God is With Our President

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Being that you are stupid and liberal, I will once again, say what Gods gifts are and why 2 men or 2 women cannot have them(Naturally). Satan walks the world giving people a choice to follow him(immorality) or follow God(morally). When 2 men poke each others Uranus and say "this is good" or 2 women muff diving and saying "#$@%&^%&" which is "this is good" while down on each other, God cant give them a child from their unity, because they cannot unite under God. So while one may have a genetic link to the child, the other "partner" doesn't so will always have some resentment towards that child. It is scientific FACT that a child bonds with 2 natural parents. You libtards don't know science or morals, so have no clue about life. Just drink that liberal koolaid..
Ahh, so you truly aren't a Christian. You just play one on the Internet. Got it. Thanks....and may God be merciful on your soul.
Are your feelings hurt?
No. Does it make you feel better to mock God and piss on the words of Jesus?

you have a fake quote as a tag line
So do you. Pot meet kettle

No I do not ...I have a personalized quote that is not attributed to Leonard Cohen because it paraphrases ... it is also missing a critical piece that gives it context...that being a picture of my avatar in jail created by a right wing nut to mock me ...that picture was removed without consulting with me by USMB ...

assuming that I had not done that and attributed it to Cohen it still does not turn the quote on its head...this chump who uses the fake quote attributes the quote to George Carlin and turns what Carlin was saying upside down to mean the opposite of what Carlin said ..
Against the forces of liberal darkness.

Double rainbow appears Aug 3rd
The Christians are all talk...

their own founder Jesus allegedly told them "sell all you got and help the poor" ... Guess what ...the Evangelical Christians have a psychotic hatred of poor people...they consider poor folks getting food stamp to be the same as feeding wild animals in the woods...they demean the poor by stereotyping them as lazy shiftless drug addicts ...they create propaganda images of "Black Buck and Welfare Queens" in order to use Dog whistle racial stereotypes against the poor....

I am a Heathen ...how come a Heathen has to school you on your own beliefs and your inconsistencies and contradictions ... If you lived up even fractionally to what your Jesus said then perhaps we could get along ...but no Evangelicals are lined up with "Gog , Magog and Mammon" the Donald Trump hired Legal Guns for cripes sake ....dudes you have to serve somebody

Being that you are stupid and liberal, I will once again, say what Gods gifts are and why 2 men or 2 women cannot have them(Naturally). Satan walks the world giving people a choice to follow him(immorality) or follow God(morally). When 2 men poke each others Uranus and say "this is good" or 2 women muff diving and saying "#$@%&^%&" which is "this is good" while down on each other, God cant give them a child from their unity, because they cannot unite under God. So while one may have a genetic link to the child, the other "partner" doesn't so will always have some resentment towards that child. It is scientific FACT that a child bonds with 2 natural parents. You libtards don't know science or morals, so have no clue about life. Just drink that liberal koolaid..
Ahh, so you truly aren't a Christian. You just play one on the Internet. Got it. Thanks....and may God be merciful on your soul.
Are your feelings hurt?
No. Does it make you feel better to mock God and piss on the words of Jesus?
If I'm talking to people who want to force their religion on others, it at least provides some humor - which is certainly kinder than they deserve.
Ahh, so you truly aren't a Christian. You just play one on the Internet. Got it. Thanks....and may God be merciful on your soul.

Evangelicals voted for a serial adulterer who lies 24/7/365 ...easily routinely...he is a total fraud ...he stole 25 million dollars with a fake University and had to pay it back...he has been accused of rape in court documents and has been accused of numerous sexual assault..he is on record as believing that he has the Right to grab at woman's genitals ...4000 law suits demonstrating he is a total rip off ...six bankruptcies leaving his creditors on the hook...who the fuck is going to respect Christian evangelicals ... I sure as shit don't they are assholes
And you voted for the crooked, sickly, vagina, ex candidate, who enabled her husband to rape and abuse women, by calling the abused women, trailer trash. Some people wake up from being duped by liberalism, some don't.

Being that you are stupid and liberal, I will once again, say what Gods gifts are and why 2 men or 2 women cannot have them(Naturally). Satan walks the world giving people a choice to follow him(immorality) or follow God(morally). When 2 men poke each others Uranus and say "this is good" or 2 women muff diving and saying "#$@%&^%&" which is "this is good" while down on each other, God cant give them a child from their unity, because they cannot unite under God. So while one may have a genetic link to the child, the other "partner" doesn't so will always have some resentment towards that child. It is scientific FACT that a child bonds with 2 natural parents. You libtards don't know science or morals, so have no clue about life. Just drink that liberal koolaid..
Ahh, so you truly aren't a Christian. You just play one on the Internet. Got it. Thanks....and may God be merciful on your soul.
Are your feelings hurt?
No. Does it make you feel better to mock God and piss on the words of Jesus?
If I'm talking to people who want to force their religion on others, it at least provides some humor - which is certainly kinder than they deserve.
Be it religion, government or anything else, any person who tries to force themselves and their ideas, beliefs, whatever onto another person is in the wrong and, IMO, should be fought against both verbally and, if necessary, physically.

you have a fake quote as a tag line
So do you. Pot meet kettle

No I do not ...I have a personalized quote that is not attributed to Leonard Cohen because it paraphrases ... it is also missing a critical piece that gives it context...that being a picture of my avatar in jail created by a right wing nut to mock me ...that picture was removed without consulting with me by USMB ...

assuming that I had not done that and attributed it to Cohen it still does not turn the quote on its head...this chump who uses the fake quote attributes the quote to George Carlin and turns what Carlin was saying upside down to mean the opposite of what Carlin said ..

Translation: I took Cohen's quote, changed two words and now call it mine. Some call it plagiarism, but I'm a legend my own mind, so I do not.

No worries, Tyrone. Many people here know you are a bit mental even if you are also a plagiarist and liar.
Translation: I took Cohen's quote, changed two words and now call it mine. Some call it plagiarism, but I'm a legend my own mind, so I do not.

No worries, Tyrone. Many people here know you are a bit mental even if you are also a plagiarist and liar.
Fuck you...changing your Avatar does not change your total support for the Slavery Institution of the Confederacy...you are a phony ..Many know what a weak sad forlorn Trump puppy dog you are
alot of Americans who claim to have read the bible ought to live by it. The bible preaches plenty about helping the least among us and that material wealth is nothing. But it seems that they believe the opposite. And they call themselves Christians. Liars is what they are.
alot of Americans who claim to have read the bible ought to live by it. The bible preaches plenty about helping the least among us and that material wealth is nothing. But it seems that they believe the opposite. And they call themselves Christians. Liars is what they are.
Some are, most are not. You are judging all 2+ billion Christians by a handful of very loud, very opinionated RWers who favor one particular brand of "Christianity". This is not what most Christians believe.

Are you a Christian, initforme? Some other religion? An atheist or agnostic?
Don't piss God off guys...let's get back to the topic and save the personal fights for our spendidly decorated FZ...

Don't piss God off guys...let's get back to the topic and save the personal fights for our spendidly decorated FZ...

God has a thick skin and a great sense of humor, but agreed, Coyote. The FZ is better place for bickering and keeping this on topic here is good.

As such, while I believe God is, indeed, with President Trump, I also believe God is with all of us...yes, even Hillary. :D
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