God is With Our President

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God is with our President!

That was the previous homosexual and his tranny partner. What a disgrace to the United States to have such shown on the White House. Do you think that the Muslims of America felt proud that day? Oh yeah, it is okay for a black guy to insult another minority group, right?

God forgives gays, And God forgives Obama.
God doesn't give a crap about Trump. Trump is anything but a man of God. God doesn't like adulterers and liars. Those are big big sins in every religion and Trump has committed those sins multiple times.
1) The Hebrew God is an Essence not a figure or form
2)that Essence can be reflected or inspired in even the least likely subjects.
Moses and David and Solomon are not perfect. Cyrus was anointed was not
perfect and not Jewish.
Biblical characters in the OT are left with their dirty laundry to learn by and grow from, nobody learns from a perfect whitewashed fake plastic PHONEY image
-Ezekiel 28 warning about the fallen false prophet.
If Clinton would have paid attention to the story of David and the iniquities in his character, then he would not have fallen prey to his infidelities.
A person is still righteous even if he/she occasionally sins: see I Kings 15:5,
Num 32:11-12.
God is with our President!

That was the previous homosexual and his tranny partner. What a disgrace to the United States to have such shown on the White House. Do you think that the Muslims of America felt proud that day? Oh yeah, it is okay for a black guy to insult another minority group, right?

I don't give a shit if you, or any other religious whiners, felt proud that day. The fact that it made blood come out of your wherever is just added bonus. :thup:
And the blood is coming out of your whatever now that Men with tits aren't going to be allowed in Military women's showers. That is the added bonus with President Trump turning you libtards into raving lunatics.

That's funny b/c I haven't said shit about trannies in the military. Swing and a miss, retard.
I believe the rainbow colors over the White House is a sign that God is angry with Donald Trump's latest attack on LGBT persons.
That was funny, but in reality his latest reversal of an Obama blunder was not an attack on LGBT, the Liberal media spun it that way to pander to the LGBT community and steal some of their support away from a very accepting President.
In actuality he was advised to do it by the MILITARY who it affects and can see the affects of the poor policy.
You see people were joining just to get procedures done that they could not afford.
Time away for Hormone shots and procedures ruins the cohesion of the units and those stationed in foreign lands just can't skip months leaving their duties.
They might have seen other things affecting the cohesion or ability to sign up recruits that made the roll back necessary.
A President needs to accomadate his military not press against what they need & know what's best.
Donald Trump said he was advised by his generals to ban transgenders from the military but this was another of his lies.
The military were taken by surprise by the conman's tweet.
I believe the rainbow colors over the White House is a sign that God is angry with Donald Trump's latest attack on LGBT persons.
I agree, it's now obvious that he's divinely screwed.
God is with our President!

That was the previous homosexual and his tranny partner. What a disgrace to the United States to have such shown on the White House. Do you think that the Muslims of America felt proud that day? Oh yeah, it is okay for a black guy to insult another minority group, right?

God forgives gays, And God forgives Obama.
And Saddam..
God is with our President!

That was the previous homosexual and his tranny partner. What a disgrace to the United States to have such shown on the White House. Do you think that the Muslims of America felt proud that day? Oh yeah, it is okay for a black guy to insult another minority group, right?

I don't give a shit if you, or any other religious whiners, felt proud that day. The fact that it made blood come out of your wherever is just added bonus. :thup:
And the blood is coming out of your whatever now that Men with tits aren't going to be allowed in Military women's showers. That is the added bonus with President Trump turning you libtards into raving lunatics.

That's funny b/c I haven't said shit about trannies in the military. Swing and a miss, retard.
I think he has the best drugs for escaping reality..
^^^^^^^ talk about grasping at straws. :lmao:

1 Thessalonians 4:16
For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a
shout, with *the voice of the archangel*, and with the Trump of God.

Doesn't say Trumpet.

Now about your favorite song, you seem to always avoid answering what it is, are you affraid?

Err; in the DR and Geneva before the AKJV it says Trumpet.

[15] For the Lord himself shall come down from heaven with commandment, and with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God: and the dead who are in Christ, shall rise first.
Many words get changed in translation (like you just did)from assumptions due to words not making sense, then you find out the word was correct all along, but not revealed until it's time it is understood.
Example 'Visions of the Night' makes no sense to them, so they retranslate what it says to "Night Visions", but if you read the Dead Sea Scrolls or know the legend of Yeru Shalem becoming City of Shalom then you know Night (Michael the Evening Star)is a person and suddenly Daniel's
"vision of the Night" makes sense as it was written not as you seek it to say changing it's message.

Remember this commentary of Theslonians is derived from Daniel which was describing the coming with or out of the
KOHANIM GATHERING(CLOUDS)Procession to the Temple.

Then there is the message from the Washingtonians: Render unto government what you earned and then render unto government what you have left.
God doesn't give a crap about Trump. Trump is anything but a man of God. God doesn't like adulterers and liars. Those are big big sins in every religion and Trump has committed those sins multiple times.
As had most of those douchebags in Washington DC on both sides of the aisle including your favorite; the Clintons.
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