God is With Our President

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I believe the rainbow colors over the White House is a sign that God is angry with Donald Trump's latest attack on LGBT persons.
That was funny, but in reality his latest reversal of an Obama blunder was not an attack on LGBT, the Liberal media spun it that way to pander to the LGBT community and steal some of their support away from a very accepting President.
In actuality he was advised to do it by the MILITARY who it affects and can see the affects of the poor policy.
You see people were joining just to get procedures done that they could not afford.
Time away for Hormone shots and procedures ruins the cohesion of the units and those stationed in foreign lands just can't skip months leaving their duties.
They might have seen other things affecting the cohesion or ability to sign up recruits that made the roll back necessary.
A President needs to accomadate his military not press against what they need & know what's best.

No idiot. Trump woke up one morning and decided to fire one of those nonsense tweet blasting transgenders.

No idiot. I can assure you 100% that SOD Mattis did tell Trump to sent that nonsense tweet. Because:
1. Trump idiot said it cost medically too much to deal with transgenders. Trump LIED again as always. In reality it cost $8.4 millions annually to deal with these transgenders. COMPARED to $84 millions in erectile disfunction of that $41.6 millions is for viagra. That means Trump is so stupid he didn't know what he is talking about. I strongly suggest read the link.
2. Did you see how many generals and republicans and democrats lawmakers blasted Trump idiotic tweet? Military do not listen to tweets. It's not a directive order. Read the link.
3. Do you think that these transgenders in the military who sacrificed their life for the sake of this country deserved to be treated that way from Trump? For god sake this is the President of US.

Top U.S. general says Pentagon will not change policy on transgender troops until White House acts

The military spends five times as much on Viagra as it would on transgender troops’ medical care

Pentagon Reacts To Trump's Transgender Service Member Ban
1. No propagandist, he did not "blast" Transgenders, that's a word you decided to use for affect and a reason why you didn't post his tweet that outs your lie.
2. And yes the cost to the military was another reason.
And figures coming from the left are always rediculously made up, so how can you expect people to believe your figures which would have to include costs of transporting people back and forth to the states and training replacements and maybe extra lawyers and expenses for recruitment due to lower registrations. Are those in your figures?
Show me the break down MR Made Up figures.

1. Really? Using a tweet to ban transgender in public doesn't consider blasting? That is one of the most unprofessional, amateur and unpleasant way to hear you are banned. These people are serving their country with honor and with their life------ then to hear they are not needed. Dude that is a disgrace.
Propagandist? Really? Trump is doing all these nonsense crap non stop---- All we are doing is bringing it up the stupidity and ignorance. I do not lie.

Here is a copy of that dumb tweet. Why do you need a copy?
"After consultation with my Generals and military experts, please be advised that the United States government will not accept or allow transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the U.S. Military."

Trump lied. He did not consult with his generals. If he did why are his generals and even SOD Mattis blasted Trump and several GOPs. All caught by surprised. See link again.
I do not lie.

2. The figure of $8.4 millions was conducted last year by Rand Corporation. And The New England Journal of Medicine in 2015. These numbers are facts. I do not lie. What figures do you have?

Donald Trump transgender ban tweet blindsided US Joint Chiefs

Mattis appalled by Trump tweets announcing transgender ban: report

So far ALL your posted are bunch of distortions and lies.
I believe the rainbow colors over the White House is a sign that God is angry with Donald Trump's latest attack on LGBT persons.
That was funny, but in reality his latest reversal of an Obama blunder was not an attack on LGBT, the Liberal media spun it that way to pander to the LGBT community and steal some of their support away from a very accepting President.
In actuality he was advised to do it by the MILITARY who it affects and can see the affects of the poor policy.
You see people were joining just to get procedures done that they could not afford.
Time away for Hormone shots and procedures ruins the cohesion of the units and those stationed in foreign lands just can't skip months leaving their duties.
They might have seen other things affecting the cohesion or ability to sign up recruits that made the roll back necessary.
A President needs to accomadate his military not press against what they need & know what's best.
Donald Trump said he was advised by his generals to ban transgenders from the military but this was another of his lies.
The military were taken by surprise by the conman's tweet.
Fake news, it's called selective recognition and refusing sources.
The Generals and top brass like
Mattis and others opposed the removal of the ban by Obama when it happened. And even Retired Lieutenant General Benjamin R. Mixon and other retired Generals voiced concern that Trump had to consider as experts.
The financial strain of the policy was a giant factor as well.

According to a recent poll from Rasmussen Reports, Secretary of Defense, General James Mattis’ move to officially freeze an Obama-era policy to recruit transgender soldiers in 2017 is a pretty popular one amongst most Americans, as it appears roughly two out of every three swing voters agree the Pentagon should halt plans to recruit transgenders.

Yes idiot---- All levels of military was taken by surprised from Trump low life tweet. Even General Mattis was caught off guard.
In reality Mattis just said 3 weeks before that dumb tweet ----- He is delaying it for 6 months.
Also Rasmussen Poll is the most unscientific, unreliable BIAS source of information for retard is not valid. In reality high percentage of Americans support transgender in the military. Read these link to update yourself.

Mattis appalled by Trump tweets announcing transgender ban: report

Mattis appalled by Trump tweets announcing transgender ban: report

Defense Secretary James Mattis was caught off guard by President Trump's announcement that he was banning transgender people from serving in the military, according to a New York Times report.

Mattis, who was on vacation at the time of Trump's decision, only had one day's worth of notice before Trump tweeted his announcement of the policy, the paper reported.
The report described him as "appalled."
Sources close to the Defense secretary told the Times that Mattis was infuriated by the tweets, and saw them as an insult to transgender Americans currently serving in the military.

Majority Say Transgender Individuals Should Be Allowed to Serve in Military

Poll Finds Most Americans Support Transgender Military Service
Can you read? I said Mattis during Obamas lift of the ban he opposed because of the expenses and interference with troup cohesion nothing about his reaction to Trumps reinstatement. But if you read carefully the fake news spin, it only says Mattis was surprised (taken back) and they take it upon themselves to use words like Appalled which when questioned by other sources he says he never said anything for or against Trump's reinstatement.
Your spin of News trustworthy rating=2
There was another military person who was for this ban, but his comments and the web site are being burried by Google and I can't find his name in my files, I probably deleted the info cause I don't like outing names.
Maybe an uncensored search engine might have the article and other Generals comments. It's getting harder and harder to dig deep in research with Google lately.

Read what? What is there to read from your lies?
No I do not spin. All my post are facts. It is you who keep spinning.
Do you have any link to prove any of your propaganda?
That was funny, but in reality his latest reversal of an Obama blunder was not an attack on LGBT, the Liberal media spun it that way to pander to the LGBT community and steal some of their support away from a very accepting President.
In actuality he was advised to do it by the MILITARY who it affects and can see the affects of the poor policy.
You see people were joining just to get procedures done that they could not afford.
Time away for Hormone shots and procedures ruins the cohesion of the units and those stationed in foreign lands just can't skip months leaving their duties.
They might have seen other things affecting the cohesion or ability to sign up recruits that made the roll back necessary.
A President needs to accomadate his military not press against what they need & know what's best.
Donald Trump said he was advised by his generals to ban transgenders from the military but this was another of his lies.
The military were taken by surprise by the conman's tweet.
Fake news, it's called selective recognition and refusing sources.
The Generals and top brass like
Mattis and others opposed the removal of the ban by Obama when it happened. And even Retired Lieutenant General Benjamin R. Mixon and other retired Generals voiced concern that Trump had to consider as experts.
The financial strain of the policy was a giant factor as well.

According to a recent poll from Rasmussen Reports, Secretary of Defense, General James Mattis’ move to officially freeze an Obama-era policy to recruit transgender soldiers in 2017 is a pretty popular one amongst most Americans, as it appears roughly two out of every three swing voters agree the Pentagon should halt plans to recruit transgenders.

Yes idiot---- All levels of military was taken by surprised from Trump low life tweet. Even General Mattis was caught off guard.
In reality Mattis just said 3 weeks before that dumb tweet ----- He is delaying it for 6 months.
Also Rasmussen Poll is the most unscientific, unreliable BIAS source of information for retard is not valid. In reality high percentage of Americans support transgender in the military. Read these link to update yourself.

Mattis appalled by Trump tweets announcing transgender ban: report

Mattis appalled by Trump tweets announcing transgender ban: report

Defense Secretary James Mattis was caught off guard by President Trump's announcement that he was banning transgender people from serving in the military, according to a New York Times report.

Mattis, who was on vacation at the time of Trump's decision, only had one day's worth of notice before Trump tweeted his announcement of the policy, the paper reported.
The report described him as "appalled."
Sources close to the Defense secretary told the Times that Mattis was infuriated by the tweets, and saw them as an insult to transgender Americans currently serving in the military.

Majority Say Transgender Individuals Should Be Allowed to Serve in Military

Poll Finds Most Americans Support Transgender Military Service
Can you read? I said Mattis during Obamas lift of the ban he opposed because of the expenses and interference with troup cohesion nothing about his reaction to Trumps reinstatement. But if you read carefully the fake news spin, it only says Mattis was surprised (taken back) and they take it upon themselves to use words like Appalled which when questioned by other sources he says he never said anything for or against Trump's reinstatement.
Your spin of News trustworthy rating=2
There was another military person who was for this ban, but his comments and the web site are being burried by Google and I can't find his name in my files, I probably deleted the info cause I don't like outing names.
Maybe an uncensored search engine might have the article and other Generals comments. It's getting harder and harder to dig deep in research with Google lately.

Read what? What is there to read from your lies?
No I do not spin. All my post are facts. It is you who keep spinning.
Do you have any link to prove any of your propaganda?
I have no idea what you are having your rant over, be specific, and what would a link prove to what are you confused about?
And you never answered where they got their pie in the sky figures from, nor did they calculate the many underlining costs such as stated in my post, all common sense.
I don't trust any figures you guys rant on about, because everytime you look at the source you find it's a partisan source.
Calling your posts all facts is a joke and questioning my info or knowledge is even funnier especially the times when I'm using a reflection of your own party's standards.=means you are questioning your own methods of reasoning.
Why the hell do you guys like this dude then?

Ending endless Turd World Democrat immigration.

Supreme Court

Freeing Business regulation

Putting AMERICANS first

He's not Hillary.

Those are the reasons he got my cote

The world is not all about immigration or Supreme Court.

Americans first? You may want to ask majority of Americans who hate this dude.
You may want ask why keep disgracing Americans. Remember when he make all those ego boosting rally speech ------ The democrats. He is not putting Americans first but dividing America.

Business Regulations? Like what? Be specific.

He's not Hillary? Definitely Hillary is female but stronger than Trump which is worse than a woman that keep bitchin about election, need so much time off to play golf, lie and lie lie. Etc etc etc.
I believe the rainbow colors over the White House is a sign that God is angry with Donald Trump's latest attack on LGBT persons.
That was funny, but in reality his latest reversal of an Obama blunder was not an attack on LGBT, the Liberal media spun it that way to pander to the LGBT community and steal some of their support away from a very accepting President.
In actuality he was advised to do it by the MILITARY who it affects and can see the affects of the poor policy.
You see people were joining just to get procedures done that they could not afford.
Time away for Hormone shots and procedures ruins the cohesion of the units and those stationed in foreign lands just can't skip months leaving their duties.
They might have seen other things affecting the cohesion or ability to sign up recruits that made the roll back necessary.
A President needs to accomadate his military not press against what they need & know what's best.

No idiot. Trump woke up one morning and decided to fire one of those nonsense tweet blasting transgenders.

No idiot. I can assure you 100% that SOD Mattis did tell Trump to sent that nonsense tweet. Because:
1. Trump idiot said it cost medically too much to deal with transgenders. Trump LIED again as always. In reality it cost $8.4 millions annually to deal with these transgenders. COMPARED to $84 millions in erectile disfunction of that $41.6 millions is for viagra. That means Trump is so stupid he didn't know what he is talking about. I strongly suggest read the link.
2. Did you see how many generals and republicans and democrats lawmakers blasted Trump idiotic tweet? Military do not listen to tweets. It's not a directive order. Read the link.
3. Do you think that these transgenders in the military who sacrificed their life for the sake of this country deserved to be treated that way from Trump? For god sake this is the President of US.

Top U.S. general says Pentagon will not change policy on transgender troops until White House acts

The military spends five times as much on Viagra as it would on transgender troops’ medical care

Pentagon Reacts To Trump's Transgender Service Member Ban
1. No propagandist, he did not "blast" Transgenders, that's a word you decided to use for affect and a reason why you didn't post his tweet that outs your lie.
2. And yes the cost to the military was another reason.
And figures coming from the left are always rediculously made up, so how can you expect people to believe your figures which would have to include costs of transporting people back and forth to the states and training replacements and maybe extra lawyers and expenses for recruitment due to lower registrations. Are those in your figures?
Show me the break down MR Made Up figures.

1. Really? Using a tweet to ban transgender in public doesn't consider blasting? That is one of the most unprofessional, amateur and unpleasant way to hear you are banned. These people are serving their country with honor and with their life------ then to hear they are not needed. Dude that is a disgrace.
Propagandist? Really? Trump is doing all these nonsense crap non stop---- All we are doing is bringing it up the stupidity and ignorance. I do not lie.

Here is a copy of that dumb tweet. Why do you need a copy?
"After consultation with my Generals and military experts, please be advised that the United States government will not accept or allow transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the U.S. Military."

Trump lied. He did not consult with his generals. If he did why are his generals and even SOD Mattis blasted Trump and several GOPs. All caught by surprised. See link again.
I do not lie.

2. The figure of $8.4 millions was conducted last year by Rand Corporation. And The New England Journal of Medicine in 2015. These numbers are facts. I do not lie. What figures do you have?

Donald Trump transgender ban tweet blindsided US Joint Chiefs

Mattis appalled by Trump tweets announcing transgender ban: report

So far ALL your posted are bunch of distortions and lies.
1)by posting the actual tweet you've proved your hate and anger implies it as blasting where there is no blasting going on there=epic fail propaganda rating=10
2)you are using a think tank as a source not facts as you claim, they are from 2016 no less & commissioned by Barack Obama’s secretary of defense, nah they never fudged numbers have they? You are getting this slant from The Guardian Article which is a
platform for liberal and left-wing editorial.
But There is opposing figures like
In June, the congresswoman Vicki Hartzler of Missouri said that the cost of covering service members’ transition care was “over a billion dollars”, but you magically overlook and fail to mention the balance of views.
So you are not posting facts, you are posting subjective views as propaganda by leaving out vital facts of info, including not answering my questions that prove the partisan research did not consider all the underlining expenses that occur beyond the obvious surface ones.
You can't answer my questions, so you have no idea how they derive their figure and thus how they failed to look at a wide angle
view of the situation and the affects and their costs.

Congress and the executive branch are
feasting on this propaganda machine of supposedly independent research from hundreds of nonprofit institutions that are pursuing fiercely partisan agendas and are funded by undisclosed corporations, wealthy individuals, and often times both.

Think Think Tanks Are Nonpartisan? Think Again

Many D.C. think tanks are now players in partisan wars -get a clue.
From their own mouths:
Employee at the RAND Corporation. ... "Anybody who is doing this kind of work on minimum wage, everybody is going to have a bias," she said.
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