?
God's knowledge of events before they happen does not negate free will. If that was true, we would all be automatons.
Christianity is awesome.

You can live a life of debauchery then recant on your deathbed and BOOM!, you're in heaven.

And that's why I'm a Christian.
I'm a Christian because Christianity is true. I became convinced of that after conducting an independent investigation in 1994. After reading the combined works of C.S. Lewis, including "Mere Christianity" I became convinced that Christianity is true. I then continued my investigation, and the book "Rome Sweet Home" written by Scott Hahn convinced me that Roman Catholicism was the truest denomination of Christianity. After reading over a dozen books, I then had an epiphany. I fell to my knees and asked God to tell me what I had to do to fix my life. He told me two things I had to do.
I'm going to raise my whisky glass and toast Jesus!

Slante, My Lord!
Yes, Christianity is indeed a kickass religion. People forget how we totally fucked up the Muslims during the Crusades. We need to revive some of that Christian badassery if we're going to win the modern war on terrorism.
Word traps ensnare thinking. Any 'God' would have to be outside of how our languages function.
Christianity is awesome.

You can live a life of debauchery then recant on your deathbed and BOOM!, you're in heaven.

And that's why I'm a Christian.

Not exactly.

If you are intentionally living a life of debauchery, because you think you can weasel out of it.... you are crazy.

Recanting, is being convinced of your error. Think about it in real life. If someone comes up to you, beats you, and says "Oops sorry, forgive me", and then does it again and oops "sorry forgive me". Are you going to accept that? Of course not.

He's not really sorry. If he was sorry, he would stop it. He's doing wrong, knowingly, with the belief that if he says "sorry" nothing will happen.

That's not going to work for you, so why would you think it would work for G-d?

People who recant on their death bed, only matters if they truly didn't realize how they lived their life was wrong, and now repent of it. When you say "you can...... live a life of debauchery".... that implies that you know full well what you are doing is wrong. Just like the guy walking up to you and beating you, would know its' wrong.

That's not going to work. G-d is not a fool. You don't want to be a Christian, that's fine. But don't think that you can fool G-d, when he knows exactly what you are thinking in your mind.

There's a reason Jesus said:

"Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?' Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!'

How do you think he's talking to? Fake Christians. "lord lord"... and all that jazz on your death bed, isn't going to cut it. It won't for any fake Christian.

Go back to being a pagan. Be true to how you are. If you are not a Christian, that's fine. That's your choice. Knock yourself out. But don't think you are fooling G-d. Trust me. Bad plan.
Yes, Christianity is indeed a kickass religion. People forget how we totally fucked up the Muslims during the Crusades. We need to revive some of that Christian badassery if we're going to win the modern war on terrorism.


A: if you read the Bible, it doesn't support anything that happened during the crusades.
B: if you read history, the Crusaders got mashed up more than the Muslims did.

We had about 4 victories, and all the rest were defeats. Unless you count the times they showed up, damaged stuff, and left. Not really a victory though.
...he wants it so bad that the reward is eternal life with him, in a world that is so wonderful we can't imagine how good it is.

The modern trend of believing that faith isn't important to God has it all backwards.

Faith is so important that God will overlook all our sins if we believe in him.

At Mass, every Sunday, the priest says, "Look not at our sins, but at our faith in you."

So faith is key.

I won't go as far as Martin Luther and say faith is ALL that matters, and good works are irrelevant.

But I do believe that if you have faith, and if your faith is strong enough, then good works will come naturally to you, as naturally as you breathe, drink water, or eat.

And if I'm not doing enough good works, it is because my faith is lacking.

So I think I'm going to work on that.

You're a putz, no one ever aspires to be as hypocritical as you are, and I take solace in that.

Many real people know what tomorrow is about.

You, you're probably a Satan worshipper, wanting to sacrifice children.
...he wants it so bad that the reward is eternal life with him, in a world that is so wonderful we can't imagine how good it is.

The modern trend of believing that faith isn't important to God has it all backwards.

Faith is so important that God will overlook all our sins if we believe in him.

At Mass, every Sunday, the priest says, "Look not at our sins, but at our faith in you."

So faith is key.

I won't go as far as Martin Luther and say faith is ALL that matters, and good works are irrelevant.

But I do believe that if you have faith, and if your faith is strong enough, then good works will come naturally to you, as naturally as you breathe, drink water, or eat.

And if I'm not doing enough good works, it is because my faith is lacking.

So I think I'm going to work on that.
god is nice dream.just dream
...he wants it so bad that the reward is eternal life with him, in a world that is so wonderful we can't imagine how good it is.

The modern trend of believing that faith isn't important to God has it all backwards.

Faith is so important that God will overlook all our sins if we believe in him.

At Mass, every Sunday, the priest says, "Look not at our sins, but at our faith in you."

So faith is key.

I won't go as far as Martin Luther and say faith is ALL that matters, and good works are irrelevant.

But I do believe that if you have faith, and if your faith is strong enough, then good works will come naturally to you, as naturally as you breathe, drink water, or eat.

And if I'm not doing enough good works, it is because my faith is lacking.

So I think I'm going to work on that.
god is nice dream.just dream
Those dreams while you sleep is where instructions are put in. Have you ever had a dream that seemed more real than the world, just a thought for you to ponder.
...he wants it so bad that the reward is eternal life with him, in a world that is so wonderful we can't imagine how good it is.

The modern trend of believing that faith isn't important to God has it all backwards.

Faith is so important that God will overlook all our sins if we believe in him.

At Mass, every Sunday, the priest says, "Look not at our sins, but at our faith in you."

So faith is key.

I won't go as far as Martin Luther and say faith is ALL that matters, and good works are irrelevant.

But I do believe that if you have faith, and if your faith is strong enough, then good works will come naturally to you, as naturally as you breathe, drink water, or eat.

And if I'm not doing enough good works, it is because my faith is lacking.

So I think I'm going to work on that.
We don't even know if a God exists let along what it wants. If you believe in organized religion you believe God wants you to worship him.

My question is why were dinosaurs here for so many years before us humans. Modern humans only 200,000 years but dinosaurs millions of years before us. Take 14 toilet roll squares and lay them out. We occupy a inch on one square and dinosaurs 13 squares. What was that all about? Were dinosaurs gods first creatures? A mistake? This tells us we are just one creature on this planet. There were 7 other smart ape species we are the only ones to survive. We just have big brains. No God necessary. That superstitious
god is nice dream.just dream


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